فهرس المقالات Ahmad Reza Golparvar

  • المقاله

    1 - الگوی ارتباطات رسانه ای برای ارتقاء سطح آگاهی کشاورزان و بهبود و توسعه کشاورزی (مورد مطالعه :رسانه های ترویجی)
    مطالعات رسانه ای , العدد 4 , السنة 16 , پاییز 1400
    چکیده:هدف پژوهش حاضر تدوین الگوی ارتباطات رسانه ای برای دستیابی به توسعه پایدار کشاورزی رسانه ای است. پژوهش کیفی، به روش گراندد تئوری از طریق مصاحبه ها و رسیدن به حد اشباع با صاحب نظران گزینش شده در نمونة نظری بود. جمع آوری اطلاعات بوسیله مصاحبه های عمیق نیمـه سـاختار ی أکثر
    چکیده:هدف پژوهش حاضر تدوین الگوی ارتباطات رسانه ای برای دستیابی به توسعه پایدار کشاورزی رسانه ای است. پژوهش کیفی، به روش گراندد تئوری از طریق مصاحبه ها و رسیدن به حد اشباع با صاحب نظران گزینش شده در نمونة نظری بود. جمع آوری اطلاعات بوسیله مصاحبه های عمیق نیمـه سـاختار یافتـه صورت پذیرفت و فرآیند تفسیر و تحلیل مصاحبه ها با توجه به روش کدگذاری استراوس و کوربین انجام گردید بدین منظور ازروش نظریه برخاسته از داده ها شامل سه مرحله کدگذاری باز، محوری و گزینشی استراوس و کوربین استفاده شد. 45مصاحبه عمیق و نیمه ساختار یافته با نمونه گیری نظری با کارشناسان مرتبط انجام گرفت و به منظور ارزیابی اعتبار الگوی تدوین شده است و به 10 تن از اساتید به طور مجزا، ارائه و نظرات آنها جهت اصلاح و تعدیل اخذ شد. پدیده اصلی تحقیق؛بهره برداری رسانه ای برای توسعه وبهبود کشاورزی انتخاب شد. شرایط علی خشکسالی وکم آبی، فقدان خبرگی، عدم تعهد درمسئولیت، فقدان تعامل، توانمند نبودن افکار عمومی، عدم اعتماد، محتوای نامناسب رسانه ای، پنهان کاری و دروازه بانی سلیقه ای ، سیاست گذاری نامناسب رسانه ای، توان ارتباطی پایین، وجود نارضایتی اجتماعی شناسایی شد و عوامل مداخلگر مباحث فیلترینگ و عدم دسترسی آزاد به برخی رسانه ها از جمله تلگرام وفیس بوک ،عدم پیشرفت اصلاح گری در فرایند مخاصمه طرف های گفت و گو ، سواستفاده مالی قشری خاص و فقدان انجمن ملی خبرنگاران فعال حوزه کشاورزی و تنوع مخاطبان کشاورزی و تنوع مخاطبان رسانه ای کشاورزی . تفاصيل المقالة

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    2 - Chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of Marrubium vulgare L.from Iran
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 2 , السنة 6 , زمستان 2015
    Background & Aim: White horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) is a perennial medicinal plant of the family Lamiaceae. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of white horehound collected from Isfahan. Experimental: The aerial parts of M. vulgare أکثر
    Background & Aim: White horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) is a perennial medicinal plant of the family Lamiaceae. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of white horehound collected from Isfahan. Experimental: The aerial parts of M. vulgare were collected from (Kamu Mountain) Isfahan province central of Iran, during 2014. The essential oils of samples were obtained by hydro-distillation, and analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Results & Discussion: Results of GC/MS indicated that 44 compounds were identified in the essential oil from the aerial parts of M. vulgare. The major constituents of the essential oil were β-caryophyllene (32.19%), (E)-β-farnesene(11.39%), 1,8-cineole (8.17%) and α-pinene (6.64%).A comparison of our results with different reports, differences in the volatile composition of the plants could be attributed to genetic (genus, species, and ecotype), chemotype, distinct environmental and climatic conditions, seasonal sampling periods, geographic origins, plant populations, vegetative plant phases, and extraction and quantification methods. Industrial and practical recommendations: The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, although controlled genetically, is strongly affected by the environmental influences of a particular growing region. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Evaluation of ecotype and chemotype diversity of Thymus daenensis Celak. on Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 5 , السنة 1 , تابستان 2010
    Background & Aim: Thymus daenensis Celak. is one of the herbal and perennial medicinal plants belonging to Lamiaceae which grows widely in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces. All of its floral on aerial part has extensive use in preparing traditional med أکثر
    Background & Aim: Thymus daenensis Celak. is one of the herbal and perennial medicinal plants belonging to Lamiaceae which grows widely in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces. All of its floral on aerial part has extensive use in preparing traditional medicines. The major constitutes of Thymus daenensis Celak. are thymol and carvacrol. Since ecological conditions have a great role in growth of the plant, and on the quality and amount of effective material in medicinal plants, This study tries to investigate on the effect of ecological factors included geographical factors, climatic and edaphic factors. Martial & Methods: This study was collected from 22 different regions in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces. The composition was determined using high performance liquid chromatography. HPLC chromatograms showed the amount of thymol and carvacrol in every region. Results & Discussion: The highest content of thymol in all investigated samples was recorded in