طراحی مدل پرونده الکترونیک سلامت با امنیت بالا در تله مدیسین مبتنی براینترنت اشیا
محورهای موضوعی : -مدیریت اطلاعات بهداشتی و درمانی
فاطمه ربیعی فر
رضا رادفر
عباس طلوعی اشلقی
1 - دانشجو دکتری رشته مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
2 - استاد رشته مدیریت سیستم، گروه مدیریت تکنولوژی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران ، ایران
3 - استاد رشته مدیریت صنعتی، گروه مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
کلید واژه: پرونده الکترونیک سلامت, اینترنت اشیا, تله مدیسین, هوشمندی,
چکیده مقاله :
مقدمه: یکی از مهمترین عملکردهای مدیریتی، در حوزه سلامت الکترونیک ، امنیت اطلاعات است که نقش بالایی در افزایش اعتماد مردم به کیفیـت خدمات ارائه شده دراین سازمانها دارد. در این پژوهش، تخصیص امنیت بالاتر ، قابلیت تعامل دستگاهها از راه دور را بهبود میبخشد.روش پژوهش: در این مطالعه، پژوهشهای منتشر شده مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که مسبب طراحی مدل مفهومی اولیه گردید و در مرحله بعد، با استفاده از چهار گام دلفی ، توسط 22 نفر از خبرگان ،این حوزهها مورد غربالگری قرار گرفت و مدل مفهومی نهایی، با عوامل موثر ارائه گردید. مطابق با نتایج، ضریب هماهنگی کندال در دور چهارم 0.007 بود که نشان میدهد اتفاق نظر میان خبرگان حاصل شده است و میتوان به تکرار گامها پایان داد واین میزان کاملا معنادار به حساب میاید.یافتهها: این پژوهش، پذیرش پرونده الکترونیک سلامت امن با ارائه مدل مفهومی بیان نمود و به کشف فرصتهای کارافرینانه اینترنت اشیا و همچنین پاسخگویی مناسبتر به بیماران در فضای فناوری اطلاعات میپردازد. مدل اولیه شامل سه بخش است محتوی ابزارهای هوشمند بیمار، مرکز دادههای ابر و محیط هوشمند پزشک یا خدمات درمانی و اورژانس و در نهایت مدل مفهومی نهایی، با عوامل موثر ارائه گردید.نتیجهگیری: مدل نهایی مستقیماً روی شاخصهای مهم درمانی مانند کاهش تعداد خطا و کاهش طول مدت درمان تأثیرگذار است. توانایی انتقال داده دراین بستر به هوشمند شدن تله مدیسین منتج گردیده است.
Introduction: One of the most important management a in the E -health system is Security, which plays an important role in increasing public confidence in the quality of services. In this study, the allocation of High security improves the interoperability of remote devices.Methods: In this research, the published studies were reviewed which led to the design of the initial conceptual model and in the next stage, Delphi's four steps were screened by 22 experts in the field and finally the final conceptual model was presented with effective factors. As the results depicted, Kendall coordination coefficient in the fourth round was 0.007, which shows that there is a consensus among experts and it is possible to end the repetition of stages, and this amount is considered statistically significant.Results: This research expressed the acceptance of secure EHR by considering different dimensions through presenting a conceptual model and explored IoT entrepreneurial opportunities as well as more appropriate responses to patients in the IT space. The initial conceptual model has 3 sections: Patient data smart tools, Cloud storage, Smart doctor environment and finally the final conceptual model was presented with effective factors.Conclusion: the final conceptual model directly affects important therapeutic indicators such as reducing the number of errors and length of treatment. The ability to transfer data in this platform has led to the smarter telemedicine.
1- Baker SB, Xiang W, Atkinson I. Internet of things for smart healthcare: Technologies, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Access, 2017; 5: 29-44. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2775180
2- Parikh DP, Dhanotiya A, Vetrivelan P. Blockchain-Based Secure IoT Telemedicine System. InFuturistic Communication and Network Technologies; 2022: 923-935. Springer, Singapore.
3- Garces-Salazar A, Manzano S, Nuñez C, Pallo JP, Jurado M, Garcia MV. Low-Cost IoT Platform for Telemedicine Applications. InSmart Trends in Computing and Communications; 2022: 269-277. Springer, Singapore.
4-Gulati K, Boddu RS, Kapila D, Bangare SL, Chandnani N, Saravanan G. A review paper on wireless sensor network techniques in Internet of Things (IoT). Materials Today: Proceedings; 2021 May 19.
