فهرس المقالات Hitendra Malik

  • المقاله

    1 - Compressive solitons in a moving e-p plasma under the effect of dust grains and an external magnetic field
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , زمستان 2013
    AbstractA theoretical investigation concerning the propagation of compressive solitons in a plasma comprising electrons, positrons, and dust grains is presented by considering the dust grains of either positive charge or negative charge. Using reductive perturbation tec أکثر
    AbstractA theoretical investigation concerning the propagation of compressive solitons in a plasma comprising electrons, positrons, and dust grains is presented by considering the dust grains of either positive charge or negative charge. Using reductive perturbation technique, a relevant Korteweg-deVries (KdV) equation is derived and then solved to obtain the expressions of amplitude and width of the solitons. The magnetic field is found to alter the dispersive property of the plasma, and hence, only the width of the solitons is reduced in the presence of higher magnetic field. Soliton amplitude is found to decrease/increase and the width to increase/decrease for the higher densities of negatively/positively charged dust grains. Moreover, the amplitude of such a soliton remains larger in the case of positively charged dust grains in comparison with the negatively charged dust grains. The effect of electron/positron drift velocities of the charged species is not pronounced on the properties of the compressive solitons. Under the limiting cases, our calculations reduce to the calculations by other investigators. This substantiates the generality of the present analysis. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Soliton reflection in a magnetized inhomogeneous warm plasma: effect of ionization
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , بهار 2014
    AbstractThe reflection of nonlinear solitary waves is studied in a plasma under the effect of an external magnetic field and constant ionization along with finite ion temperature. To investigate the reflection of solitary waves, relevant modified Korteweg–deVries equati أکثر
    AbstractThe reflection of nonlinear solitary waves is studied in a plasma under the effect of an external magnetic field and constant ionization along with finite ion temperature. To investigate the reflection of solitary waves, relevant modified Korteweg–deVries equations for the right and left going waves are derived, and coupled at the point of reflection for obtaining the expression of reflection coefficient. The solitary waves are found to shift after their reflection. Variation of reflection coefficient and shift are studied for different plasma parameters like ion temperature, ionization rate and wave propagation angle or the obliqueness of magnetic field. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Evolution of solitons and their reflection and transmission in a plasma having negatively charged dust grains
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , تابستان 2014
    AbstractTheoretical calculations are carried out for studying soliton’s reflection and transmission in an inhomogeneous plasma comprising ions, two temperature electrons and negatively charged dust grains. Using reductive perturbation technique, relevant modified KdV eq أکثر
    AbstractTheoretical calculations are carried out for studying soliton’s reflection and transmission in an inhomogeneous plasma comprising ions, two temperature electrons and negatively charged dust grains. Using reductive perturbation technique, relevant modified KdV equations are derived for the incident, reflected and transmitted solitons. Then a coupled equation is obtained based on these mKdV equations, which is solved for the reflected soliton under the use of solutions of mKdV equations corresponding to the incident and transmitted solitons. Based on the ratio of amplitudes of reflected and incident solitons, reflection coefficient is examined under the effect of dust grain density; the same is done for the transmission coefficient which is the ratio of amplitudes of transmitted and incident solitons. The transmission of the solitons becomes weaker under the effect of stronger magnetic field and higher dust density. However, this leads to the stronger reflection of the soliton. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Reflection of ion acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with variable charge dust
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , بهار 2014
    AbstractAn inhomogeneous plasma comprising ions, two temperature electrons and dust grains with variable charge is explored for its unperturbed state for ions’ drift due to density gradient and perturbed state for the evolution of ion acoustic solitary waves and their r أکثر
    AbstractAn inhomogeneous plasma comprising ions, two temperature electrons and dust grains with variable charge is explored for its unperturbed state for ions’ drift due to density gradient and perturbed state for the evolution of ion acoustic solitary waves and their reflection under the effect of an external magnetic field. The ion drift velocity is found to depend on the plasma parameters and magnetic field. The perturbed state of plasma supports two types of ion acoustic waves, which evolve into fast and slow compressive solitary structures under certain conditions. However, only the fast solitary wave is observed to be reflected and acquired opposite polarity to that of the incident solitary wave. The solitary waves are found to be downshifted after their reflection. The reflection coefficient acquires higher values in the case of dust grains of fixed charge in comparison with the case of fluctuating charge on the dust grains. It means the reflection becomes stronger when the charge on the dust grains does not fluctuate and remains fixed. The effect of dust grain density is to enhance the amplitude of solitary waves but to weaken their reflection. The amplitudes of both the incident and reflected solitons remain higher for the case of fluctuating charge on the dust grains in comparison with the case of fixed charge. The effective temperature of the plasma is also found to alter the solitary structures significantly in the case of dust grains having fluctuating charge. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Effect of dust on tilted electrostatic resistive instability in a Hall thruster
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , زمستان 2018
    AbstractEffect of negatively charged dust on resistive instability corresponding to the electrostatic wave is investigated in a Hall thruster plasma when this purely azimuthal wave is tilted and strong axial component of wave vector is developed. Analytical calculations أکثر