Sheikhshaban region (35.89 mg/g methanol extract) (altitude 2747 m asl) and highest content of carvacrol was recorded in Lark region (23.53 mg/g methanol extract) (altitude 2370 m asl). The results of regression showed that altitude has a positive and meaningful effect on the amount of thymol and does not effect on the amount of carvacrol. All other edaphic factors and climatic factors have no significant effect on the amount of thymol and carvacrol. Cluster dendrogram analysis of the under study regions was drawn according to 3 parameters: the amount of thymol, the amount of carvacrol and the height of the plant (cm), showed the rate of relatedness in samples of different regions, in separate clusters. Conclusion: Thymus daenensis Celak. in Sheikhshaban and Lark in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari have a close relationship among themselves that have highest amount Thymol and carvacrol. تفاصيل المقالة

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    4 - The effect of some of the Iranian medicinal plants on Brucella Abortus on In-vitro and In-vivo
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 2 , السنة 1 , زمستان 2010
    Introduction & Aim: The ethanol and aqueous extracts of Alhagi camelorum Fisch. (Fabaceae) whole plant, Scrophularia desertii Del. (Scrophulariaceae) whole plant and ethanol extracts of Echinophora platyloba DC. (Apiaceae) whole plant, Teucrium polium L. (Lamiaceae) أکثر
    Introduction & Aim: The ethanol and aqueous extracts of Alhagi camelorum Fisch. (Fabaceae) whole plant, Scrophularia desertii Del. (Scrophulariaceae) whole plant and ethanol extracts of Echinophora platyloba DC. (Apiaceae) whole plant, Teucrium polium L. (Lamiaceae) whole plant and Berberis integerrima Bunge root brake were investigated for anti-Brucella in-vitro and in-vivo conditions. Experimental: Clinical isolated of Brucella abortus was studied using the disk diffusion method. Brucellosis was induced by repeated injection of Brucella abortus on Balb/C mice. In Balb/C model, we evaluated factors included primary weight/secondary weight ratio (W1/W2), spleen weight, spleen weight/body weight ratio and antibody titer with Wright method. Results & Discussion: The results of disk diffusion approach that the extracts from different plant species studied showed antibacterial activity against B. abortus, with the diameters of zone of inhibition ranging between 1 and 27 mm. Of the plants studied, the most active extracts at the concentration 500 µg/ml were those obtained from aqueous extracts of A. camelorum whole plant and showed strong inhibitory effects (zone of inhibition ≥15 mm) but ethanol extract of S. desertii at the concentration 125 µg/ml showed lowest of inhabitation effect. The bacteria in the study were sensitive to some of antibiotics, erythromycin and streptomycin being the most sensitive (inhibition zone values of 21 and 23 mm, respectively), while was resistant to some of the plant extracts at the concentration 62.5 µg/ml. The best results for W1/W2 were obtained from extract-treated by ethanol extract of B. integrrima root in dose of 400 mg/kg/day and following treated by erythromycin in dose of 400 mg/kg/day. The lowest of Spleen weight were obtained from aqueous extract of A. camelorum and following treated by erythromycin. The best results for Spleen W/Body were obtained from extract-treated by aqueous extract of A. camelorum and following treated by erythromycin in dose of 200 mg/kg/day. Also, the best results for antibody titer with Wright method were obtained from ethanol extract B. integrrima root brake. However, the results of mean of comparison with Duncan's test for antibody titer with Wright method showed no significant difference. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Determine optimum of harvest time on the quantity/quality of essential oil and thymol of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) in Isfahan
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 2 , السنة 2 , زمستان 2011
    Background & Aim: Thyme is common named Thymus vulgaris L. belongs to Lamiaceae family. Thyme is a most important medicinal plant that was used in pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics hygienic industries in most of developed countries.Experimental: Determine optimum of h أکثر
    Background & Aim: Thyme is common named Thymus vulgaris L. belongs to Lamiaceae family. Thyme is a most important medicinal plant that was used in pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics hygienic industries in most of developed countries.Experimental: Determine optimum of harvest time this plant was done in a random block design with three replications was conducted in field Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan (Isfahan) 2009 and 2010. Treatment phonological stages such as: 1) before flowering stage; 2) at beginning of flowering stage; 3) 50% blooming stage; 4) at full flowering step and 5) at fruit set stage. The essential oil obtained by hydro-distillation using a Clevenger- type apparatus and, was analyzed by GC and GC/MS.Results & Discussion: Statistic analysis showed that the effects phonological stages had significant effect on essential oil yields & percent, thymol. The highest essential oil content (2.42%) was extracted at the beginning of flowering stage. Analysis and identification of components showed thymol main compounds in all samples.Industrial/Practical recommendation: According to the results of this project 50% blooming stage optimum of harvest time on the Quantity/Quality of Essence and thymol of Thyme. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia virgata Jacq
