طراحی مدل پرونده الکترونیک سلامت با امنیت بالا در تله مدیسین مبتنی براینترنت اشیا
الموضوعات :
فاطمه ربیعی فر
رضا رادفر
عباس طلوعی اشلقی
1 - دانشجو دکتری رشته مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
2 - استاد رشته مدیریت سیستم، گروه مدیریت تکنولوژی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران ، ایران
3 - استاد رشته مدیریت صنعتی، گروه مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: پرونده الکترونیک سلامت, اینترنت اشیا, تله مدیسین, هوشمندی,
ملخص المقالة :
مقدمه: یکی از مهمترین عملکردهای مدیریتی، در حوزه سلامت الکترونیک ، امنیت اطلاعات است که نقش بالایی در افزایش اعتماد مردم به کیفیـت خدمات ارائه شده دراین سازمانها دارد. در این پژوهش، تخصیص امنیت بالاتر ، قابلیت تعامل دستگاهها از راه دور را بهبود میبخشد.روش پژوهش: در این مطالعه، پژوهشهای منتشر شده مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که مسبب طراحی مدل مفهومی اولیه گردید و در مرحله بعد، با استفاده از چهار گام دلفی ، توسط 22 نفر از خبرگان ،این حوزهها مورد غربالگری قرار گرفت و مدل مفهومی نهایی، با عوامل موثر ارائه گردید. مطابق با نتایج، ضریب هماهنگی کندال در دور چهارم 0.007 بود که نشان میدهد اتفاق نظر میان خبرگان حاصل شده است و میتوان به تکرار گامها پایان داد واین میزان کاملا معنادار به حساب میاید.یافتهها: این پژوهش، پذیرش پرونده الکترونیک سلامت امن با ارائه مدل مفهومی بیان نمود و به کشف فرصتهای کارافرینانه اینترنت اشیا و همچنین پاسخگویی مناسبتر به بیماران در فضای فناوری اطلاعات میپردازد. مدل اولیه شامل سه بخش است محتوی ابزارهای هوشمند بیمار، مرکز دادههای ابر و محیط هوشمند پزشک یا خدمات درمانی و اورژانس و در نهایت مدل مفهومی نهایی، با عوامل موثر ارائه گردید.نتیجهگیری: مدل نهایی مستقیماً روی شاخصهای مهم درمانی مانند کاهش تعداد خطا و کاهش طول مدت درمان تأثیرگذار است. توانایی انتقال داده دراین بستر به هوشمند شدن تله مدیسین منتج گردیده است.
1- Baker SB, Xiang W, Atkinson I. Internet of things for smart healthcare: Technologies, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Access, 2017; 5: 29-44. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2775180
2- Parikh DP, Dhanotiya A, Vetrivelan P. Blockchain-Based Secure IoT Telemedicine System. InFuturistic Communication and Network Technologies; 2022: 923-935. Springer, Singapore.
3- Garces-Salazar A, Manzano S, Nuñez C, Pallo JP, Jurado M, Garcia MV. Low-Cost IoT Platform for Telemedicine Applications. InSmart Trends in Computing and Communications; 2022: 269-277. Springer, Singapore.
4-Gulati K, Boddu RS, Kapila D, Bangare SL, Chandnani N, Saravanan G. A review paper on wireless sensor network techniques in Internet of Things (IoT). Materials Today: Proceedings; 2021 May 19.
5-Fajrin HR, Adi BS, Purwoko H, Sari IP. Telemedicine-equipped android interface-based heart rate monitoring. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021 Mar; 21(3): 1332-40.
6-Huanan Z, Suping X, Jiannan W. Security and application of wireless sensor network. Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Jan 1; 183: 486-92.
7-Jose S. IOT, AoT, AI, machine learning, cloud, big data and predictive analytics to dominate in 2017: Teradata India [Internet]. India: Tech And Startups; 2017; Available from: https://se.Linkedin.Com/pulse/iot-aot-ai-machine-learning-cloud-big-data-predictive-sunil-jose.
8- Han ZB, Li XH, Huang KM, Feng ZY. A software defined network-based security assessment framework for cloudIoT. IEEE Internet Things J, 2018; 5(3): 1424-34.