5-Fajrin HR, Adi BS, Purwoko H, Sari IP. Telemedicine-equipped android interface-based heart rate monitoring. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021 Mar; 21(3): 1332-40.
6-Huanan Z, Suping X, Jiannan W. Security and application of wireless sensor network. Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Jan 1; 183: 486-92.
7-Jose S. IOT, AoT, AI, machine learning, cloud, big data and predictive analytics to dominate in 2017: Teradata India [Internet]. India: Tech And Startups; 2017; Available from: https://se.Linkedin.Com/pulse/iot-aot-ai-machine-learning-cloud-big-data-predictive-sunil-jose.
8- Han ZB, Li XH, Huang KM, Feng ZY. A software defined network-based security assessment framework for cloudIoT. IEEE Internet Things J, 2018; 5(3): 1424-34.
9- Hema LK, Dwibedi RK, Karthikeyan R, Vanitha V. IoT Based Telemedicine System. InFurther Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems, 2021 Springer: 219-225.
10- Sharma N, Kaushik I, Agarwal VK, Bhushan B, Khamparia A. Attacks and security measures in wireless sensor network. Intelligent Data Analytics for Terror Threat Prediction: Architectures, Methodologies, Techniques and Applications, 2021 Jan; 22: 237-68.
11- Yu D, Kang J, Dong J. Service attack improvement in wireless sensor network based on machine learning. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2021 Feb 1; 80: 103637.
12- Ben Ida I, Jemai A, Loukil A. A survey on security of IoT in the context of ehealth and clouds. Proceedings of the 11th International Design & Test Symposium; 2016 Dec 18-20; Hammamet, Tunisia; 2017: 25-30.
13- Jaiswal S, Gupta D. Security requirements for internet of things (IoT). In: Modi N, Verma P, Trivedi B, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Networks; 2016 Feb; Ahmedabad, India; 2017: 419-27.
14- Kugean C, Krishnan SM, Chutatape O, et al. Design of a mobile telemedicine system with wireless LAN. IEEE Compute, 2002; 1: 313-6.
15- Wang S, Chen Y. Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture with Security System. Journal of Sensors; 2021.
16- Dhariwal K, Mehta A. Architecture and plan of smart hospital based on Internet of Things (IoT). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017; 4(4): 1976-1980.
17- Ifzarne S, Hafidi I, Idrissi N. Secure data collection for wireless sensor network. InEmerging Trends in ICT for Sustainable Development; 2021: 241-248.
18- Jia C, Ding H, Zhang C, Zhang X. Design of a dynamic key management plan for intelligent building energy management system based on wireless sensor network and blockchain technology. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021 Feb 1; 60(1): 337-46.
19- Oktian YE, Witanto EN, Lee SG. A conceptual architecture in decentralizing computing, storage, and networking aspect of IoT infrastructure. IoT, 2021 Jun; 2(2): 205-21.
20- Hajjaji Y, Boulila W, Farah IR, Romdhani I, Hussain A. Big data and IoT-based applications in smart environments: A systematic review. Computer Science Review, 2021 Feb 1; 39: 100318.
21- Kushalnagar.N, Montenegro,G and Schumacher.C,“IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs): Overview, Assumptions, Problem Statement, and Goals”, RFC 4919, Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 4919, 2017.
22- Tchao ET, Diawuo K, Ofosu WK. Mobile telemedicine implementation with WiMAX technology: A case study of Ghana. Journal of medical systems, Jan 2017; 41(1): 17.
23- Ministry of Health, National Health Policy: Ensuring a healthy life for all, Accra, January; 2020.
24- Yusif S, Jeffrey SO. Preparedness for e-Health in developing countries: the case of Ghana. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 2014 Jul 3; 8(2).
25- Din IU, Almogren A, Guizani M, Zuair M. A decade of Internet of Things: Analysis in the light of healthcare applications. IEEE Access, 2019; 7: 89967-79.
26- Refaee EA, Shamsudheen S. A computing system that integrates deep learning and the internet of things for effective disease diagnosis in smart health care systems. The Journal of Supercomputing; 2022 Jan 17: 1-22.
27- Byrne S. Remote Medical Monitoring and Cloud-based Internet of Things Healthcare Systems. American Journal of Medical Research, 2019; 6(2): 19-24.