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 4 , السنة 8 , بهار 2017
    Background & Aim:The genus Salvia (commonly known as sage) is a broad genus belonging to the family Lamiaceae. This study is aimed at assessing the essential oil composition and antimicrobial activities of two Salvia species. Experimental: The chemical composition o أکثر
    Background & Aim:The genus Salvia (commonly known as sage) is a broad genus belonging to the family Lamiaceae. This study is aimed at assessing the essential oil composition and antimicrobial activities of two Salvia species. Experimental: The chemical composition of the essential oils of Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia virgata Jacq, cultivated in Estahban (Fars, South Iran), was studied by means of GC-MSanalyses. Antimicrobial activity was tested against a panel of microorganisms including one Gram-positive (Staphylococcus epidermidis PTCC NO. 1435) and one Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and three fungal strain (Alternaria alternata PTCC NO. 5224, Penicillium funiculosum PTCC NO. 5301 and P. funiculosum PTCC NO. 5169) using the disk diffusion and agar-well diffusion methods and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) technique. Results: In all, 57 compounds were identified, 42 for S. officinalis, accounting for 98.94% ofthe total oil, 29 for S. virgata (98.81%). The major components of S. officinalis essential oil were α-thujone (37.18%), 1,8-cineole (12.71%), β-thujone (9.10%) and the major components of S. virgata essential oil were caryophyllene oxide (30.23%), β-caryophyllene (22.63%), sabinene (11.82%). The antimicrobial activity of the total essential oil evaluated by the agar-well diffusion method, the results showed that the highest active against S. epidermidis and also the least active against E. coli. Inhibition of growth was tested by the disk diffusion method, the results showed that essential oil of S. officinalis and S. virgata were highest active against E. coli and P. funiculosum (PTCC NO. 5301), respectively. Also the least active against A. alternata. Recommended applications/industries: The results showed thatS. officinalis oil had higher antimicrobial activity compare to S. virgata تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    7 - Chemical compositions of the essential oil from peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) cultivated in Isfahan conditions
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 4 , السنة 4 , بهار 2013
    Background & Aim: Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) oil is one of the most popular and widely used as an essential oil. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of peppermint cultivated in Isfahan climatic conditions. Experimental: The aerial p أکثر
    Background & Aim: Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) oil is one of the most popular and widely used as an essential oil. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of peppermint cultivated in Isfahan climatic conditions. Experimental: The aerial parts of the plants were collected from a filed in Meymeh, Isfahan province in 2012. The essential oil was extracted by a Clevenger approach and analyzed using GC/MS. Results & Discussion: In total, 29 compounds were identified in the essential oil from the aerial parts peppermint. The results obtained in our study indicated that the major components in the oil were camphane (14.01%), menthone (13.89%), menthol (12.37%) β-pinene (7.62%), pulegone (6.41%), β-cubebene (4.95%), α-pinene (4.743%), γ-terpinene (4.08%), delta-carane (3.81%) and piperiton (3.04%). Recommended applications/industries: The oil contents of peppermint varied slightly from year to year mostly due to variations in yearly growing weather conditions. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    8 - Chemical composition of essential oil from the aerial parts of Salvia spinosa L. collected from Isfahan
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 4 , السنة 5 , بهار 2014
    Background & Aim: Salvia spinosa L. is a perennial shrub and aromatic plant belongs to the family Lamiaceae. S. spinosa grows wild in some districts of Iran. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of S. spinosa in Isfahan climatic condition أکثر
