فهرس المقالات Mohammad Javad Riasati

  • المقاله

    1 - Iranian EFL Teachers’ Productive and Receptive Metalinguistic Knowledge as a Function of Their Academic Major
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 5 , السنة 12 , تابستان 2023
    The rise of attention in language pedagogy towards subject matter knowledge and its impact on teachers’ professionalism accentuates the role of language teachers' metalinguistic knowledge in L2 teaching. The present study focused on identifying the status of Irani أکثر
    The rise of attention in language pedagogy towards subject matter knowledge and its impact on teachers’ professionalism accentuates the role of language teachers' metalinguistic knowledge in L2 teaching. The present study focused on identifying the status of Iranian EFL teachers’ metalinguistic knowledge concerning their academic major. For this aim, a metalinguistic knowledge test entailing 2 modules of production and reception was administered to a total of 200 Iranian EFL teachers. To cross-validate the metalinguistic test results, a series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with 40 of the target EFL teachers to explore their perspectives about the academic major and metalinguistic knowledge development. Based on the MANOVA results, the academic major was found to be a predictor for the productive and receptive mode of metalinguistic knowledge attained by the teachers. The interview results boring out those of the metalinguistic knowledge test revealed more facts about the teachers’ perspectives of different factors contributing to their metalinguistic knowledge development. The teachers complained about the deficiency that existed in their university curriculum which lacked enough courses referring to metalinguistic knowledge and provided some suggestions in this regard. The findings offer a number of pedagogical implications for language teachers and teacher educators and state some recommendations for further research directions. تفاصيل المقالة

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    2 - The Role of Recasts on EFL Learning: Does the Working Memory Interfere?
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 1 , السنة 11 , زمستان 2022
    The view of learning from our errors in an EFL learning context as the subject of myriad applied linguistic studies has not yet taken root. Thus, the impact of extensive and intensive recasts on grammatical and lexical development in EFL context along with the students& أکثر
    The view of learning from our errors in an EFL learning context as the subject of myriad applied linguistic studies has not yet taken root. Thus, the impact of extensive and intensive recasts on grammatical and lexical development in EFL context along with the students’ insights of recasts and the role of working memory was evaluated in this study and a quasi-experimental design was employed. The participants included 59 Iranian EFL students. Instruments of the study included an Oxford placement test of English, speaking and writing assignments and a working memory survey. Five short stories were presented during the experiment. The intensive recast group received feedback only on articles and theme words whereas the extensive recast group received feedback on any mistake that occurred throughout communication. The ANOVAs’ results showed that recasts had a helpful effect on EFL learning. A large effect size was indicated for the intensive group, outscoring the extensive group and the control group. Chi-square analysis of the interviews demonstrated a significant and positive difference on the perception of recasts by students of the intensive condition. Working memory was also positively correlated with the scores of learners in the intensive group. Therefore, higher SD learners revealed a higher improvement on oral tasks while higher AD learners were greater on the written tasks. A thorough study of the results implies a rich ground on the effect of recasts and WM in education, helping both teachers and students to a great extent in their teaching and learning journey. تفاصيل المقالة

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    3 - The relationship between EFL learners’ learning style preferences and their satisfaction with online education
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 5 , السنة 11 , بهار 2022
    This study was an attempt to investigate to what extent Iranian EFL learners are satisfied with online education. It also aimed at exploring which type of learning style is more associated with learners’ satisfaction with online education. Further, it sought if EF أکثر
    This study was an attempt to investigate to what extent Iranian EFL learners are satisfied with online education. It also aimed at exploring which type of learning style is more associated with learners’ satisfaction with online education. Further, it sought if EFL learners’ perceptual style preferences modify their satisfaction with online education. To this end, 104 EFL learners from three English Language institutes in Shiraz (61 females and 43 males) with the age range from 13 to 25 were selected through convenience sampling. The Learning Style Questionnaire and the questionnaire on learners’ satisfaction with online education were utilized as the instruments of the study. The data obtained from the two questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively utilizing the descriptive and inferential statistics. Means and standard deviations, as well as the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and the One-way ANOVA, were run to analyze the data. The results demonstrated that although EFL learners were not satisfied with the internet quality, they were satisfied with online education in general, and four dimensions of online education namely instructor, course, technology, and environment. The results showed that among the three learning styles, the visual learning style was more associated with learners’ satisfaction with online education. Moreover, based on the results, compared with the learners with kinesthetic style, learners with visual learning style were more satisfied with online education. Finally, the pedagogical implications of the study for language teachers, administrators, syllabus designers, and curriculum developers were listed. تفاصيل المقالة

