فهرس المقالات علی تهرانی فر

  • المقاله

    1 - Effect of Light Combination and Timing of Supplemental Lighting on Growth Characteristics and Flowering of Pansy (<i>Viola × wittrockiana</i> Rose)
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 5 , السنة 8 , زمستان 1397
    The goal of this study was to examine how different light combinations and timing of supplemental lighting affect the vegetative and reproductive responses of pansy (Viola × wittrockiana Rose). The present study was designed as a factorial experiment based on a co أکثر
    The goal of this study was to examine how different light combinations and timing of supplemental lighting affect the vegetative and reproductive responses of pansy (Viola × wittrockiana Rose). The present study was designed as a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized block design with three replications and two factors of timing of supplemental lighting (night-interruption and day-extension) and light combination treatments consisting of different proportion of blue (B, 467 nm) and red (R, 625 nm) light with high pressure sodium lamp (HPS) serving as control. The light combination treatments (65 mmol m-2 s-1) included 100% R, 85% R: 15% B, 70% R: 30% B, and HPS. Our results showed that the plants exposed to 85% R: 15% B had the highest foliage fresh and dry weights (2.06 g and 0.23 g), stem diameter (1.42 mm), leaf area (44.72 cm2), and leaf number (16.5), and plants exposed to 100% R had the highest root fresh and dry weights (1.63 g and 0.39 g) and height (6.17 cm), respectively. The results showed a significant interaction between light combination and the timing of supplemental lighting on Chl a, Chl b, Chl total, and carotenoids contents and flowering time. Night-interruption supplemental lighting in exposure to 85% R: 15% B led to the highest Chl a (0.86 mg g-1 FW), Chl b (0.52 mg g-1 FW) and Chl total (1.51 mg g-1 FW) contents. The highest carotenoids content (0.69 mg FW) was obtained from night-interruption supplemental lighting under 70% R: 30% B. Night-interruption supplemental lighting was related to the shortest time to flowering (56 days after seed sowing), but it did not differ significantly from day-extension supplemental lighting under 70% R: 30% B. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Energy Conservation Potential of an Extensive Green Roof in Iran for One Year Duration
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 1 , السنة 7 , بهار 1395
    The temperature of cities continues to increase because of the heat island phenomenon and the undeniable climatic change. The observed high ambient temperatures intensify energy problems in cities, deteriorates comfort conditions, put in danger the vulnerable population أکثر
    The temperature of cities continues to increase because of the heat island phenomenon and the undeniable climatic change. The observed high ambient temperatures intensify energy problems in cities, deteriorates comfort conditions, put in danger the vulnerable population and amplify the pollution problems. There are some suggested ways to reduce these issues, among them vegetated roofs are shown to be promising. This study describes energy consumption performance of an extensive modular type green roof with different plant selections using a randomized complete design in Mashhad, Iran. Nine species from three major taxonomic and functional plant groups (grasses, ground covers and sedums) namely (Agropyron cristatum, Festuca aurundinacea, Festuca ovina, Potentilla sp., Frankenia thymifolia, Vinca minor, Sedum acre, Sedum spectabile, Carpoboratus edulis) were selected. Temperature fluctuations during four seasons were recorded with three replicates. Experimental trials with growing beds without plants (bare roofs) were also used as controls. Small hand manual thermometers were placed in each module (box) and air temperature was also recorded. The results showed very significant temperature differences between the green and bare roof modules. Larger plants with higher biomasses kept temperatures more stable. Thermal comfort and energy saving was achieved using green roofs in this research and it could be well used in a large scale for growing cities and population energy requirements. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Can We Reduce Salinity Effects by the Application of Humic Acid on Native Turfgrasses in order to Attain Sustainable Landscape?