    Background & Aim: Salvia spinosa L. is a perennial shrub and aromatic plant belongs to the family Lamiaceae. S. spinosa grows wild in some districts of Iran. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of S. spinosa in Isfahan climatic conditions.Experimental: The aerial parts of the plants were collected from Isfahan province in 2014. The essential oil was extracted by a Clevenger approach and analyzed using GC/MS.Results: In total, 21 compounds were identified in the essential oil from the aerial parts of S. spinosa. Results indicated that the major components in the oil of S. spinosa were α-terpinolene (32.73%), β-ocimene (30.92%), β-patchoulene (12.78%), β-bourbonene (4.26%), and 1,8-cineol (2.88%).Recommended applications/industries: There is only little report on the essential oil composition of S. spinosa from Isfahan, Iran, that S.spinosa can use in traditional medicines for activity antimicrobial. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    9 - Antibacterial activity of essential oils from Thymus vulgaris, Trachyspermum ammi and Mentha aquatica against Erwinia carotovora in vitro
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 5 , السنة 4 , تابستان 2013
    Background & Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the bactericidal effect of three medicinal plant species, including Thymus vulgaris, Trachyspermum ammi, and Mentha aquatica on Erwinia carotovora growth. Experimental: This research was done in a factorial to c أکثر
    Background & Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the bactericidal effect of three medicinal plant species, including Thymus vulgaris, Trachyspermum ammi, and Mentha aquatica on Erwinia carotovora growth. Experimental: This research was done in a factorial to completely randomized design with three concentrations, and three replicates on nutrient agar culture medium. Results &Discussion: Results of this study indicated that the essential oils from the studied plants were effective against Erwinia carotovora. At 300 ppm concentration, diameter of growth inhabitation was 43 mm. Results indicated the essential oil from T. ammi, especially at 300 and 400 ppm concentrations had the highest antibacterial activity against Erwinia carotovora with 43.00 and 46.67 mm diameter of growth inhabitation. In addition, there was no significant difference between 300 and 400 ppm concentrations of M. aquatica and at concentrations of 200, 300, and 400 ppm for T. vulgaris. Recommended applications/industries: The overall results indicated the essential oils, especially Trachyspermum ammi have antibacterial activity against Erwinia carotovora; it seems that the essential oils can be employed in manufacturing desirable bactericidal agents. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    10 - Chemical composition of essential oils of three ecotypes of Mentha spicata L. from Kohgiluyeh va Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 5 , السنة 4 , تابستان 2013
    Background & Aim: Lamiaceae is one of the most important families of plants with global transmittal. The family is divided to two major groups: Lamioideae and Nepetoideae. Mentha L. genus has high genetic variation because of different ploidy levels and interspecifi أکثر
    Background & Aim: Lamiaceae is one of the most important families of plants with global transmittal. The family is divided to two major groups: Lamioideae and Nepetoideae. Mentha L. genus has high genetic variation because of different ploidy levels and interspecific interspecific hybridization thus that is possible to select genotypes with excelsior traits as essence content. The genus includes 25 to 30 species that grow in temperate regions of Eurasia, Australia and South Africa. M. spicata, as the main specie belonging to the family Lamiaceae, is used in Iranian traditional medicine as a stomach pain-relieving agent, antispasmodic, digestive, and carminative. Experimental: This study was done to identify composition of the essential oil from the aerial parts of M. spicata L. that were collected from three natural habitats, including Yasouj (S1), C.Sakht (S2), and Bahram-Beigi (S3) at KohgiluyehvaBoyer-AhmadProvince, Iran in 2012. The essential oil extracted by Clevenger apparatus, and analyzed by GC and identified by using GC/MS. Results & Discussion: Result indicated that there were 10, 14, and 10 compounds in essential oils from the aerial parts of the plants of S1, S2, and S3 populations, respectively. The major components in S1 were carvone (74.57%), 1,8-cineole (10.28%), limonene (8.41%), whereas S2 had piperitenone oxide (53.19%), 1,8-cineole (27.47%), β-caryophyllene (3.55%), and the main components of S3 were 1,8-cineole (8.79%), carvone (79.6%), and lmonene (3.53%). Recommended applications/industries: Ecotypes harvested from CSakht and Bahram-Beigi are promising genetic stocks to increase piperitenone oxide and carvone as medicinal components in breeding programs. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    11 - Genetic improvement of quantity/quality yield of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) ecotypes cultivated in Iran climatic conditions
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 1 , السنة 6 , پاییز 2016
    Background & Aim: Black seed or black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) belongs the family Ranunculaceae. Black seed is one of these species, which is naturally distributed in different parts of the country. It is extensively cultivated in various regions of Iran. Experime أکثر