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    4 - Investigating the Effects of Brainstorming Technique on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening and Teachers' Attitudes towards This Technique
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 5 , السنة 12 , پاییز 2023
    This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach, specifically a concurrent triangulation design, to examine the enhancement of listening proficiency among Iranian EFL learners and investigate EFL teachers' attitudes toward applying brainstorming techniques in EFL أکثر
    This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach, specifically a concurrent triangulation design, to examine the enhancement of listening proficiency among Iranian EFL learners and investigate EFL teachers' attitudes toward applying brainstorming techniques in EFL classrooms. The study involved 63 undergraduate male students studying at Naval Science and Technology University in Rasht, Iran, and 20 EFL teachers. The students were homogenized based on their English proficiency level and divided into experimental and control groups. All participants took a listening pretest, and then during 20 treatment sessions, the experimental group received brainstorming-based treatment while the control group received conventional treatment. A posttest was administered to all participants in both groups. The researchers conducted paired sample t-tests and one-way ANCOVA to examine the potential impacts of brainstorming techniques on the listening skills of EFL students. The results suggested that implementing brainstorming techniques in language learning processes can create a conducive environment for language learners to express their thoughts freely and practice the language authentically in the classroom. The research findings indicated that applying brainstorming techniques significantly enriched the listening ability of the students who received brainstorming-based treatment. The qualitative dimension of the study revealed that, according to the teachers' judgments, the brainstorming technique improves students' listening skills proficiency and develops teachers' attitudes toward teaching English. Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that English instructors utilize brainstorming techniques in their EFL classes. Additionally, the material designers are encouraged to design English language textbooks' contents based on brainstorming techniques. تفاصيل المقالة

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    5 - Does Intensive versus Extensive Textual Enhancement Affect L2 Development?
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 2 , السنة 12 , بهار 2023
    Despite the deep ocean of knowledge on language learning and teaching, the need for further proof of inconsistent data and the demand to stay updated with the context is inventible. This need inspired the present study concerning the effect of extensive versus intensive أکثر
    Despite the deep ocean of knowledge on language learning and teaching, the need for further proof of inconsistent data and the demand to stay updated with the context is inventible. This need inspired the present study concerning the effect of extensive versus intensive TEs on grammatical and lexical growth in L2 (English as a Second Language). A quasi-experimental design was applied on 61 ESL students in three intermediate groups. They were divided into two experimental groups, including an intensive TE group and an extensive TE group, and a control group to join five treatment sessions. An Oxford test was first applied, followed by an oral and a written test as the pretest. Similar versions of the oral and written tests were used as the posttest. The findings of ANOVA demonstrated a facilitative effect for intensive TEs on L2 learning. The Tukey's post hoc results showed that the intensive TE group outperformed the extensive TE group and the control group in both tests. The findings provide a deep insight of the teaching methodologies to the educational community. Prospective teachers can also consolidate their knowledge by an accurate insight into the right approach within the relevant context. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - The Impact of Flipped Instruction on Developing Iranian EFL Speaking Skills
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 28 , السنة 13 , بهار 2024
    Today flipped instruction is highly precious in EFL teaching since it provides autonomous learning and more collaboration through technology. Since speaking is the most demanding skill for EFL learners, investigating the effects of flipped instruction on EFL learners’ s أکثر
