The Effect of Okra Stem as a By-product on Dough Rheology and Bread Quality
الموضوعات : Food and Health
Amirhosein Elhamirad
Somayeh Amirabbasi
Mohammad Reza Saedi Asl
Mohamad Armin
Seyed Hamidreza Ziaolhagh
1 - Islamic Azad University, Department of Food Science and Technology, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
2 - Islamic Azad University, Department of Food Science and Technology, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
3 - Islamic Azad University, Department of Food Science and Technology, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
4 - Islamic Azad University, Department of Food Science and Technology, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
5 - Department of Agricultural Engineering Research, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Semnan Province (Shahrood), AREEO, Shahrood, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Bread, Waste, Composite, Okra stem,
ملخص المقالة :
In this study, Okra stem (OS) flour (OSF), as an agricultural by-product rich in dietary fibers and polysaccharides, was used to formulate new composite wheat bread and improve its functional and rheological properties without having a negative impact on consumer general acceptance. The effect of wheat flour (WF) replacement with OSF (0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%) was investigated on dough rheology, bread quality, and sensory characteristics. There was a positive correlation between the percentage of substitution of WF by OSF and water absorption capacity (WAC), dough consistency, stability time, and degree of softening. Dough development time in OSF was 34.78% less than WF. A significant decrease in the crumb firmness, the stretch resistance (BU), tensile strength (mm), and energy (cm2) was observed with increasing the replacement percentage (P<0.01). The volume of bread changed significantly with the percentage of replacement (P<0.01) and had a negative correlation with it. Including OSF led to a reduction in porosity and an increase in moisture loss. The results demonstrated WF can be replaced by OSF up to 12% without negatively affecting the quality of bread.
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