    Background & Aim: Black seed or black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) belongs the family Ranunculaceae. Black seed is one of these species, which is naturally distributed in different parts of the country. It is extensively cultivated in various regions of Iran. Experimental: The experiment was achieved using randomized complete block design with three replications in the research field of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan Branch during 2013. Seed of ten ecotypes namely; Semirom, Zawareh, Golpayegan, Fereydan, Meymeh, Kashan, Khansar, Daran, Ardestan and Isfahan were cultivated in the plots comprising four rows. The essential oil was extracted by a Clevenger type apparatus andanalyzed by using GC/MS. Results & Discussion: Statistical analysis indicated that there was significant difference among all traits. The results of regression and path analysis indicated that the number of branches, grain filling rate and days to blooming traits were the best indirect selection criteria to improve yield in black cumin. According to the results of this research, Fereydan and Daran ecotypes showed the optimum amount of essential oil content andmorphological traits. Furthermore, cross between these ecotypes has suitable advantage to increase seed and oil yield in black cumin breeding programs. Industrial and practical recommendations: There are few researches about breeding of black cumin. The results of present study could be applied in research centers as well by farmers to cultivate commercially and production black cumin especially for seed. تفاصيل المقالة

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    12 - Comparative analysis of chemical composition of Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 1 , السنة 7 , پاییز 2017
    Background & Aim:Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds is an aromatic perennial herb that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. The aim of this study was to identify chemical composition of aerial parts (including leaf, stem and flowers) of M. longifolia collected from (Kamu mo أکثر
    Background & Aim:Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds is an aromatic perennial herb that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. The aim of this study was to identify chemical composition of aerial parts (including leaf, stem and flowers) of M. longifolia collected from (Kamu mountain) Isfahan province. Experimental: The essential oils were extracted using the hydrodistillation method and analysed by GC-MS. Results: The essential oil yields obtained from the aerial parts of M. Longifolia were1.34, 0.76 and 0.97 ml/100 g dry matter in leaf, stem and flowers, respectively. Results indicated significant differences (p < 0.01) among the aerial parts for the main constituents in the essential oil. The major constituents of the leaf oil were 1,8-cineole (37.16%), piperitenone oxide (18.97%), sabinene (13.94%), α-pinene (8.92%) and pulegone (6.14%). The major constituents of the stem oil were 1,8-cineole (36.81%), pulegone (18.61%), piperitenone oxide (12.21%), sabinene (7.05%) and the major constituents of the flower oil were piperitenone oxide (37.67%), 1,8-cineole (23.02%), sabinene (13.56%) and α-pinene (10.45%).Recommended applications/industries: Differences in the volatile composition of the plant material could be attributed to the growth and cultivation conditions of the plant, to the methods of extraction and to the harvesting time. تفاصيل المقالة

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    13 - Antibacterial, Antifungal Properties and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils of Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja khuzestanica Jamzad
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 1 , السنة 8 , پاییز 2018
    Background & Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the antibacterial, antifungal properties and chemical composition screening of essential oils of Satureja khuzestanica Jamzad and Satureja hortensis L. Experimental: For determination of antibacterial and an أکثر
    Background & Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the antibacterial, antifungal properties and chemical composition screening of essential oils of Satureja khuzestanica Jamzad and Satureja hortensis L. Experimental: For determination of antibacterial and antifungal activity of these essential oils, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans were targeted, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of each essential oil were determined individually. Also, chemical composition of essential oils was identified and characterized by gas chromatography armed by mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Results: The total of 22 and 21 compounds were identified in the essential oils of aerial parts of S. hortensis and S. khuzestanica, respectively. The major components of S. hortensis essence were carvacrol (56.36%), γ-terpinene (24.75%), p-cymene (5.81%) and the major constituents of S. khuzestanica essence was reported carvacrol (69.62%), γ-terpinene (9.25%) and p-cymene (8.36%). The obtained results showed the antibacterial and antifungal activity of both extracted essential oils against the tested pathogens. The MIC and MBC of S. hortensis and S. khuzistanica essential oils against S. aureus were determined 0.1 and 0.5 μl/ml, and 0.1 and 0.2 μl/ml against C. albicans, respectively. Recommended applications/industries: The results showed that S.hortensis oil had higher antimicrobial activity compare to S. khuzistanica. تفاصيل المقالة

