بررسی تاثیر برند سازی کارفرما بر رضایت شغلی کارکنان در صنعت بیمه خصوصی کشور با توجه به نقش میانجی مدیریت استعداد
الموضوعات :Manizheh Yadegari 1 , Torag Mojibi 2 , Niloofar Imankhan 3 , Ali Mehdizadeh Ashrafi 4
1 - PhD student in Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch
2 - Associate Professor of Public Management and Head of the Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch
3 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Islamic Azad University and Ahad Firoozkooh
4 - Department of Management,,Faculty of Humanities,,Islamic Azad University,Firoozkooh Branch, Firoozkooh , Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: برندسازی کارفرما, مدیریت استعداد, رضایت شغلی کارکنان, صنعت بیمه خصوصی,
ملخص المقالة :
هدف اصلی مطالعه حاضر بررسی تاثیر برندسازی کارفرما بر رضایت شغلی کارکنان با توجه به نقش میانجی مدیریت استعداد در صنعت بیمه خصوصی کشور است. مطالعه حاضر بر اساس هدف، یک تحقیق کاربردی و از نظر روش توصیفی-پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری مطالعه حاضر را مدیران ستادی و شعب شرکت های بیمه خصوصی کشور تشکیل میدهند که به منظور جمع آوری دادههای پژوهش از پرسشنامه استفاده شده است. برآورد اولیه تعداد اعضای جامعه آماری را 1299 نشان داد که با توجه به تعداد بالای جامعه آماری به منظور تعیین اندازه نمونه از فرمول کوکران استفاده شد و تعداد 297 نفر به عنوان اندازه نمونه انتخاب شدند. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل دادههای تحقیق از روش مدلیابی معادلات ساختاری و نرم افزار Smart PLS استفاده شد. نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد مولفههای برندسازی کارفرما تاثیر مثبت و معناداری بر رضایت شغلی کارکنان دارد همچنین نتایج نشان داد مدیریت استعداد در صنعت بیمه خصوصی کشور نقش میانجی میان برندسازی کارفرما و رضایت شغلی دارد و بر همین اساس میتوان گفت که بهکارگیری ابعاد و مولفه-های برندسازی کارفرما بر رضایت شغلی کارکنان تاثیر بسزایی داشته و در این میان نقش مدیریت استعداد کارکنان بسیار حائز اهمیت و تعیین کننده است.
1- Alshathry, S., Clarke, M. and Goodman, S. (2017). The role of employer brand equity in employee attraction and retention: a unified framework. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(3). 413-431.
2- Ambler, T., & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brand. The Journal of Brand Management. (4)3, 185-206.
3- Backhaus, K. & Tikoo, S. (2004), Conceptualizing and Researching Employer Branding. Career Development International, (9), 501-517.
4- Berthon, P., Ewing, M. & Hah, L.L. (2005). Captivating company: dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding. International Journal of Advertising, 24 (2), 151-172.
5- Bharadwaj, S. and Yameen, M. (2020), Analyzing the mediating effect of organizational identification on the relationship between CSR employer branding and employee retention. Management Research Review, Ahead-of-print.
6- Dewi. T, Roslan. A, Badrul. H. K. (2015). Developing Talent Management Crisis Model for Quality Life of Bank Employees in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 201, 80 – 84
7- Figurska, Irena & Matuska, Ewa. (2013). Human Resources Management & Ergonomics. Volume VII employer branding as a human resources management strategy. Human Resources Management & Ergonomics. VII, 21-31.
8- Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18,139-50.
9- Gaddam, S. (2008), Modeling employer branding communication: the softer aspect of HR marketing management. ICFAI Journal of Soft Skills, 2(1), 45-55.
10- Hafez, Eglal; AbouelNeel, Reem; and Elsaid, Eahab. (2017). An Exploratory Study on How Talent Management Affects Employee Retention and Job Satisfaction for Personnel Administration in Ain Shams University Egypt. Journal of Management and Strategy, 8 (4), 1-17.
11- Hoppe, D. (2018), Linking employer branding and internal branding: establishing perceived employer brand image as an antecedent of favorable employee brand attitudes and behaviors, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(4). 452-467.
12- Itam, U., Misra, S. and Anjum, H. (2020), HRD indicators and branding practices: a viewpoint on the employer brand building process, European Journal of Training and Development, 4(7), 675-694.
13- Knox, S. & Freeman, C. (2006). Measuring and managing employer brand image in the service industry. Journal of Marketing Management, (22) 7-8, 695-716.
14- Kolle, S. (2011). Alignment of Internally and Externally Aimed Employer Branding Efforts; A Case Study of the Novo Nordisk Employer Branding Programmed ‘life Changing Careers, Bachelor Thesis.
15- Lei, K. Y., Basit, A., & Hassan, Z. (2018). The Impact of Talent Management on Job Satisfaction: A Study among the Employees of a Travel Agency in Malaysia. Indonesian Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 1(1), 1–19.