28- Vyas S, Bhargava D. Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing in Smart Health Systems. InSmart Health Systems; 2021: 87-100.
29- Schmidt, R.C. Managing Delphi surveys using Nonparametric statistical techniques, Decision Sciences, 1997; 28(3).
30- Hui H, Zhou C, Xu S, Lin F. A novel secure data transmission scheme in industrial internet of things. China Communications, 2020 28; 17(1): 73-88. DOI: 10.23919/JCC.2020.01.006
31- Rayan RA, Tsagkaris C, Iryna RB. The Internet of things for healthcare: applications, selected cases and challenges. InIoT in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living; 2021: 1-15.
32- Sharafkhaneh A, Salari N, Khazaie S, Ghasemi H, Darvishi N, Hosseinian-Far A, Mohammadi M, Khazaie H. Telemedicine and insomnia: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine; 2022 Jan 25.
33- Praghash K, Baig SM, Dhatri VS, Tripathi DP. Smart Health Care Based on IoT and Sensors. In2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC); 2021 Nov 11: 235-241.
34- A Smirnov, E Rostova, G Dietler, S Sekatskii, "Longlife plastic optical fiber probes for scanning nearfield optical microscope", Proceeding of SPIE 10711 Biomed. Imag. Sensing Conf., 107110P, 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
35- Ashu A, Sharma S. A novel approach of telemedicine for managing fetal condition based on machine learning technology from IoT-based wearable medical device. InMachine Learning and the Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare; 2021 Jan 1: 113-134.
36- V. Kumar, M. Ahmad, D. Mishra, S. Kumari, and M. K. Khan, “RSEAP: RFID based secure and efficient authentication protocol for vehicular cloud computing,” Vehicular Communications, 2020; l(22): 100213.
37- L. Zhou, X. Li, K.-H. Yeh, C. Su, and W. Chiu, “Lightweight IoT-based authentication scheme in cloud computing circumstance,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019; 91: 244-251.
38- M. Wazid, A. K. Das, V. Bhat, and A. V. Vasilakos, “LAMCIoT: Lightweight authentication mechanism in cloud-based IoT environment,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020; 150: 102496.
39- Salunke P, Nerkar R. IoT driven healthcare system for remote monitoring of patients. International journal for modern trends in science and technology, 2017; 3(6): 100-3.
40- Hanlin Chen , Ding Ding, Lei Zhang, Cheng Zhao, Xin Jin, Secure and resource-efficient communications for telemedicine systems, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Sience Direst; 2022.
41- Yang B, Cheng B, Liu Y, Wang L. Deep learning-enabled block scrambling algorithm for securing telemedicine data of table tennis players. Neural Computing and Applications; 2021 Apr 26: 1-4.
42- Malathi V, Kavitha V. Innovative Services Using Cloud Computing in Smart Health Care. InIntelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems for e-Healthcare Applications; 2022: 59-80.
43- Santos-Pereira J, Gruenwald L, Bernardino J. Top data mining tools for the healthcare industry. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences; 2021 Jun 8.
44- Feng Y, Pan Z. Optimization of remote public medical emergency management system with low delay based on internet of things. Journal of Healthcare Engineering; 2021 Mar 29.
45- Ghoumid, K, Ar-Reyouchi, D., Rattal, S, Yahiaoui, R and Elmazria, O. Protocol Wireless Medical Sensor Networks in IoT for the Efficiency of Healthcare. IEEE Internet of Things Journal; 2021.
46- Ahmad RW, Salah K, Jayaraman R, Yaqoob I, Ellahham S, Omar M. The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine. International journal of medical informatics. 2021 Apr 1; 148: 104399.
47- Mohammad Esmaeil S, Kianmehr SH ,Data Mining as an Intangible Model of Information Therapy and Seeking Behaviors in Immune Deficiency Disease Specialists, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 1(4). [In Persian]
48- Shoja H , Pournasir Roudbane M, The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Human Resource Management and Performance Improvement of Gilan Veterinary Networks, /Journal of Healthcare Management, 2020; 11(1): 9. [In Persian]
_||_1- Baker SB, Xiang W, Atkinson I. Internet of things for smart healthcare: Technologies, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Access, 2017; 5: 29-44. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2775180
2- Parikh DP, Dhanotiya A, Vetrivelan P. Blockchain-Based Secure IoT Telemedicine System. InFuturistic Communication and Network Technologies; 2022: 923-935. Springer, Singapore.