    Today flipped instruction is highly precious in EFL teaching since it provides autonomous learning and more collaboration through technology. Since speaking is the most demanding skill for EFL learners, investigating the effects of flipped instruction on EFL learners’ speaking is still a nascent area for empirical research which is the aim of the current study. Teachers and researchers try to find new strategies and methodologies of teaching to help learners learn this laborious skill, especially in the EFL context more convenient. To achieve this goal, flipped instruction made the way easier by applying technology and inverting face-to-face and online classes. The current study was an effort to investigate the effect of flipped instruction on Iranian EFL speaking skills development. To this end, 60 Iranian EFL university students were allocated into two experimental and control groups. A pre-test/post-test design was used to elicit the required data. The outstanding results were found after flipped instruction from the experimental group while there was not any significant difference in the post-test of the control group with traditional instruction. This study represents learners' speaking improvements through flipped instruction for being prepared before in-person classes by watching uploaded videos. Also, it provides recommendations and implications for future practice. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    7 - Unraveling the Impact of Recasts, Working Memory, and Textual Enhancements on EFL Learning: Intensive vs. Extensive Approaches
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 5 , السنة 12 , تابستان 2023
    One of the challenges in English Language Learning (ELL) research is understanding the impact of different instructional techniques on grammatical and lexical growth. This study addresses this challenge by investigating the effects of extensive versus intensive recasts أکثر
    One of the challenges in English Language Learning (ELL) research is understanding the impact of different instructional techniques on grammatical and lexical growth. This study addresses this challenge by investigating the effects of extensive versus intensive recasts and textual enhancements (TEs) on Foreign Language (FL) development, while considering the role of working memory capacity and students' perceptions. A quasi-experimental design was implemented, involving four experimental groups and one control condition. The results of one-way ANOVA and mixed between-within group ANOVAs revealed the facilitative effect of recasts on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning. Specifically, the intensive recasts group demonstrated significantly higher performance compared to the extensive recasts group, intensive TE group, extensive TE group, as well as the control group, in both tests. The study also examined students' perceptions through interviews, which indicated a notable difference in accurate perception of recasts. Students in the intensive recasts condition exhibited a higher level of accuracy compared to those in the extensive recasts group. Conversely, the extensive recasts group displayed limited error detection. Additionally, a significant correlation between working memory and learners' gain scores was observed in the intensive recasts condition. This suggests that learners with higher storage capacity demonstrated more substantial development in oral tasks, while learners with higher attention domain exhibited greater improvements in written tasks. By shedding light on these findings, this study contributes to our understanding of effective instructional techniques and their impact on EFL development. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    9 - Autonomous Learning and Teaching in Foreign Language Education
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 2 , السنة 2 , زمستان 2013
    Over the past 25 years, autonomy has been a popular focus for discussion and increasingly influential in foreign Language educa- tion. Most research is concentrated on learner autonomy, while teacher autonomy has been seriously neglected. Recently, however, researchers أکثر
    Over the past 25 years, autonomy has been a popular focus for discussion and increasingly influential in foreign Language educa- tion. Most research is concentrated on learner autonomy, while teacher autonomy has been seriously neglected. Recently, however, researchers and experts have realized that to enhance learner autonomy, we must enhance teacher autonomy (e.g., Benson 2000; Little 1995; Little, Ridley & Ushioda 2003; McGrath 2000; Thavenius 1999). Teacher autonomy is now recognized as an important factor that affects the development of learner autonomy in foreign language education. However, it is very dif- ficult for teachers to develop autonomy in the classroom especially when learners are used to traditional methods and techniques that teachers play the main role. The concepts of teacher autonomy and learner au- tonomy have been introduced and widely discussed as the learning re- sponsibility of learners has been paid more attention to so as to improve the learning autonomy in SLA. Therefore, a comprehensive discussion of teacher autonomy and learner autonomy is of utmost importance to foster a better understanding and application of learning autonomy. Au- tonomy becomes a need for language learners and a must for language teachers who play a key role in developing learners’ autonomy. تفاصيل المقالة

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    10 - Grammatical Competence Development of Nursery School Children Acquiring Persian