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    14 - Effect of harvest times on quantity (morphological) and quality characteristics of Thymus daenensis Celak. in Isfahan
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 5 , السنة 2 , پاییز 2012
    Background & Aim: Deanaie thyme (Thymus daenensis Celak.), a member of the Lamiaceae family. Thymus in one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants that was used in pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics hygienic industries in most of developed countries. Recent أکثر
    Background & Aim: Deanaie thyme (Thymus daenensis Celak.), a member of the Lamiaceae family. Thymus in one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants that was used in pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics hygienic industries in most of developed countries. Recent studies have showed that thyme have strong antibacterial, antifungal, spasmolytic and antioxidant activities.Experimental: This experiment was done in a random block design with three replications conducted in field of Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan (Isfahan) 2010. Treatment phonological stages such as: before flowering stage; at beginning of flowering stage; 50% flowering stage; at full flowering stage and at fruit set stageResults & Discussion: The results obtained in our study, showed that effects phonological stages had very significant effect (p<0.01) on plant height, diameter, fresh and dry herb weight and thymol percentage. The highest plant height (31.83 cm) and highest plant diameter (38.50 cm) were at the fruit set stage. The highest fresh herb weight (10621 kg/ha) and the highest dry herb weight (4243 kg/ha) was at the fruit set stage. The lowest Fresh herb weight (5545 kg/ha) and the lowest dry herb weight (2035 kg/ha) was at the before flowering stage. The highest essential oil content (1.41%) was extracted at the 50% flowering stage. The highest thymol content (84.1%) was extracted at the before flowering stage.Industrial and Practical Recommendations: According to the findings of this research, the fruit set stage can be introduce as a the most appropriate time of harvesting for gaining the highest function of wet and dry Thymus daenensis, but for achieving to highest rate of thymol , the flowering stage can be recommended. تفاصيل المقالة

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    15 - Evaluation of Genetic Variation for Drought Tolerance and Determination of the Best Selection Criteria in Safflower Genotypes (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , العدد 2 , السنة 11 , بهار 2016
    Abstract In order to evaluate genetic variation and drought tolerance of safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.), an experiment was conducted using fifteen cultivars in a randomized complete block design with three replications under drought and normal conditions أکثر
    Abstract In order to evaluate genetic variation and drought tolerance of safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.), an experiment was conducted using fifteen cultivars in a randomized complete block design with three replications under drought and normal conditions during 2014-2015 farming season. Drought tolerance indices, such as tolerance (TOL), stress tolerance index (STI), stress susceptibility index (SSI), mean productivity (MP) and geometric mean productivity (GMP) were calculated to distinguish cultivars having the best seed yield as well as drought tolerance. The correlation coefficients illustrated that STI and GMP were the best and efficient selection criteria to distinguish drought tolerant and high-yielding cultivars. Significant and positive correlation was found between yield in both stress and normal conditions with GMP, MP and STI. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that first and second PC accounted for 97.1% of the total variation. Biplot graphical display represented that lines 2, 11, 14 and 15 were highly adapted to the both normal, stress conditions, and classified them in high-yielding and drought tolerant groups, while genotypes numbered as 10, 12 and 13 were potential and stable under normal. condition. Based on data analysis, cultivars numbered as 1, 5, 6 and 9 had lowest yield under both moisture regimes, lines 3, 4, 7 and 8 showed high-yielding under stress regimes. Cluster analysis ordered the genotypes into six groups with 5, 3, 2, 2, 2 and 1 genotypes, respectively. In conclusion, present investigation revealed that drought conditions induced reduction of yield of some cultivars, while others were tolerant to drought stress. Hence, breeders can select drought tolerant safflower lines based on the GMP and STI indices. تفاصيل المقالة