Using Adobe Connect Platform: A Case of Iranian English Learners and Teachers in Sirjan
محورهای موضوعی : Research Paper
Zahra Abdollahi
Marjan Moiinvaziri
1 - Department of English Language, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran
2 - Department of English Language, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran
کلید واژه: E-Learning, Online Teaching, Adobe Connect, E-learning Platform,
چکیده مقاله :
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the most significant disruption of education systems in human history worldwide. In the present condition, E-learning platforms have gained more importance and become a permanent part of teachers’ and students’ lives. Consequently, studying E-learning platforms from a systemic approach gained the most prominence. One of the available and most used online platforms in Iran is “Adobe Connect”. Therefore, this study has investigated the challenges and benefits of using “Adobe Connect” in the Iranian E-learning system from the point of view of EFL students and teachers. This is a case study in which an in-depth understanding of language learning through the mentioned online platform was sought. The participants consisted of 10 EFL teachers and 158 students studying English at Islamic Azad University and Ilia Language Institute in Sirjan, who were selected based on purposive sampling. The data were collected using a researcher-made five-Likert scale questionnaire, including 27 items and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated a moderately positive attitude of language learners’ toward “Adobe Connect”. In addition, the EFL teachers presented a series of advantages and disadvantages of this platform. The obtained outcomes could serve the online platform creators and developers, teachers and learners as users of this platform and as a model for countries with similar technology infrastructure and cultural features wishing to improve their e-learning systems.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the most significant disruption of education systems in human history worldwide. In the present condition, E-learning platforms have gained more importance and become a permanent part of teachers’ and students’ lives. Consequently, studying E-learning platforms from a systemic approach gained the most prominence. One of the available and most used online platforms in Iran is “Adobe Connect”. Therefore, this study has investigated the challenges and benefits of using “Adobe Connect” in the Iranian E-learning system from the point of view of EFL students and teachers. This is a case study in which an in-depth understanding of language learning through the mentioned online platform was sought. The participants consisted of 10 EFL teachers and 158 students studying English at Islamic Azad University and Ilia Language Institute in Sirjan, who were selected based on purposive sampling. The data were collected using a researcher-made five-Likert scale questionnaire, including 27 items and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated a moderately positive attitude of language learners’ toward “Adobe Connect”. In addition, the EFL teachers presented a series of advantages and disadvantages of this platform. The obtained outcomes could serve the online platform creators and developers, teachers and learners as users of this platform and as a model for countries with similar technology infrastructure and cultural features wishing to improve their e-learning systems.
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