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 5 , السنة 2 , بهار 2013
    This study is an attempt to answer three questions: First, whether there is a difference between the grammatical competence de- velopment of a group of children aged 2;6 vs. a group of children aged 3;6. Second, whether there is a relationship between the children&rsquo أکثر
    This study is an attempt to answer three questions: First, whether there is a difference between the grammatical competence de- velopment of a group of children aged 2;6 vs. a group of children aged 3;6. Second, whether there is a relationship between the children’s age and their MLU on the one hand and their speech and the caretakers’ speech on the other. Third, whether or not the normal limit proposed by Brown (1973) is also observed in the acquisition of Persian. To this end, six children were studied during a six-week period. The results indicate that in terms of age difference, there is neither an unequivocal yes nor a definitive no answer to the question, i.e. in some cases there is a difference whereas in other cases there is no difference at all. Re- garding the relationship, no significant relationship was found between the speech of the children and the speech of the caretakers’ in terms of Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). Finally, it is indicated that the limit proposed by Brown (1973) is also observed in Farsi. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    11 - The Role of Brainstorming in Enhancing Language Skills: A Meta-analysis of EFL Learners' Speaking and Listening Performance
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 29 , السنة 13 , تابستان 2024
    This review article provides a comprehensive analysis of 21 studies investigating the effectiveness of brainstorming and related teaching strategies in enhancing language skills, particularly speaking and listening skills, among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learn أکثر
    This review article provides a comprehensive analysis of 21 studies investigating the effectiveness of brainstorming and related teaching strategies in enhancing language skills, particularly speaking and listening skills, among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The studies, conducted between 2010 and 2023, employed various research designs, including quasi-experimental, qualitative, and mixed-methods designs, and were carried out in different settings, such as high schools, universities, and workplaces, and involved participants from different countries, including Iran, China, and Indonesia. The review discusses the main findings of each study, highlighting the positive impact of brainstorming and related strategies on language skills. The review also identifies gaps in the existing literature and suggests directions for future research, such as investigating the effectiveness of these strategies in enhancing other language skills and exploring their impact on different learner populations. The studies suggest that brainstorming can increase students' confidence in speaking English, positively impacting their motivation to learn and use the language. Additionally, brainstorming activities can enhance students' creativity in spoken language by encouraging them to generate and share ideas in a supportive and collaborative environment. The studies also indicate that the use of brainstorming techniques can lead to noticeable enhancements in students' speaking skills, demonstrating its effectiveness as a teaching strategy. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    12 - The Effect of Teaching Critical Thinking Strategies on Students’ Academic Writing, Critical Thinking Ability, and Critical Thinking Dispositions
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , العدد 1 , السنة 7 , بهار 2019
    This study intended to investigate the interplay of critical thinking explicit instruction, academic writing performance, critical thinking ability, and critical thinking dispositions of Iranian students. To this end, 140 students of Jahrom University of Medical Science أکثر
    This study intended to investigate the interplay of critical thinking explicit instruction, academic writing performance, critical thinking ability, and critical thinking dispositions of Iranian students. To this end, 140 students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences (73 males and 67 females) were selected. They were divided into the experimental and control groups. Both groups received instruction in academic writing course for 15 weeks 3 hours per week. However, the experimental group received instruction integrated with critical thinking strategies. The students in both groups were administered pre- and post-instruction tests to examine the effectiveness of instruction. Three instruments were utilized in this study including, the researcher-developed essay test, Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test, and California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI). Descriptive statistics and independent-samples t-test were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental and the control groups. The results also showed that some CCTDI subscales were not significantly different at the posttest such as, truth-seeking, cognitive maturity, and open- mindedness, whereas the mean posttest scores of other CCTDI subscales had significant difference such as, analyticity, CT inquisitiveness, CT self-confidence, and systematicity. The experimental group had a higher score in the academic writing test compared with the control group. Changes in students’ critical thinking ability, academic writing performance, and their critical thinking dispositions suggest that the CT techniques have been fruitful, and more efforts should be made to integrate the explicit instruction in critical thinking into academic courses. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    13 - The Effect of Intensive versus Extensive Recasts and Textual Enhancements on Iranian EFL Learners’ Grammatical and Lexical Development: Exploring Students' Perceptions in Online Classes Considering the Role of Working Memory Capacity