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 2 , السنة 8 , تابستان 1397
    Soil salinity is one of the most important problems in dry and semi-dry climate areas of the world. So, we investigated the effects of humic acid on visual quality and quantity parameters of native turfgrasses in compared to commercial one under salinity stress to explo أکثر
    Soil salinity is one of the most important problems in dry and semi-dry climate areas of the world. So, we investigated the effects of humic acid on visual quality and quantity parameters of native turfgrasses in compared to commercial one under salinity stress to explore can we reduce salinity effects by humic acid or not? So, an experiment was arranged in factorial experiment based on randomized complete design with three replications. The first factor was three grasses consist of two native accessions of Lolium perenne ҅Chadeganʼ and ҅Yarandʼ and its commercial variety, the second factor was four concentrations of humic acid (HA) (0, 5, 10, 15 g kg-1) and the third factor consisted of three levels of salinity (0, 150, 300 mM). Results of analysis of variance indicated that the interaction effects of cultivar × HA was significant in all traits (P<0.01) except uniformity and height. The treatment of cultivar × salinity significantly affected color, texture, smoothness, uniformity and RWC (P<0.01) and total quality (P<0.05). Treatment of HA × salinity had not significant influence on smoothness and uniformity but other traits were significantly influenced at 5% probability level and RWC at 1% level. Triple interaction effect was significant on texture, quality after clipping, uniformity and RWC (P<0.01) and height (P<0.05). Application of HA could decreased salinity effect on darkness, texture and increased quality after clipping and relative water content of leaves under salinity stress. Also, increasing of severity of salinity had reduction effect on plant height and total quality even with HA application. In conclusion, plants grow on soils which contain adequate humic acids (HA) are less subject to stress condition, are healthier because of having higher relative water content in contrast salinity condition. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Effect of Different Media on Some Growth, Flowering and Biochemical Parameters of Two Cultivars of Gladiolus (<i>Gladiolus grandiflorus</i> L.) under Soilless Conditions
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 4 , السنة 8 , پاییز 1397
    This experiment was conducted to study the effect of cocopeat: perlite medium with three ratios (v/v) (1:1, 3:1 and 1:3) on some vegetative, flowering and biochemical parameters of two gladiolus cultivars (Strong and White) under soilless conditions in 2016. Data indica أکثر
    This experiment was conducted to study the effect of cocopeat: perlite medium with three ratios (v/v) (1:1, 3:1 and 1:3) on some vegetative, flowering and biochemical parameters of two gladiolus cultivars (Strong and White) under soilless conditions in 2016. Data indicated that most vegetative parameters expressed as plant height, leaf number and leaf area, flowering parameter such as spike emergence, spike diameter, spike length and number of florets per spike and biochemical parameters like chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, soluble sugars and macronutrient uptake N, P and K (%) in leaf were significantly affected in cultivars, media and their interaction. As the results showed, there was a significant interaction between cultivars and media in plant height and dry weight of florets where the higher plant was obtained in white cultivar and cocopeat: perlite with ratio 1:3, while higher dry weight of florets in strong cultivar and cocopeat: perlite with ratio 1:3. All of the parameters studied showed significant increase in the treatment containing coco peat: perlite with ratio 1:3 in both cultivars. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - The Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation in Growth Response to <i>Büchloe dactyloides</i> (Bowie and Cody) Compared with <i>Festuca arundinacea</i>
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 1 , السنة 8 , بهار 1396
    Now days, turf management has encountered with water deficit, mostly due to low precipitation also industrial, agricultural and household demand and consumption. So, the objective of this project was to identify drought tolerance of warm and cool season turfgrass cultiv أکثر