9- Hema LK, Dwibedi RK, Karthikeyan R, Vanitha V. IoT Based Telemedicine System. InFurther Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems, 2021 Springer: 219-225.
10- Sharma N, Kaushik I, Agarwal VK, Bhushan B, Khamparia A. Attacks and security measures in wireless sensor network. Intelligent Data Analytics for Terror Threat Prediction: Architectures, Methodologies, Techniques and Applications, 2021 Jan; 22: 237-68.
11- Yu D, Kang J, Dong J. Service attack improvement in wireless sensor network based on machine learning. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2021 Feb 1; 80: 103637.
12- Ben Ida I, Jemai A, Loukil A. A survey on security of IoT in the context of ehealth and clouds. Proceedings of the 11th International Design & Test Symposium; 2016 Dec 18-20; Hammamet, Tunisia; 2017: 25-30.
13- Jaiswal S, Gupta D. Security requirements for internet of things (IoT). In: Modi N, Verma P, Trivedi B, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Networks; 2016 Feb; Ahmedabad, India; 2017: 419-27.
14- Kugean C, Krishnan SM, Chutatape O, et al. Design of a mobile telemedicine system with wireless LAN. IEEE Compute, 2002; 1: 313-6.
15- Wang S, Chen Y. Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture with Security System. Journal of Sensors; 2021.
16- Dhariwal K, Mehta A. Architecture and plan of smart hospital based on Internet of Things (IoT). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017; 4(4): 1976-1980.
17- Ifzarne S, Hafidi I, Idrissi N. Secure data collection for wireless sensor network. InEmerging Trends in ICT for Sustainable Development; 2021: 241-248.
18- Jia C, Ding H, Zhang C, Zhang X. Design of a dynamic key management plan for intelligent building energy management system based on wireless sensor network and blockchain technology. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021 Feb 1; 60(1): 337-46.
19- Oktian YE, Witanto EN, Lee SG. A conceptual architecture in decentralizing computing, storage, and networking aspect of IoT infrastructure. IoT, 2021 Jun; 2(2): 205-21.
20- Hajjaji Y, Boulila W, Farah IR, Romdhani I, Hussain A. Big data and IoT-based applications in smart environments: A systematic review. Computer Science Review, 2021 Feb 1; 39: 100318.
21- Kushalnagar.N, Montenegro,G and Schumacher.C,“IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs): Overview, Assumptions, Problem Statement, and Goals”, RFC 4919, Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 4919, 2017.
22- Tchao ET, Diawuo K, Ofosu WK. Mobile telemedicine implementation with WiMAX technology: A case study of Ghana. Journal of medical systems, Jan 2017; 41(1): 17.
23- Ministry of Health, National Health Policy: Ensuring a healthy life for all, Accra, January; 2020.
24- Yusif S, Jeffrey SO. Preparedness for e-Health in developing countries: the case of Ghana. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 2014 Jul 3; 8(2).
25- Din IU, Almogren A, Guizani M, Zuair M. A decade of Internet of Things: Analysis in the light of healthcare applications. IEEE Access, 2019; 7: 89967-79.
26- Refaee EA, Shamsudheen S. A computing system that integrates deep learning and the internet of things for effective disease diagnosis in smart health care systems. The Journal of Supercomputing; 2022 Jan 17: 1-22.
27- Byrne S. Remote Medical Monitoring and Cloud-based Internet of Things Healthcare Systems. American Journal of Medical Research, 2019; 6(2): 19-24.
28- Vyas S, Bhargava D. Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing in Smart Health Systems. InSmart Health Systems; 2021: 87-100.
29- Schmidt, R.C. Managing Delphi surveys using Nonparametric statistical techniques, Decision Sciences, 1997; 28(3).
30- Hui H, Zhou C, Xu S, Lin F. A novel secure data transmission scheme in industrial internet of things. China Communications, 2020 28; 17(1): 73-88. DOI: 10.23919/JCC.2020.01.006
31- Rayan RA, Tsagkaris C, Iryna RB. The Internet of things for healthcare: applications, selected cases and challenges. InIoT in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living; 2021: 1-15.
