فهرس المقالات Bishwanath Prasad

  • المقاله

    1 - Impact of Initial Stress on Reflection and Transmission of SV-Wave between Two Orthotropic Thermoelastic Half-Spaces
    Journal of Solid Mechanics , العدد 5 , السنة 11 , پاییز 2019
    Reflection and transmission of plane waves between two initially stressed thermoelastic half-spaces with orthotropic type of anisotropy is studied. Incidence of a SV-type wave from the lower half-space is considered and the amplitude ratios of the reflected and transmit أکثر
    Reflection and transmission of plane waves between two initially stressed thermoelastic half-spaces with orthotropic type of anisotropy is studied. Incidence of a SV-type wave from the lower half-space is considered and the amplitude ratios of the reflected and transmitted SV-wave, P-wave and thermal wave are obtained by using appropriate boundary conditions. Numerical computation for a particular model is performed and graphs are plotted to study the effect of angle of incidence of the wave and the initial stress parameters of the half-spaces. From the graphical results, it is found that the modulus of reflection and transmission coefficients of the thermal wave is very less in comparison to reflection and transmission coefficients of P- and SV-waves. It is also observed that for vertical incidence of SV-wave we have only reflected and refracted SV-waves and there is no reflected or refracted P and thermal waves, whereas for horizontal incidence of SV-wave there exists only reflected SV-wave and no other reflected or transmitted wave exists. Moreover, it is found that all the reflection and transmission coefficients are strongly affected by the initial stress parameters of the both half-spaces. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Shear Waves Through Non Planar Interface Between Anisotropic Inhomogeneous and Visco-Elastic Half-Spaces
    Journal of Solid Mechanics , العدد 4 , السنة 10 , تابستان 2018
    A problem of reflection and transmission of a plane shear wave incident at a corrugated interface between transversely isotropic inhomogeneous and visco-elastic half-spaces is investigated. Applying appropriate boundary conditions and using Rayleigh’s method of ap أکثر
    A problem of reflection and transmission of a plane shear wave incident at a corrugated interface between transversely isotropic inhomogeneous and visco-elastic half-spaces is investigated. Applying appropriate boundary conditions and using Rayleigh’s method of approximation expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained for the first and second order approximation of the corrugation. Further, closed form formulae of these coefficients are presented for a corrugated interface of periodic shape (cosine law interface). Numerical computations for this particular type of corrugated interface are performed and a number of graphs are plotted to illustrate the effect of different parameters of the both half-spaces on the reflection and transmission coefficients. It is found that these coefficients depend upon the amplitude of corrugation of the boundary, angle of incidence and frequency of the incident wave and are strongly influenced by the anisotropy, inhomogeneity and visco-elasticity of the half-spaces. Some special cases are also derived. تفاصيل المقالة