3- Garces-Salazar A, Manzano S, Nuñez C, Pallo JP, Jurado M, Garcia MV. Low-Cost IoT Platform for Telemedicine Applications. InSmart Trends in Computing and Communications; 2022: 269-277. Springer, Singapore.
4-Gulati K, Boddu RS, Kapila D, Bangare SL, Chandnani N, Saravanan G. A review paper on wireless sensor network techniques in Internet of Things (IoT). Materials Today: Proceedings; 2021 May 19.
5-Fajrin HR, Adi BS, Purwoko H, Sari IP. Telemedicine-equipped android interface-based heart rate monitoring. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021 Mar; 21(3): 1332-40.
6-Huanan Z, Suping X, Jiannan W. Security and application of wireless sensor network. Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Jan 1; 183: 486-92.
7-Jose S. IOT, AoT, AI, machine learning, cloud, big data and predictive analytics to dominate in 2017: Teradata India [Internet]. India: Tech And Startups; 2017; Available from: https://se.Linkedin.Com/pulse/iot-aot-ai-machine-learning-cloud-big-data-predictive-sunil-jose.
8- Han ZB, Li XH, Huang KM, Feng ZY. A software defined network-based security assessment framework for cloudIoT. IEEE Internet Things J, 2018; 5(3): 1424-34.
9- Hema LK, Dwibedi RK, Karthikeyan R, Vanitha V. IoT Based Telemedicine System. InFurther Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems, 2021 Springer: 219-225.
10- Sharma N, Kaushik I, Agarwal VK, Bhushan B, Khamparia A. Attacks and security measures in wireless sensor network. Intelligent Data Analytics for Terror Threat Prediction: Architectures, Methodologies, Techniques and Applications, 2021 Jan; 22: 237-68.
11- Yu D, Kang J, Dong J. Service attack improvement in wireless sensor network based on machine learning. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2021 Feb 1; 80: 103637.
12- Ben Ida I, Jemai A, Loukil A. A survey on security of IoT in the context of ehealth and clouds. Proceedings of the 11th International Design & Test Symposium; 2016 Dec 18-20; Hammamet, Tunisia; 2017: 25-30.
13- Jaiswal S, Gupta D. Security requirements for internet of things (IoT). In: Modi N, Verma P, Trivedi B, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Networks; 2016 Feb; Ahmedabad, India; 2017: 419-27.
14- Kugean C, Krishnan SM, Chutatape O, et al. Design of a mobile telemedicine system with wireless LAN. IEEE Compute, 2002; 1: 313-6.
15- Wang S, Chen Y. Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture with Security System. Journal of Sensors; 2021.
16- Dhariwal K, Mehta A. Architecture and plan of smart hospital based on Internet of Things (IoT). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017; 4(4): 1976-1980.
17- Ifzarne S, Hafidi I, Idrissi N. Secure data collection for wireless sensor network. InEmerging Trends in ICT for Sustainable Development; 2021: 241-248.
18- Jia C, Ding H, Zhang C, Zhang X. Design of a dynamic key management plan for intelligent building energy management system based on wireless sensor network and blockchain technology. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021 Feb 1; 60(1): 337-46.
19- Oktian YE, Witanto EN, Lee SG. A conceptual architecture in decentralizing computing, storage, and networking aspect of IoT infrastructure. IoT, 2021 Jun; 2(2): 205-21.
20- Hajjaji Y, Boulila W, Farah IR, Romdhani I, Hussain A. Big data and IoT-based applications in smart environments: A systematic review. Computer Science Review, 2021 Feb 1; 39: 100318.
21- Kushalnagar.N, Montenegro,G and Schumacher.C,“IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs): Overview, Assumptions, Problem Statement, and Goals”, RFC 4919, Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 4919, 2017.
22- Tchao ET, Diawuo K, Ofosu WK. Mobile telemedicine implementation with WiMAX technology: A case study of Ghana. Journal of medical systems, Jan 2017; 41(1): 17.
23- Ministry of Health, National Health Policy: Ensuring a healthy life for all, Accra, January; 2020.
24- Yusif S, Jeffrey SO. Preparedness for e-Health in developing countries: the case of Ghana. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 2014 Jul 3; 8(2).
25- Din IU, Almogren A, Guizani M, Zuair M. A decade of Internet of Things: Analysis in the light of healthcare applications. IEEE Access, 2019; 7: 89967-79.
