فهرست مقالات Green protocol دسترسی آزاد مقاله صفحه چکیده متن کامل 1 - A green protocol for synthesis of pyran annulated hetrocyclic systems using Na2SO4 as an efficient catalyst Malek Taher Maghsoodlou Amin Masoumnia Mir Rasul Mousavi Nourollah Hazeri Jasem Aboonajmi Sayyed Mostafa Habibi-Khorasani Shiva Kiaee دسترسی آزاد مقاله صفحه چکیده متن کامل 2 - Thiamine hydrochloride (Vit-B1): An optimized green alternative for the synthesis of polyhydroquinoline derivatives Somnath Gholap Navnath Gunjal