    AbstractEffect of negatively charged dust on resistive instability corresponding to the electrostatic wave is investigated in a Hall thruster plasma when this purely azimuthal wave is tilted and strong axial component of wave vector is developed. Analytical calculations are done to obtain the relevant dispersion equation, which is solved numerically to investigate the growth rate of the instability. The magnitude of the growth rate in the plasma having dust particles is found to be much smaller than the case of pure plasma. However, the instability grows faster for the increasing dust density and the higher charge on the dust particles. The higher magnetic field is also found to support the instability. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - Low and high frequency instabilities in an explosion-generated-plasma and possibility of wave triplet
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , زمستان 2015
    AbstractAn explosion-generated-plasma is explored for low and high frequency instabilities by taking into account the drift of all the plasma species together with the dust particles which are charged. The possibility of wave triplet is also discussed based on the solut أکثر
    AbstractAn explosion-generated-plasma is explored for low and high frequency instabilities by taking into account the drift of all the plasma species together with the dust particles which are charged. The possibility of wave triplet is also discussed based on the solution of dispersion equation and synchronism conditions. High frequency instability (HFI) and low frequency instability (LFI) are found to occur in this system. LFI grows faster with the higher concentration of dust particles, whereas its growth rate goes down if the mass of the dust is higher. The ion and electron temperatures affect its growth in opposite manner and the electron temperature causes this instability to grow. In addition to the instabilities, a simple wave is also observed to propagate, whose velocity is larger for larger wave number, smaller mass of the dust and higher ion temperature. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    7 - High-frequency instabilities in an explosion-generated relativistic plasma
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , بهار 2015
    AbstractA realistic problem of an explosion-generated relativistic plasma is talked about with respect to the instabilities developed in such systems. For this, the dispersion equation is derived analytically and solved numerically for typical values of physical quantit أکثر
    AbstractA realistic problem of an explosion-generated relativistic plasma is talked about with respect to the instabilities developed in such systems. For this, the dispersion equation is derived analytically and solved numerically for typical values of physical quantities. Our calculations reveal that two types of instabilities occur in the said plasma if the dust particles and relativistic effects of ions and electrons are considered. Both types of the instabilities are high-frequency instabilities, which carry growth rates of different magnitudes. In view of the magnitudes, the instability having higher/lower growth rate is called as high-frequency higher/lower growth rate instability. The relativistic effects of ions support the growth of these instabilities, whereas those of electrons suppress the growth of the instabilities. The waves propagating with larger phase velocity are found to grow at higher rates. There exists a critical value of the drift velocity of dust particles, above which another instability starts growing but with significantly lower growth rate. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    8 - On validity of paraxial theory for super-Gaussian laser beams propagating in a plasma
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , تابستان 2017
    AbstractIn the present paper, we have investigated a situation where a high intensity laser beam passes through a gas and ionizes this gas by tunnel ionization. Here the electric field of the laser provides a sufficient velocity to the electrons to surpass the Coulomb b أکثر
    AbstractIn the present paper, we have investigated a situation where a high intensity laser beam passes through a gas and ionizes this gas by tunnel ionization. Here the electric field of the laser provides a sufficient velocity to the electrons to surpass the Coulomb barrier of the atom. Owing to the ionization the plasma density enhances which affects the laser beam propagation. The use of paraxial ray approximation theory for the present case of super-Gaussian lasers reveals the self-focusing of the beams and frequency upshifting. The predicted self-focusing of the laser beams is contrary to the expected outcome of defocusing of these beams in the plasma, indicating that the paraxial theory may not be valid for the case of super-Gaussian lasers even for the inclusion of most of the near axis region in the theory. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    9 - Resonant third harmonic generation of super-Gaussian laser beam in a rippled density plasma
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , پاییز 2018
    AbstractResonant third harmonic generation of super-Gaussian laser beam in rippled density plasma is studied. Both the relativistic and ponderomotive nonlinearities are included in the analysis, and the study is done for self-guided laser beam. The quasi-static componen أکثر
    AbstractResonant third harmonic generation of super-Gaussian laser beam in rippled density plasma is studied. Both the relativistic and ponderomotive nonlinearities are included in the analysis, and the study is done for self-guided laser beam. The quasi-static component of ponderomotive force creates electron density depression in the beam region while the second harmonic component leads to second harmonic density oscillations, leading to third harmonic generation. The relativistic mass variation supplements these processes with same order of contributions. The ripple provides the phase matching and requisite ripple wave number decreases with the frequency of the laser. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    10 - Terahertz emission during laser-plasma interaction: effect of electron temperature and collisions
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , پاییز 2020
    AbstractThe electron-neutral collisions in the plasma become crucial with regard to the generation of THz radiation when thermal motion of the electrons is considerable. If we look at the mechanism of THz emission, this is only the movement/oscillations of the electrons أکثر
    AbstractThe electron-neutral collisions in the plasma become crucial with regard to the generation of THz radiation when thermal motion of the electrons is considerable. If we look at the mechanism of THz emission, this is only the movement/oscillations of the electrons which is responsible for the excitation of nonlinear current that generated the THz radiation. The present work aims to disclose the role of thermal motion of the plasma electrons to the resonance condition and the THz emission when two co-propagating super-Gaussian laser beams beat in the plasma. The dynamics of the plasma electrons and subsequent generation of nonlinear current are discussed in greater detail for the emission of THz radiation. تفاصيل المقالة