32- Sharafkhaneh A, Salari N, Khazaie S, Ghasemi H, Darvishi N, Hosseinian-Far A, Mohammadi M, Khazaie H. Telemedicine and insomnia: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine; 2022 Jan 25.
33- Praghash K, Baig SM, Dhatri VS, Tripathi DP. Smart Health Care Based on IoT and Sensors. In2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC); 2021 Nov 11: 235-241.
34- A Smirnov, E Rostova, G Dietler, S Sekatskii, "Longlife plastic optical fiber probes for scanning nearfield optical microscope", Proceeding of SPIE 10711 Biomed. Imag. Sensing Conf., 107110P, 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
35- Ashu A, Sharma S. A novel approach of telemedicine for managing fetal condition based on machine learning technology from IoT-based wearable medical device. InMachine Learning and the Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare; 2021 Jan 1: 113-134.
36- V. Kumar, M. Ahmad, D. Mishra, S. Kumari, and M. K. Khan, “RSEAP: RFID based secure and efficient authentication protocol for vehicular cloud computing,” Vehicular Communications, 2020; l(22): 100213.
37- L. Zhou, X. Li, K.-H. Yeh, C. Su, and W. Chiu, “Lightweight IoT-based authentication scheme in cloud computing circumstance,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019; 91: 244-251.
38- M. Wazid, A. K. Das, V. Bhat, and A. V. Vasilakos, “LAMCIoT: Lightweight authentication mechanism in cloud-based IoT environment,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020; 150: 102496.
39- Salunke P, Nerkar R. IoT driven healthcare system for remote monitoring of patients. International journal for modern trends in science and technology, 2017; 3(6): 100-3.
40- Hanlin Chen , Ding Ding, Lei Zhang, Cheng Zhao, Xin Jin, Secure and resource-efficient communications for telemedicine systems, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Sience Direst; 2022.
41- Yang B, Cheng B, Liu Y, Wang L. Deep learning-enabled block scrambling algorithm for securing telemedicine data of table tennis players. Neural Computing and Applications; 2021 Apr 26: 1-4.
42- Malathi V, Kavitha V. Innovative Services Using Cloud Computing in Smart Health Care. InIntelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems for e-Healthcare Applications; 2022: 59-80.
43- Santos-Pereira J, Gruenwald L, Bernardino J. Top data mining tools for the healthcare industry. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences; 2021 Jun 8.
44- Feng Y, Pan Z. Optimization of remote public medical emergency management system with low delay based on internet of things. Journal of Healthcare Engineering; 2021 Mar 29.
45- Ghoumid, K, Ar-Reyouchi, D., Rattal, S, Yahiaoui, R and Elmazria, O. Protocol Wireless Medical Sensor Networks in IoT for the Efficiency of Healthcare. IEEE Internet of Things Journal; 2021.
46- Ahmad RW, Salah K, Jayaraman R, Yaqoob I, Ellahham S, Omar M. The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine. International journal of medical informatics. 2021 Apr 1; 148: 104399.
47- Mohammad Esmaeil S, Kianmehr SH ,Data Mining as an Intangible Model of Information Therapy and Seeking Behaviors in Immune Deficiency Disease Specialists, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 1(4). [In Persian]
48- Shoja H , Pournasir Roudbane M, The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Human Resource Management and Performance Improvement of Gilan Veterinary Networks, /Journal of Healthcare Management, 2020; 11(1): 9. [In Persian]
_||_1- Baker SB, Xiang W, Atkinson I. Internet of things for smart healthcare: Technologies, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Access, 2017; 5: 29-44. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2775180
2- Parikh DP, Dhanotiya A, Vetrivelan P. Blockchain-Based Secure IoT Telemedicine System. InFuturistic Communication and Network Technologies; 2022: 923-935. Springer, Singapore.
3- Garces-Salazar A, Manzano S, Nuñez C, Pallo JP, Jurado M, Garcia MV. Low-Cost IoT Platform for Telemedicine Applications. InSmart Trends in Computing and Communications; 2022: 269-277. Springer, Singapore.
4-Gulati K, Boddu RS, Kapila D, Bangare SL, Chandnani N, Saravanan G. A review paper on wireless sensor network techniques in Internet of Things (IoT). Materials Today: Proceedings; 2021 May 19.
