فهرس المقالات Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani

  • المقاله

    1 - Exploring the Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching on Reading Comprehension: Evidence from Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , العدد 4 , السنة 10 , تابستان 2022
    The current research investigated the impact of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading comprehension ability. To this end, a total of sixty EFL learners were chosen based on their performance on Oxford Quick Placement Tes أکثر
    The current research investigated the impact of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading comprehension ability. To this end, a total of sixty EFL learners were chosen based on their performance on Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). Next, the researchers divided them into one experimental and one control group. At the beginning of this study, a pretest reading was run for both groups to examine their reading before introducing the treatment. Then, the experimental group was treated for ten sessions, which received training reading comprehension skills based on TBLT, whereas the control group received a placebo (teaching reading via the existing method). At the end of the study, both groups took part in the reading post-test. The researchers analyzed the data using Independent and Paired Samples T-test methods. The results represented that TBLT had a statistically significant effect on reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate learners. The results demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference in post-test scores between the control and experimental groups. That is, the experimental group performed better than the control group in the post-test of reading comprehension ability and the progress in the experimental group was higher than the control group. Pedagogical implications are provided for EFL teachers and material designers to incorporate TBLT activities into curriculum development as a tool to aid learners’ reading comprehension skill. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Investigating the Impact of Face-to-Face vs. Computerized Instruction via Reading and Learning Strategies on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , العدد 11 , السنة 6 , تابستان 2023
    This study investigated the impact of face-to-face vs. computerized instruction via reading and learning strategies on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading comprehension. The sample of this study included 80 female EFL learners from Safir Language Institute أکثر
    This study investigated the impact of face-to-face vs. computerized instruction via reading and learning strategies on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ reading comprehension. The sample of this study included 80 female EFL learners from Safir Language Institute in Rasht, Iran. Following a preliminary English test, 60 intermediate language learners were randomly divided into two groups of 30 to conduct the research. Both groups were given a reading comprehension test as a pretest prior to the treatment. Then the treatment began, the experimental group received computerized instruction, whereas the control group used reading and learning strategies through face-to-face instruction. Finally, at the end of treatment, learners in both groups were given another reading comprehension test as a posttest to see if there were any differences in the level of reading comprehension skill. The data were then statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and Paired sample t-test. The findings revealed that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in terms of preferences for language learning strategies in the post-test. That is, the participants in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group in language learning strategies on the comprehension of intermediate level Iranian English language learners. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Investigating Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
    Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies , العدد 1 , السنة 3 , بهار 2024
    This study investigated the impact of mobile-assisted language learning on mastering receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge by Iranian EFL learners. The sample of this study included 140 male and female learners from Andisheh Language Institute, Langroud, Iran. F أکثر
    This study investigated the impact of mobile-assisted language learning on mastering receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge by Iranian EFL learners. The sample of this study included 140 male and female learners from Andisheh Language Institute, Langroud, Iran. Following a Quick Placement Test, 100 intermediate learners were randomly divided into two groups of 50 to conduct the research. Then the treatment began, the experimental group received Beelinguapp as an educational app, whereas the control group used paper word cards. Finally, learners in both groups were given a posttest of CAT and VKS to see if there were any differences in receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge between the experimental and control groups. The data were statistically analyzed using Paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test, ANCOVA, Wilcoxon signed, and Mann Whitney tests. The findings revealed that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in terms of receptive vocabulary knowledge in the post-test. That is, the participants in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group in receptive vocabulary knowledge. It was also observed that there is no difference between using mobile applications and paper word cards in terms of productive vocabulary knowledge. Pedagogical implications for integrating technology tools in enhancing learners’ vocabulary knowledge are discussed. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - تأثیرات انقلاب‌های صنعتی بر نظام مدیریت آموزشی در مدارس
    پژوهش‌های برنامه‌ریزی درسی و آموزشی , العدد 1 , السنة 13 , بهار 1402
    جهان تاکنون سه انقلاب صنعتی را پشت سر گذاشته و شواهد نشان می دهند در عمل از دروازه های انقلاب صنعتی چهارم نیز عبور کرده است. سه انقلاب صنعتی قبل، برای نظام های آموزشی و پرورشی و به طور خاص در شرایط مدرسه ای، دستاوردی بنیادی نداشته اند. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی تأثیرات انقلا أکثر
    جهان تاکنون سه انقلاب صنعتی را پشت سر گذاشته و شواهد نشان می دهند در عمل از دروازه های انقلاب صنعتی چهارم نیز عبور کرده است. سه انقلاب صنعتی قبل، برای نظام های آموزشی و پرورشی و به طور خاص در شرایط مدرسه ای، دستاوردی بنیادی نداشته اند. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی تأثیرات انقلاب های صنعتی بر حیطه مدیریت آموزشی و یادگیری است. مطالعه کیفی حاضر به روش کتابخانه ای انجام شده است. برای انجام این پژوهش، مقالات، اسناد و پژوهش های منتشر شده و مرتبط با موضوع مدیریت آموزشی در آینده با استفاده از کلیدواژه های انقلاب صنعتی چهارم، مدیریت آموزشی، مدارس آینده، فناوری آموزشی و متاورس و نیز ترجمه انگلیسی این کلیدواژه ها در پایگاه های اطلاعاتی معتبر از جمله SID ،Google Scholar، Magiran و پرتابل جامع علوم انسانی مورد جستجو قرارگرفت. یافته‌های این مطالعه حاکی از آن است که انقلاب صنعتی چهارم عمیق ترین و وسیع ترین تحول را در ادارة نظام های آموزشی و پرورشی رقم خواهد زد. در این دوران، مدارس باید خدمات مبتنی بر فناوری را با منابع انسانی که قابلیت های خوبی در فناوری دارند، پیاده سازی کنند. کاربرد فناوری های جدید در سیستم آموزش و پرورش، امید کارآیی کلاس ها را افزایش می دهد. لازم است با فراهم آوردن هماهنگی های لازم و تمهیدات کافی در این رابطه، زمینه بهره مندی نظام آموزشی از مزایای این گونه فناوری های نوین را ایجاد کرد. تفاصيل المقالة