    Now days, turf management has encountered with water deficit, mostly due to low precipitation also industrial, agricultural and household demand and consumption. So, the objective of this project was to identify drought tolerance of warm and cool season turfgrass cultivars to different levels of regulated-deficit irrigation. The field experiment was set out in a split-plot based on completely randomized experimental design with three replications at the experimental farm of the Department of Horticultural Science‚ Agricultural College‚ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad‚ Mashhad‚ Iran. Water treatments (40‚ 70‚ 100 percentages of regulated deficit irrigation) (RDI) were considered as main plot and turf grass types as subplots. Irrigation value was according to daily reference of evapotranspiration (ETO). In all measured traits, Bowie and Cody genotypes of buffalograss showed better response as compare to fescue genotype. There was significant difference in turf quality traits of turfgrass (such as color, texture and quality after clipping) dealt with different level of drought stress. Cody has shown the lowest quality for color index. Whereas, the finer leaves have recorded in Cody and Bowie, but not significantly to each other. However tall fescue represented the rough leaves among others. Boffalograss cultivars preserved more relative water content (RWC) in contrast to that of fescue. Results suggested that buffalograss cultivars likely can cope with severe drought stress so as to maintain its morphological quality and also is able to justify its physiological traits under severe water stress. The research results indicated that buffalograss cultivars need lower levels of irrigation compare to tall fescue. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - Modification of Flower Color Pigments and Color Composition with Hormonal Treatments and Sucrose in <i>Tulipa gesneriana</i> ‘Kingsblood’
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 2 , السنة 9 , تابستان 1398
    Three separate experiments were conducted to investigate the interplay between three phytohormones and sucrose for the change of flower color composition and the plant secondary metabolites in Tulipa. The variations of the physiological and morphological characteristics أکثر
    Three separate experiments were conducted to investigate the interplay between three phytohormones and sucrose for the change of flower color composition and the plant secondary metabolites in Tulipa. The variations of the physiological and morphological characteristics, with ABA at 5 and 10 mg/L (as experiment one), GA3 at 300 ‎and 500 mg/L ‎‎(as experiment two), 50 and 100 µM of JA (as experiment three) and their interactions with sucrose at 1 and 2 g/L were analyzed. By reviewing the HPLC charts and UV-Vis spectra, it was found that the production of plant secondary metabolites, total flavonoids, and anthocyanins composition pigments was influenced by the foliar application of the plant hormones. The sucrose alone had no significant effect on the quantification of different phytochemicals, but the interaction with JA and ABA showed a considerable variation in the anthocyanin accumulation and total flavonoids. Both JA and ABA hormones, in spite of enhanced anthocyanin accumulation and increased cyanidin and pelargonidin pigment percentage, were associated with reduced vegetative growth parameters as well as vase life, compared to the control plants. However, GA3 at 500 mg/L without sucrose played a key role in the accumulation of anthocyanin, postharvest performance, and the increase in the three major anthocyanin pigments. Moreover, the data provided evidence of interference between the sucrose and GA3 in the regulation of the anthocyanin accumulation. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    7 - Alleviation of Drought Stress Effects by Exogenous Application of Spermidine and Salicylic Acid on Hollyhock (<i>Alcea rosea</i>)
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 5 , السنة 9 , زمستان 1398
    Drought is one of the most important environmental factors limiting the cultivation of ornamental plants in the green space. The effects of spermidine and salicylic acid on hollyhock (Alcea rosea L.)under drought stress were investigated. At first, the plants were spray أکثر
    Drought is one of the most important environmental factors limiting the cultivation of ornamental plants in the green space. The effects of spermidine and salicylic acid on hollyhock (Alcea rosea L.)under drought stress were investigated. At first, the plants were sprayed with 3 doses of spermidine and 3 doses of salicylic acid (control, 100, 200 and 400 μM) for three consecutive days, then were subjected to drought stress (40, 60, 80 % FC) for 2 weeks. The results showed that drought stress increase up to 40 % FC increased electrolyte leakage, proline and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity compared to control plants. Also, the application of 100 μM spermidine and salicylic acid in different concentrations of spraying solutions significantly reduced electrolyte leakage and catalase enzyme activity and increased the relative water content (RWC), proline, protein, number of flower, leaf area and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity, but higher concentrations (400 μM) was ineffective or had inhibitive effects. Treated plants with 100 μM spermidine and salicylic acid showed higher tolerance to drought stress (up to 40 % FC) with regard to lower electrolyte leakage (by 5 %) and higher relative water content (by 11 and 9 %), proline content (by 31 and 21 %), SPAD (by 18 and 5 %) and dry weight (by 3 %) compared with non-treated plants under 40 % FC. Hollyhock growth severely suffered by water deficit, but application of spermidine and salicylic acid promoted RWC, proline and protein content under water deficit conditions. Foliar application of spermidine and salicylic acid could be considered as an economical practice for increasing hollyhock performance under water deficit conditions. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    8 - تاثیر 1-متیل سیکلوپروپن و متیل جاسمونات بر عمر پس از برداشت گل‌های شاخه بریده آلسترومریا رقم "کلگری"
