فهرس المقالات mohamad amin Atapour

  • المقاله

    1 - Modeling Areas Exposed to Radioactive Elements Using Landsat Satellite Images Case Study of Shirkuh Yazd
    Journal of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing and GIS , العدد 1 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2020
    The most important radioactive elements are the solid crust of uranium and thorium. The various isotopes of these elements with a long decay chain and the production of other radioactive elements become stable elements. Shirkooh granite with a melting source has a sprea أکثر
    The most important radioactive elements are the solid crust of uranium and thorium. The various isotopes of these elements with a long decay chain and the production of other radioactive elements become stable elements. Shirkooh granite with a melting source has a spread of more than 1,000 square kilometers and includes chronology of the first formations of geology to the present. According to measurements of water, soil and rock radionuclides, Shirkooh granite contains radioactive elements U and Th. In order to investigate the Shirkooh range, Landsat satellite images have been used for the expansion of radioactive elements. Also, 30 specimens with a specific radioactive content have been subjected to spectral sampling by a Philadelphia device and a spectral library has been prepared. In this research, areas with the highest concentration of radioactive elements were determined using spectral angle mapping and supervised classification. The results show that samples with the highest amount of uranium and thorium are located in three regions including west and south of Manshad and southern of Tezerzan. تفاصيل المقالة