فهرس المقالات Asgar Mahmoudi المقاله 1 - Impact of Process and Genre-Based Approaches to Writing on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Performance across Creativity Levels 10.30495/jal.2022.696824 سولماز ایران نژاد ناصر غفوری اصغر محمودی Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , العدد 1 , السنة 15 , پاییز 2022 المقاله 2 - The impact of Motivational Scaffolding on Self-efficacy and Learning Achievement of Field Dependent/ Independent EFL Learners 10.30495/jal.2022.690384 معصومه سهرابی حسین سیاه پوش عسگر محمودی Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , العدد 1 , السنة 14 , تابستان 2022 المقاله 3 - Impact of Motivational Scaffolding on Self-Determination and Learning Achievement of Field-Dependent/Independent EFL Learners 10.30495/jfl.2022.689269 Masoumeh Sohrabi Hossein Siahpoosh Asgar Mahmoudi International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , العدد 3 , السنة 10 , پاییز 2022