5-Fajrin HR, Adi BS, Purwoko H, Sari IP. Telemedicine-equipped android interface-based heart rate monitoring. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021 Mar; 21(3): 1332-40.
6-Huanan Z, Suping X, Jiannan W. Security and application of wireless sensor network. Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Jan 1; 183: 486-92.
7-Jose S. IOT, AoT, AI, machine learning, cloud, big data and predictive analytics to dominate in 2017: Teradata India [Internet]. India: Tech And Startups; 2017; Available from: https://se.Linkedin.Com/pulse/iot-aot-ai-machine-learning-cloud-big-data-predictive-sunil-jose.
8- Han ZB, Li XH, Huang KM, Feng ZY. A software defined network-based security assessment framework for cloudIoT. IEEE Internet Things J, 2018; 5(3): 1424-34.
9- Hema LK, Dwibedi RK, Karthikeyan R, Vanitha V. IoT Based Telemedicine System. InFurther Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems, 2021 Springer: 219-225.
10- Sharma N, Kaushik I, Agarwal VK, Bhushan B, Khamparia A. Attacks and security measures in wireless sensor network. Intelligent Data Analytics for Terror Threat Prediction: Architectures, Methodologies, Techniques and Applications, 2021 Jan; 22: 237-68.
11- Yu D, Kang J, Dong J. Service attack improvement in wireless sensor network based on machine learning. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2021 Feb 1; 80: 103637.
12- Ben Ida I, Jemai A, Loukil A. A survey on security of IoT in the context of ehealth and clouds. Proceedings of the 11th International Design & Test Symposium; 2016 Dec 18-20; Hammamet, Tunisia; 2017: 25-30.
13- Jaiswal S, Gupta D. Security requirements for internet of things (IoT). In: Modi N, Verma P, Trivedi B, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Networks; 2016 Feb; Ahmedabad, India; 2017: 419-27.
14- Kugean C, Krishnan SM, Chutatape O, et al. Design of a mobile telemedicine system with wireless LAN. IEEE Compute, 2002; 1: 313-6.
15- Wang S, Chen Y. Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture with Security System. Journal of Sensors; 2021.
16- Dhariwal K, Mehta A. Architecture and plan of smart hospital based on Internet of Things (IoT). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017; 4(4): 1976-1980.
17- Ifzarne S, Hafidi I, Idrissi N. Secure data collection for wireless sensor network. InEmerging Trends in ICT for Sustainable Development; 2021: 241-248.
18- Jia C, Ding H, Zhang C, Zhang X. Design of a dynamic key management plan for intelligent building energy management system based on wireless sensor network and blockchain technology. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021 Feb 1; 60(1): 337-46.
19- Oktian YE, Witanto EN, Lee SG. A conceptual architecture in decentralizing computing, storage, and networking aspect of IoT infrastructure. IoT, 2021 Jun; 2(2): 205-21.
20- Hajjaji Y, Boulila W, Farah IR, Romdhani I, Hussain A. Big data and IoT-based applications in smart environments: A systematic review. Computer Science Review, 2021 Feb 1; 39: 100318.
21- Kushalnagar.N, Montenegro,G and Schumacher.C,“IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs): Overview, Assumptions, Problem Statement, and Goals”, RFC 4919, Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 4919, 2017.
22- Tchao ET, Diawuo K, Ofosu WK. Mobile telemedicine implementation with WiMAX technology: A case study of Ghana. Journal of medical systems, Jan 2017; 41(1): 17.
23- Ministry of Health, National Health Policy: Ensuring a healthy life for all, Accra, January; 2020.
24- Yusif S, Jeffrey SO. Preparedness for e-Health in developing countries: the case of Ghana. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 2014 Jul 3; 8(2).
25- Din IU, Almogren A, Guizani M, Zuair M. A decade of Internet of Things: Analysis in the light of healthcare applications. IEEE Access, 2019; 7: 89967-79.
26- Refaee EA, Shamsudheen S. A computing system that integrates deep learning and the internet of things for effective disease diagnosis in smart health care systems. The Journal of Supercomputing; 2022 Jan 17: 1-22.