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , العدد 1 , السنة 6 , زمستان 2023
    This study addresses the dearth of research on the interplay between textual enhancements (TE), recasts, and working memory capacity in SLA. Investigating extensive versus intensive recasts and TEs, it explores their impact on grammatical and lexical growth in EFL conte أکثر
    This study addresses the dearth of research on the interplay between textual enhancements (TE), recasts, and working memory capacity in SLA. Investigating extensive versus intensive recasts and TEs, it explores their impact on grammatical and lexical growth in EFL context. Additionally, students' perceptions of recasts and the role of working memory capacity are evaluated. Experimental groups included intensive/extensive vocabulary and grammar TE/recasts conditions, alongside a control group. Pre/post-tests, interviews, and a working memory questionnaire were used. Results indicate recasts' facilitative effect, with intensive recasts outperforming extensive recasts and TEs in promoting grammatical and lexical development among high working memory capacity learners. Learners in the intensive recasts group had accurate error perceptions. Working memory correlated with intensive recasts' gains, with high Storage and Attention Domains showing development in oral and written tasks. These findings illuminate the efficacy of TE, recasts, and working memory, offering valuable insights for educators and learners alike. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    14 - Exploring the Impacts of Brainstorming-Based Collaboration on the Speaking Ability of Iranian EFL Learners and EFL Teachers' Attitudes Toward Using This Technique: A Mixed-Methods Approach
    Biannual Journal of Education Experiences , العدد 1 , السنة 6 , زمستان 2023
    This study used a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact of brainstorming-based collaboration on the speaking performance of 63 undergraduate male EFL learners at Naval Science and Technology University in Iran. The students were homogenized and divided into e أکثر
    This study used a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact of brainstorming-based collaboration on the speaking performance of 63 undergraduate male EFL learners at Naval Science and Technology University in Iran. The students were homogenized and divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received instruction that incorporated brainstorming sessions, while the control group was taught using conventional methods. After 20 sessions of treatment, paired t-tests were performed on pretest and posttest scores. The study found that the experimental group's speaking skills were positively affected by the use of brainstorming techniques. Investigators conducted a semi-structured interview with 20 English language teachers to gather their opinions and attitudes about the use and effectiveness of brainstorming strategies. Qualitative analysis of the teachers' evaluations revealed that the use of brainstorming strategy enhances students' speaking skills proficiency and boosts instructors' positive attitudes toward language teaching and learning. The study suggests that English language teachers should incorporate brainstorming strategies into classroom activities and that textbooks could be developed with brainstorming principles. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    15 - Effect of EFL Teachers’ Experience and Effectiveness on Their EFL Students’ Achievement
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 2 , السنة 13 , بهار 2023
    This study examined the effect of Iranian EFL teachers’ years of experience and their effectiveness on Iranian EFL students’ achievement. 70 EFL teachers and 60 intermediate students were selected from different English language institutes in Shiraz, Fars pr أکثر
    This study examined the effect of Iranian EFL teachers’ years of experience and their effectiveness on Iranian EFL students’ achievement. 70 EFL teachers and 60 intermediate students were selected from different English language institutes in Shiraz, Fars province. The instruments to collect data were Oxford Quick Placement Test, Demographics, and Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire. The results were analyzed using One-way ANOVA, frequency analysis, independent samples t-test, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings revealed teachers’ perceptions of effectiveness are related to their years of teaching experiences. It appeared that highly experienced teachers in this study perceived that their effectiveness positively influenced students’ achievement. Besides that, it is hoped that this study can also add more in-depth literature review in academia about the effect of Iranian EFL teachers’ experience and their effectiveness) organization and communication skills, pedagogical knowledge, socio-affective skills, and English proficiency) on EFL students’ achievement. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    16 - Effect of EFL Teachers’ Experience and Empowerment on Their EFL Students’ Achievement