16- Liljander, V., Polsa, P., & van Riel, A. (2009). Modelling consumer responses to an apparel store brand: Store image as a risk reducer. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16, 281–290.
17- Maurya, K.K. and Agarwal, M. (2018), Organizational talent management and perceived employer branding. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 26(2), 312-330.
18- Monteiro, B.; Santos, V.; Reis, I.; Sampaio, M.C.; Sousa, B.; Martinho, F.; José Sousa, M.; Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. (2020). Employer Branding Applied to SMEs: A Pioneering Model Proposal for Attracting and Retaining Talent. Information, 11, 574.
19- Nagi, M., Mohammed Ali, Y. (2020). The Effect of Talent Management Practices on Employee Performance (2020). International Journal of Management, 11(9), 2020, 1281-1287.
20- Nazari, Younes, Ramazan, Majid, Sanjeghi, Mohammad Ebrahim, Ebrahimi, Masih. (2019). Investigating the Impact of Employer Brand on Manpower Productivity Mediated by Talent Management (Case Study: A Defense Organization). Tomorrow Management, 57, 219-232.
21- Ognjanović, J., & Slavković, M. (2019). Impact of Employer Brand on Employees' satisfaction in Sebian Hotel Enterprises. TISC - Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja, 4(1), 254-271.
22- Phillips, D. R; Roper, K. O. (2009). A framework for talent management in real estate. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 11(1), 7-16.
23- Rajabpour E, Charkhtab Moghadam J, Hamze Mollaie A. (2019). Effect of Talent Management Components on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Knowledge Worker A Case in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry. Human Resource Management in Oil Industry. 10 (39), 175-196
24- Ronda, L., Valor, C. and Abril, C. (2018). Are they willing to work for you? An employee-centric view to employer brand attractiveness. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(5), 573-596.
25- Sefidgar, A., Vazifehdoust, H. (2020). The effect of employer brand and its dimensions on employees' satisfaction. Business Management, 12(47), 214-234.
26- Tanwar, K. and Prasad, A. (2017), Employer brand scale development and validation: a second-order factor approach. Personnel Review, 46(2), pp. 389-409.
27- Tanwar, K., & Prasad, A. (2016). Exploring the relationship between employer branding and employee retention. Global Business Review, 17(3_suppl), 186S–206S. https://doi.org/10.1177/ 0972150916631214
28- Theurer, C.P., Tumasjan, A., Welpe, I.M. and Lievens, F. (2018). Employer Branding: A Brand Equity‐based Literature Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20: 155-179. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijmr.12121.
29- Thunnissen, M; Boselie, P; Fruytier, B. (2013). Talent management and the relevance of context: Towards a pluralistic approach. Human Resource Management Review, 23, 326-336.
30- Tikson, S. D. S.,Hamid. N., Mardiana, R. (2018). Employer Branding as a Strategy to Attract Potential Workforce. International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization., 25(3), 114-119.
31- Tumasjan, A, Kunze, F, Bruch, H, Welpe (2020). IM. Linking employer branding orientation and firm performance: Testing a dual mediation route of recruitment efficiency and positive affective climate. Human Resource Management, 59: 83– 99.
32- Wen, W. S. (2010). Linking Bayesian networks and PLS path modeling for causal analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 37,134–139.
33- Wetzels, M., Odekeken-Schroder, G. Van Oppen, C (2009). Using PLS path modeling for accessing hierarchical construct models: Guidelines and empirical illustrations. MIS quarterly, 33(1), 177.
34- Yang, Ch., & Li, X. (2011). The Study on Employer Brand Strategy in Private Enterprises. The Perspective of Human Resource Management, Energy Procedia, 5, 2087–2091.
_||_1- Alshathry, S., Clarke, M. and Goodman, S. (2017). The role of employer brand equity in employee attraction and retention: a unified framework. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25(3). 413-431.
2- Ambler, T., & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brand. The Journal of Brand Management. (4)3, 185-206.
3- Backhaus, K. & Tikoo, S. (2004), Conceptualizing and Researching Employer Branding. Career Development International, (9), 501-517.
4- Berthon, P., Ewing, M. & Hah, L.L. (2005). Captivating company: dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding. International Journal of Advertising, 24 (2), 151-172.
5- Bharadwaj, S. and Yameen, M. (2020), Analyzing the mediating effect of organizational identification on the relationship between CSR employer branding and employee retention. Management Research Review, Ahead-of-print.
6- Dewi. T, Roslan. A, Badrul. H. K. (2015). Developing Talent Management Crisis Model for Quality Life of Bank Employees in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 201, 80 – 84
7- Figurska, Irena & Matuska, Ewa. (2013). Human Resources Management & Ergonomics. Volume VII employer branding as a human resources management strategy. Human Resources Management & Ergonomics. VII, 21-31.
8- Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18,139-50.
9- Gaddam, S. (2008), Modeling employer branding communication: the softer aspect of HR marketing management. ICFAI Journal of Soft Skills, 2(1), 45-55.
