اثر ورمی کمپوست و کود مایع جلبک دریایی بر خصوصیات مورفوفیزیولوژیکی گیاه همیشه بهار (Calendula officinalis L)
الموضوعات : اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهان زراعی
میلاد حیدری
امیرمحمد دانشیان مقدم
حسن نورافکن
1 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد فضای سبز، واحد شبستر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، شبستر، ایران
2 - استادیار واحد شبستر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، شبستر، ایران
3 - استادیار گروه علوم باغبانی، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد میانه، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، میانه، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: ورمی کمپوست, گیاه دارویی, همیشه بهار, گیاه زینتی, کود مایع جلبک دریایی,
ملخص المقالة :
گل همیشه بهار گیاهی زینتی و دارویی است و دارای مصارف آرایشی و صنعتی نیز می باشد. به منظور بررسی اثر ورمی کمپوست و کود مایع جلبک دریایی بر خواص مورفوفیزیولوژیکی این گیاه، آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل بر پایه طرح کاملاً تصادفی با سه تکرار در شهرستان میانه انجام شد. در این آزمایش، فاکتور اول شامل کود ورمی کمپوست در چهار سطح (صفر، 5، 10 و ۱۵ تن در هکتار) به صورت افزودن به خاک گلدان و فاکتور دوم کود مایع جلبک دریایی در چهار سطح (صفر، 1، 2 و 3 درصد) به صورت محلول پاشی بر روی شاخ و برگ بودند. صفات مورد ارزیابی در این آزمایش شامل وزن خشک برگ، ریشه و ساقه، حجم ریشه، شاخص محتوای کلروفیل، تعداد شاخساره های فرعی، ارتفاع بوته، تعداد برگ، طول دوره گل دهی، تعداد گل در هر بوته، قطر گل، وزن خشک گل، درصد نشت الکترولیت از برگ، سطح برگ، درصد و عملکرد اسانس بودند. نتایج نشان داد که کاربرد ورمی کمپوست باعث افزایش در برخی صفات از جمله ارتفاع (18/58 سانتی متر)، تعداد شاخه فرعی (4/3 شاخه)، حجم ریشه (3/4 سانتی متر مکعب) و سطح برگ بوته (65/55 سانتی متر مربع) گردید. همچنین، در اکثر صفات مورد مطالعه، کاربرد ۳ درصد کود مایع جلبک دریایی مؤثر واقع شد. در کل، کاربرد معادل ۵ تن در هکتار ورمی کمپوست به همراه ۳ درصد کود جلبک دریایی برای اکثر صفات مانند وزن خشک گل و وزن خشک ساقه بهترین نتیجه را به دنبال داشت.
Azizi, M., F. Rezvani, M. Hasanzadeh- Khayat, A. Lakzian, and H, Nemati. 2008. Effects of various levels of vermicompost and irrigation on morphological characteristics and essence of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 24(1): 82-93. (In Persian).
Bachman, C.R., and J.D. Metzger. 2008. Growth of bedding plants in commercial potting substrate amended with vermicompost. Bioresource Technology Science. 99: 3155-3161.
Blunden, G., and P.B. Wildgoos. 1977. The effect of aqueous seaweed extract and kinetin on potato yields. Journal of Food Agriculture Science. 28: 138-143.
Campbell, N.S. 2008. The use of rockdust and composted materials as soil fertility amendments. M.Sc thesis, University of Glasgow. 402 pp.
Chamani, E., D.C. Joyce, and A. Reyhanytabar. 2008. Vermicompost effects on the growth and flowering of petunia hybrida ‘Dream Neon Rose. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environment Science. 3 (3): 506- 512.
Darzi, M.T., A. Ghalavand, F. Rejali, and F. Sephidkon. 2007. Effects of biofertilizers application on yield and yield components in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 22(4): 276-292. (In Persian).
•Falahatgar, A. 2003. Medicinal plants. Advertising Bureau of Tehran. 379 pp. (In Persian).
Gajdos, R. 1997. Effects of two composts and seven commercial cultivation media on germination and yield. Compost Science and Utilization. 5: 16-37.