27- Byrne S. Remote Medical Monitoring and Cloud-based Internet of Things Healthcare Systems. American Journal of Medical Research, 2019; 6(2): 19-24.
28- Vyas S, Bhargava D. Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing in Smart Health Systems. InSmart Health Systems; 2021: 87-100.
29- Schmidt, R.C. Managing Delphi surveys using Nonparametric statistical techniques, Decision Sciences, 1997; 28(3).
30- Hui H, Zhou C, Xu S, Lin F. A novel secure data transmission scheme in industrial internet of things. China Communications, 2020 28; 17(1): 73-88. DOI: 10.23919/JCC.2020.01.006
31- Rayan RA, Tsagkaris C, Iryna RB. The Internet of things for healthcare: applications, selected cases and challenges. InIoT in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living; 2021: 1-15.
32- Sharafkhaneh A, Salari N, Khazaie S, Ghasemi H, Darvishi N, Hosseinian-Far A, Mohammadi M, Khazaie H. Telemedicine and insomnia: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine; 2022 Jan 25.
33- Praghash K, Baig SM, Dhatri VS, Tripathi DP. Smart Health Care Based on IoT and Sensors. In2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC); 2021 Nov 11: 235-241.
34- A Smirnov, E Rostova, G Dietler, S Sekatskii, "Longlife plastic optical fiber probes for scanning nearfield optical microscope", Proceeding of SPIE 10711 Biomed. Imag. Sensing Conf., 107110P, 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
35- Ashu A, Sharma S. A novel approach of telemedicine for managing fetal condition based on machine learning technology from IoT-based wearable medical device. InMachine Learning and the Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare; 2021 Jan 1: 113-134.
36- V. Kumar, M. Ahmad, D. Mishra, S. Kumari, and M. K. Khan, “RSEAP: RFID based secure and efficient authentication protocol for vehicular cloud computing,” Vehicular Communications, 2020; l(22): 100213.
37- L. Zhou, X. Li, K.-H. Yeh, C. Su, and W. Chiu, “Lightweight IoT-based authentication scheme in cloud computing circumstance,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019; 91: 244-251.
38- M. Wazid, A. K. Das, V. Bhat, and A. V. Vasilakos, “LAMCIoT: Lightweight authentication mechanism in cloud-based IoT environment,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020; 150: 102496.
39- Salunke P, Nerkar R. IoT driven healthcare system for remote monitoring of patients. International journal for modern trends in science and technology, 2017; 3(6): 100-3.
40- Hanlin Chen , Ding Ding, Lei Zhang, Cheng Zhao, Xin Jin, Secure and resource-efficient communications for telemedicine systems, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Sience Direst; 2022.
41- Yang B, Cheng B, Liu Y, Wang L. Deep learning-enabled block scrambling algorithm for securing telemedicine data of table tennis players. Neural Computing and Applications; 2021 Apr 26: 1-4.
42- Malathi V, Kavitha V. Innovative Services Using Cloud Computing in Smart Health Care. InIntelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems for e-Healthcare Applications; 2022: 59-80.
43- Santos-Pereira J, Gruenwald L, Bernardino J. Top data mining tools for the healthcare industry. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences; 2021 Jun 8.
44- Feng Y, Pan Z. Optimization of remote public medical emergency management system with low delay based on internet of things. Journal of Healthcare Engineering; 2021 Mar 29.
45- Ghoumid, K, Ar-Reyouchi, D., Rattal, S, Yahiaoui, R and Elmazria, O. Protocol Wireless Medical Sensor Networks in IoT for the Efficiency of Healthcare. IEEE Internet of Things Journal; 2021.
46- Ahmad RW, Salah K, Jayaraman R, Yaqoob I, Ellahham S, Omar M. The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine. International journal of medical informatics. 2021 Apr 1; 148: 104399.
47- Mohammad Esmaeil S, Kianmehr SH ,Data Mining as an Intangible Model of Information Therapy and Seeking Behaviors in Immune Deficiency Disease Specialists, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 1(4). [In Persian]
48- Shoja H , Pournasir Roudbane M, The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Human Resource Management and Performance Improvement of Gilan Veterinary Networks, /Journal of Healthcare Management, 2020; 11(1): 9. [In Persian]