10- Hafez, Eglal; AbouelNeel, Reem; and Elsaid, Eahab. (2017). An Exploratory Study on How Talent Management Affects Employee Retention and Job Satisfaction for Personnel Administration in Ain Shams University Egypt. Journal of Management and Strategy, 8 (4), 1-17.
11- Hoppe, D. (2018), Linking employer branding and internal branding: establishing perceived employer brand image as an antecedent of favorable employee brand attitudes and behaviors, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(4). 452-467.
12- Itam, U., Misra, S. and Anjum, H. (2020), HRD indicators and branding practices: a viewpoint on the employer brand building process, European Journal of Training and Development, 4(7), 675-694.
13- Knox, S. & Freeman, C. (2006). Measuring and managing employer brand image in the service industry. Journal of Marketing Management, (22) 7-8, 695-716.
14- Kolle, S. (2011). Alignment of Internally and Externally Aimed Employer Branding Efforts; A Case Study of the Novo Nordisk Employer Branding Programmed ‘life Changing Careers, Bachelor Thesis.
15- Lei, K. Y., Basit, A., & Hassan, Z. (2018). The Impact of Talent Management on Job Satisfaction: A Study among the Employees of a Travel Agency in Malaysia. Indonesian Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 1(1), 1–19.
16- Liljander, V., Polsa, P., & van Riel, A. (2009). Modelling consumer responses to an apparel store brand: Store image as a risk reducer. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16, 281–290.
17- Maurya, K.K. and Agarwal, M. (2018), Organizational talent management and perceived employer branding. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 26(2), 312-330.
18- Monteiro, B.; Santos, V.; Reis, I.; Sampaio, M.C.; Sousa, B.; Martinho, F.; José Sousa, M.; Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. (2020). Employer Branding Applied to SMEs: A Pioneering Model Proposal for Attracting and Retaining Talent. Information, 11, 574.
19- Nagi, M., Mohammed Ali, Y. (2020). The Effect of Talent Management Practices on Employee Performance (2020). International Journal of Management, 11(9), 2020, 1281-1287.
20- Nazari, Younes, Ramazan, Majid, Sanjeghi, Mohammad Ebrahim, Ebrahimi, Masih. (2019). Investigating the Impact of Employer Brand on Manpower Productivity Mediated by Talent Management (Case Study: A Defense Organization). Tomorrow Management, 57, 219-232.
21- Ognjanović, J., & Slavković, M. (2019). Impact of Employer Brand on Employees' satisfaction in Sebian Hotel Enterprises. TISC - Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja, 4(1), 254-271.
22- Phillips, D. R; Roper, K. O. (2009). A framework for talent management in real estate. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 11(1), 7-16.
23- Rajabpour E, Charkhtab Moghadam J, Hamze Mollaie A. (2019). Effect of Talent Management Components on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Knowledge Worker A Case in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry. Human Resource Management in Oil Industry. 10 (39), 175-196
24- Ronda, L., Valor, C. and Abril, C. (2018). Are they willing to work for you? An employee-centric view to employer brand attractiveness. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(5), 573-596.
25- Sefidgar, A., Vazifehdoust, H. (2020). The effect of employer brand and its dimensions on employees' satisfaction. Business Management, 12(47), 214-234.
26- Tanwar, K. and Prasad, A. (2017), Employer brand scale development and validation: a second-order factor approach. Personnel Review, 46(2), pp. 389-409.
27- Tanwar, K., & Prasad, A. (2016). Exploring the relationship between employer branding and employee retention. Global Business Review, 17(3_suppl), 186S–206S. https://doi.org/10.1177/ 0972150916631214
28- Theurer, C.P., Tumasjan, A., Welpe, I.M. and Lievens, F. (2018). Employer Branding: A Brand Equity‐based Literature Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20: 155-179. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijmr.12121.
29- Thunnissen, M; Boselie, P; Fruytier, B. (2013). Talent management and the relevance of context: Towards a pluralistic approach. Human Resource Management Review, 23, 326-336.
30- Tikson, S. D. S.,Hamid. N., Mardiana, R. (2018). Employer Branding as a Strategy to Attract Potential Workforce. International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization., 25(3), 114-119.
31- Tumasjan, A, Kunze, F, Bruch, H, Welpe (2020). IM. Linking employer branding orientation and firm performance: Testing a dual mediation route of recruitment efficiency and positive affective climate. Human Resource Management, 59: 83– 99.
32- Wen, W. S. (2010). Linking Bayesian networks and PLS path modeling for causal analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 37,134–139.
33- Wetzels, M., Odekeken-Schroder, G. Van Oppen, C (2009). Using PLS path modeling for accessing hierarchical construct models: Guidelines and empirical illustrations. MIS quarterly, 33(1), 177.
34- Yang, Ch., & Li, X. (2011). The Study on Employer Brand Strategy in Private Enterprises. The Perspective of Human Resource Management, Energy Procedia, 5, 2087–2091.