Hidlago, P.R., F.B. Matta, and R.L. Harkess. 2006. Physical and chemical properties of substrates containing earthworm castings and effects on marigold growth. Horticulture Science. 41: 1474-1476.
Jashankar, S., and K. Wahab. 2005. Effect of integrated nutrient management on the growth, yield components and yield of sesame. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter. 20: 602-608.
Karthick, A. 2003. Organic cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants: A hope for sustainability and quality enhancement. Journal of Organic Production of Medicinal, Aromatic and Dye Yielding Plants. 2: 36-47.
Koochaki, A.R., Sh. Amir Moradi, J. Shabahang, and S. Kalantari Khandani. 2013. Effect of organic fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of medicinal plants Plantago Ovate Forssk., Alyssum homolocarpum L., Lepidium perfoilatum L., and Lalementia iberica L. Journal of Agroecology. 1: 16-26. (In Persian).
Mahfouz, S.A., and M.A. Sharaf-Eldin. 2007. Effect of mineral vs. biofertilizer on growth, yield, and essential of fennel (Foeniculum vulgarw Mill.). International Journal of Agrophysics Science. 21: 361-366.
Moradi, R., M. Nasiri Mahallati, P. Rezvani Moghaddam, A. Lakzian, and A. Nejad Ali. 2011. The effect of application of organic and biological fertilizers on quantity and quality of essential oil in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Journal of Horticultural Science. 25(1): 25-33. (In Persian).
Omidbaigi, R. 2007. Production and processing of medicinal plants. Behnashr Publications. Tehran. 347 pp. (In Persian).
Rezaee, M., and R. Baradaran. 2013. Effect of biofertilizers on the yield and yield components of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 29: 635-650. (In Persian).
Salehi Surmaghi, H. 2006. Medicinal plants and phytotherapy. Donyaee Taghzie, Tehran, Iran, 434 pp. (In Persian).
Samsam Shariat, S.H. 2004. Collection of medicinal herbs. Rozbahan Publications. 393 pp. (In Persian).
Sasikumar K., T. Govindan, and C. Anuradha. 2011. Effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer of Dictyota dichotoma on growth and yield of Abelmoschus esculantus L. European Journal of Experimental Biology. 1(3): 223-227.
Sing, K.B., R.S. Malhaotra, M.C. Saxena, and G. Bejiga. 1997. Superiority of winter sowing over traditional spring sowing of chickpea in the Mediterranean region. Agronomy Journal. 89: 112-118.
Sivasankari, S., V. Venkatesalu, M. Anantharaj, and M. Chandrasekaran. 2006. Effect of seaweed extracts on the growth and biochemical constituents of Vigna sinensis. Bioresource Technology. 97: 1745-1751.
Sridhar, S., and R. Rengasamy. 2011.Effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer on growth, pigment concentration and yield of Amaranthus roxburghinus and Amaranthus tricolor under field trial. Journal of Current Research. 3(7): 131-134.
Whalen, J.K., C. Ching, and B.M. Olsen. 2001. Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization potentials of soil receiving repeated annual cattle manure applications. Biology and Fertility of Soils Journal. 34: 334-341.
Zodap, S.T., A. Gupta, S.C. Bhandari, U.S. Rawat, D.R. Chaudhary, K. Eswarana, and J. Chikara. 2011. Foliar application of seaweed sap as biostimulant for enhancement of yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersican esculentum Mill). Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 70:215-219.
_||_Azizi, M., F. Rezvani, M. Hasanzadeh- Khayat, A. Lakzian, and H, Nemati. 2008. Effects of various levels of vermicompost and irrigation on morphological characteristics and essence of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 24(1): 82-93. (In Persian).
Bachman, C.R., and J.D. Metzger. 2008. Growth of bedding plants in commercial potting substrate amended with vermicompost. Bioresource Technology Science. 99: 3155-3161.
Blunden, G., and P.B. Wildgoos. 1977. The effect of aqueous seaweed extract and kinetin on potato yields. Journal of Food Agriculture Science. 28: 138-143.
Campbell, N.S. 2008. The use of rockdust and composted materials as soil fertility amendments. M.Sc thesis, University of Glasgow. 402 pp.