26- Refaee EA, Shamsudheen S. A computing system that integrates deep learning and the internet of things for effective disease diagnosis in smart health care systems. The Journal of Supercomputing; 2022 Jan 17: 1-22.
27- Byrne S. Remote Medical Monitoring and Cloud-based Internet of Things Healthcare Systems. American Journal of Medical Research, 2019; 6(2): 19-24.
28- Vyas S, Bhargava D. Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing in Smart Health Systems. InSmart Health Systems; 2021: 87-100.
29- Schmidt, R.C. Managing Delphi surveys using Nonparametric statistical techniques, Decision Sciences, 1997; 28(3).
30- Hui H, Zhou C, Xu S, Lin F. A novel secure data transmission scheme in industrial internet of things. China Communications, 2020 28; 17(1): 73-88. DOI: 10.23919/JCC.2020.01.006
31- Rayan RA, Tsagkaris C, Iryna RB. The Internet of things for healthcare: applications, selected cases and challenges. InIoT in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living; 2021: 1-15.
32- Sharafkhaneh A, Salari N, Khazaie S, Ghasemi H, Darvishi N, Hosseinian-Far A, Mohammadi M, Khazaie H. Telemedicine and insomnia: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine; 2022 Jan 25.
33- Praghash K, Baig SM, Dhatri VS, Tripathi DP. Smart Health Care Based on IoT and Sensors. In2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC); 2021 Nov 11: 235-241.
34- A Smirnov, E Rostova, G Dietler, S Sekatskii, "Longlife plastic optical fiber probes for scanning nearfield optical microscope", Proceeding of SPIE 10711 Biomed. Imag. Sensing Conf., 107110P, 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
35- Ashu A, Sharma S. A novel approach of telemedicine for managing fetal condition based on machine learning technology from IoT-based wearable medical device. InMachine Learning and the Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare; 2021 Jan 1: 113-134.
36- V. Kumar, M. Ahmad, D. Mishra, S. Kumari, and M. K. Khan, “RSEAP: RFID based secure and efficient authentication protocol for vehicular cloud computing,” Vehicular Communications, 2020; l(22): 100213.
37- L. Zhou, X. Li, K.-H. Yeh, C. Su, and W. Chiu, “Lightweight IoT-based authentication scheme in cloud computing circumstance,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019; 91: 244-251.
38- M. Wazid, A. K. Das, V. Bhat, and A. V. Vasilakos, “LAMCIoT: Lightweight authentication mechanism in cloud-based IoT environment,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020; 150: 102496.
39- Salunke P, Nerkar R. IoT driven healthcare system for remote monitoring of patients. International journal for modern trends in science and technology, 2017; 3(6): 100-3.
40- Hanlin Chen , Ding Ding, Lei Zhang, Cheng Zhao, Xin Jin, Secure and resource-efficient communications for telemedicine systems, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Sience Direst; 2022.
41- Yang B, Cheng B, Liu Y, Wang L. Deep learning-enabled block scrambling algorithm for securing telemedicine data of table tennis players. Neural Computing and Applications; 2021 Apr 26: 1-4.
42- Malathi V, Kavitha V. Innovative Services Using Cloud Computing in Smart Health Care. InIntelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems for e-Healthcare Applications; 2022: 59-80.
43- Santos-Pereira J, Gruenwald L, Bernardino J. Top data mining tools for the healthcare industry. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences; 2021 Jun 8.
44- Feng Y, Pan Z. Optimization of remote public medical emergency management system with low delay based on internet of things. Journal of Healthcare Engineering; 2021 Mar 29.
45- Ghoumid, K, Ar-Reyouchi, D., Rattal, S, Yahiaoui, R and Elmazria, O. Protocol Wireless Medical Sensor Networks in IoT for the Efficiency of Healthcare. IEEE Internet of Things Journal; 2021.
46- Ahmad RW, Salah K, Jayaraman R, Yaqoob I, Ellahham S, Omar M. The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine. International journal of medical informatics. 2021 Apr 1; 148: 104399.
47- Mohammad Esmaeil S, Kianmehr SH ,Data Mining as an Intangible Model of Information Therapy and Seeking Behaviors in Immune Deficiency Disease Specialists, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 1(4). [In Persian]
48- Shoja H , Pournasir Roudbane M, The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Human Resource Management and Performance Improvement of Gilan Veterinary Networks, /Journal of Healthcare Management, 2020; 11(1): 9. [In Persian]