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 1 , السنة 14 , زمستان 2024
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Iranian EFL teachers’ years of experience and their empowerment on Iranian EFL students’ achievement. To this end, 70 EFL teachers and 60 intermediate students were selected from different English la أکثر
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Iranian EFL teachers’ years of experience and their empowerment on Iranian EFL students’ achievement. To this end, 70 EFL teachers and 60 intermediate students were selected from different English language institutes in Shiraz, Fars province. The instruments used in this study include the Oxford Quick Placement Test, Demographics, and Teacher Empowerment Questionnaire. The results were analyzed using One-way ANOVA, frequency analysis, independent samples t-test, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The result from the descriptive analysis regarding the distribution of means based upon the responses provided by the participants of the present study indicated that highly experienced teachers view their most empowered subscale as autonomy, status, self-efficacy, impact, decision-making and professional growth, respectively. These results suggested that teachers perceive their highest level of empowerment to reside in their ability to make decisions on what is taught or about curriculum, and to have control over daily schedules. In addition, it is important to mention that low-experienced teachers view their most empowered subscale as self-efficacy, professional growth, status, autonomy, impact and decision-making. The findings of the current research suggest that teachers perceive their highest level of empowerment to reside in their ability to share their skills and knowledge with students to help them learn. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    17 - Looking into the Paper vs. Computer Mode of the IELTS Academic Writing Module
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 5 , السنة 11 , پاییز 2021
    The current study investigated whether EFL learners performed differently in the paper and computer modes of the IELTS academic writing module in terms of task response/achievement, coherence/cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. In addition, i أکثر
    The current study investigated whether EFL learners performed differently in the paper and computer modes of the IELTS academic writing module in terms of task response/achievement, coherence/cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. In addition, it explored whether the candidates’ computer familiarity was different in paper and computer mode groups. To this end, 108 candidates were selected out of 144 based on the Oxford Placement Test (OPT) results in the University of Tehran, Iran. To gather the data, a retired IELTS academic writing sample and a computer familiarity questionnaire were administered. The participants were divided into two equal groups. In the Paper Mode (PM) group, the students were given the test to write in the conventional paper mode. In the other Computer Mode (CM) group, the students were given the same test but were asked to type the test in the computer provided for them in their class. Also, all the participants took the computer familiarity questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed and the findings revealed significant differences between paper-based and computer-based modes in both writing tasks. Moreover, the questionnaire analysis showed the impact of the candidates’ computer familiarity on their writing performance. تفاصيل المقالة

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    18 - Investigating IELTS Paper Mode vs. Computer Mode: Evidence from Academic Writing Test
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 2 , السنة 11 , بهار 2021
    The present research compared two different modes for IELTS academic module administration among Iranian IELTS candidates: the paper mode and the computer mode in writing tasks one & two in terms of overall band score. Additionally, it examined whether computer familiar أکثر
    The present research compared two different modes for IELTS academic module administration among Iranian IELTS candidates: the paper mode and the computer mode in writing tasks one & two in terms of overall band score. Additionally, it examined whether computer familiarity had any significant effect on the IELTS overall band score of Iranian EFL candidates. To this end, 88 IELTS candidates from three different language institutes in Iran were randomly selected. Hence, based on the OPT results, 50 IELTS candidates were recruited and then divided into two equal groups, i.e. paper mode group and computer mode group randomly. Moreover, a computer familiarity questionnaire was also administered. The study’s findings revealed that the participants in the computer-based mode had a better overall band score than the participants in the paper-based mode on both writing Tasks. Additionally, the results showed that computer familiarity could result in computer mode outperformance in both tasks of IELTS academic writing tasks. These findings have some pedagogical implications, the most important of which is the influence of computer mode administration of IELTS and computer familiarity on candidates’ scores. تفاصيل المقالة