Chamani, E., D.C. Joyce, and A. Reyhanytabar. 2008. Vermicompost effects on the growth and flowering of petunia hybrida ‘Dream Neon Rose. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environment Science. 3 (3): 506- 512.
Darzi, M.T., A. Ghalavand, F. Rejali, and F. Sephidkon. 2007. Effects of biofertilizers application on yield and yield components in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 22(4): 276-292. (In Persian).
•Falahatgar, A. 2003. Medicinal plants. Advertising Bureau of Tehran. 379 pp. (In Persian).
Gajdos, R. 1997. Effects of two composts and seven commercial cultivation media on germination and yield. Compost Science and Utilization. 5: 16-37.
Hidlago, P.R., F.B. Matta, and R.L. Harkess. 2006. Physical and chemical properties of substrates containing earthworm castings and effects on marigold growth. Horticulture Science. 41: 1474-1476.
Jashankar, S., and K. Wahab. 2005. Effect of integrated nutrient management on the growth, yield components and yield of sesame. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter. 20: 602-608.
Karthick, A. 2003. Organic cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants: A hope for sustainability and quality enhancement. Journal of Organic Production of Medicinal, Aromatic and Dye Yielding Plants. 2: 36-47.
Koochaki, A.R., Sh. Amir Moradi, J. Shabahang, and S. Kalantari Khandani. 2013. Effect of organic fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of medicinal plants Plantago Ovate Forssk., Alyssum homolocarpum L., Lepidium perfoilatum L., and Lalementia iberica L. Journal of Agroecology. 1: 16-26. (In Persian).
Mahfouz, S.A., and M.A. Sharaf-Eldin. 2007. Effect of mineral vs. biofertilizer on growth, yield, and essential of fennel (Foeniculum vulgarw Mill.). International Journal of Agrophysics Science. 21: 361-366.
Moradi, R., M. Nasiri Mahallati, P. Rezvani Moghaddam, A. Lakzian, and A. Nejad Ali. 2011. The effect of application of organic and biological fertilizers on quantity and quality of essential oil in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Journal of Horticultural Science. 25(1): 25-33. (In Persian).
Omidbaigi, R. 2007. Production and processing of medicinal plants. Behnashr Publications. Tehran. 347 pp. (In Persian).
Rezaee, M., and R. Baradaran. 2013. Effect of biofertilizers on the yield and yield components of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 29: 635-650. (In Persian).
Salehi Surmaghi, H. 2006. Medicinal plants and phytotherapy. Donyaee Taghzie, Tehran, Iran, 434 pp. (In Persian).
Samsam Shariat, S.H. 2004. Collection of medicinal herbs. Rozbahan Publications. 393 pp. (In Persian).
Sasikumar K., T. Govindan, and C. Anuradha. 2011. Effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer of Dictyota dichotoma on growth and yield of Abelmoschus esculantus L. European Journal of Experimental Biology. 1(3): 223-227.
Sing, K.B., R.S. Malhaotra, M.C. Saxena, and G. Bejiga. 1997. Superiority of winter sowing over traditional spring sowing of chickpea in the Mediterranean region. Agronomy Journal. 89: 112-118.
Sivasankari, S., V. Venkatesalu, M. Anantharaj, and M. Chandrasekaran. 2006. Effect of seaweed extracts on the growth and biochemical constituents of Vigna sinensis. Bioresource Technology. 97: 1745-1751.
Sridhar, S., and R. Rengasamy. 2011.Effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer on growth, pigment concentration and yield of Amaranthus roxburghinus and Amaranthus tricolor under field trial. Journal of Current Research. 3(7): 131-134.
Whalen, J.K., C. Ching, and B.M. Olsen. 2001. Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization potentials of soil receiving repeated annual cattle manure applications. Biology and Fertility of Soils Journal. 34: 334-341.
Zodap, S.T., A. Gupta, S.C. Bhandari, U.S. Rawat, D.R. Chaudhary, K. Eswarana, and J. Chikara. 2011. Foliar application of seaweed sap as biostimulant for enhancement of yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersican esculentum Mill). Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 70:215-219.