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 14 , السنة 14 , تابستان 1403

    آلسترومریا یکی از مهم ترین محصولات گلکاری دنیا است که صفاتی مانند تنوع بسیار زیاد در رنگ، ارقام مختلف و زیبایی باعث موفقیت گل آلسترومریا در تجارت جهانی می‌باشد. استفاده از محلول‌های مختلف نگهدارنده گل در مراحل مختلف عرضه گل‌های بریدنی به بازار موجب جلو أکثر

    آلسترومریا یکی از مهم ترین محصولات گلکاری دنیا است که صفاتی مانند تنوع بسیار زیاد در رنگ، ارقام مختلف و زیبایی باعث موفقیت گل آلسترومریا در تجارت جهانی می‌باشد. استفاده از محلول‌های مختلف نگهدارنده گل در مراحل مختلف عرضه گل‌های بریدنی به بازار موجب جلوگیری از تولید و فعالیت اتیلن، فراهم نمودن آب و تأمین انرژی مورد نیاز گیاه پس از جدا شدن از پایه مادری شده که باعث افزایش عمر گل و حفظ کیفیت گل‌های بریدنی می گردد. بنابراین آزمایش بصورت فاکتوریل سه عاملی بر مبنای طرح کاملا تصادفی با ۵ تکرار در هر تکرار یک شاخه گل در گروه علوم باغبانی دانشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد انجام شد . درین پژوهش اثر ۱-متیل سیکلوپروپن و متیل جاسمونات بر عمر پس از برداشت گل های شاخه بریده آلسترومریا (کلگری) مطالعه شد. نتایج اثر اصلی کاربرد متیل جاسمونات نشان داد که بیشترین میزان جذب آب، وزن تر نسبی، عمر گلجای، کلروفیل a، b ، آنتوسیانین، کاتالاز، پراکسیداز و سوپراکسیددیسموتاز در غلظت ۰/۲ میکرولیتر در لیتر متیل‌جاسمونات مشاهده شد. نتایج اثر اصلی کاربرد ۱-متیل سیکلوپروپن نشان داد که بیشترین میزان جذب آب، وزن تر نسبی، عمر گلجای، کلروفیل a، b ، آنتوسیانین، کاتالاز، پراکسیداز و سوپراکسیددیسموتاز در غلظت ۱ میکرولیتر در لیتر ۱-متیل سیکلوپروپن مشاهده شد. نتایج اثر متقابل کاربرد متیل جاسمونات و ۱-متیل سیکلوپروپن نشان داد که جذب آب، وزن تر نسبی، عمر گلجایی، کلروفیل a وb، آنتوسیانین و آنزیم‌های آنتی‌اکسیدانی در تیمار 4 درصد ساکارز+۳۰۰ میلی گرم در لیتر ۸-هیدروکسی کوئینولین سولفات+۱میکرولیتر در لیتر ۱- متیل‌سیکلوپروپن +۰/۲ میکرولیتر در لیتر متیل جاسمونات بیشترین میزان بود.

    تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    9 - Effect of Heat Stress Duration on Growth, Flowering and Electrolyte Leakage in Four Cultivars of <i>Calendula officinalis</i>
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 2 , السنة 7 , تابستان 1396
    In the floriculture industry, the need for heat tolerant bedding plant cultivars is increasing because of the rising temperature around the world. A pot experiment was carried out to examine the impacts of four heat stress durations (0, 7, 14 and 21 days) on growth and أکثر
    In the floriculture industry, the need for heat tolerant bedding plant cultivars is increasing because of the rising temperature around the world. A pot experiment was carried out to examine the impacts of four heat stress durations (0, 7, 14 and 21 days) on growth and ornamental traits to determine the relative heat tolerance of four cultivars of calendula (Calendula officinalis). Growth and development were quantified by measuring plant height, total leaf area, shoot and root fresh weight, shoot and root dry weight, time to flowering, flower number, average flower size, and flower longevity. Plant height, leaf area, and shoot and root growth at 35-42°C were significantly lower than those at normal temperatures (20-30°C). Time to flowering increased with temperature. Flower number, size and longevity were reduced by heat stress, so that among all durations, plants exposed to heat stress for 21d had the least mean. Longer heat stress reduced the plant height, leaf area, shoot and root growth, SPAD value, flower diameter and flower longevity of all cultivars., However, the range percentage reduction in growth and flowering parameters were different among cultivars. Experiment to determine the membranedamageshowed an increasein percent electrolyte leakage with exposure of plants to higher temperatures. The studied cultivars differed in their sensitivity to heat stress. The results indicated that better cell membrane stability, higher shoot and root growth, and later flowering led to greater heat tolerance in ‘Indian Prince’ compared to other cultivars. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    10 - Life Cycle and Phenological Growth Stages in Endangered Fritillaria raddeana Regel Using BBCH Scale in Its Natural Habitat, Northern Khorasan Province, Iran
    Journal of Rangeland Science , العدد 1 , السنة 11 , زمستان 2021
    Studying the phenology of valuable native plants which are on the verge of extinction, is very important and effective for better introduction and protection of them. Fritillaria raddeana is one of the native bulbous plants with ornamental and medicinal value in Iran. T أکثر
    Studying the phenology of valuable native plants which are on the verge of extinction, is very important and effective for better introduction and protection of them. Fritillaria raddeana is one of the native bulbous plants with ornamental and medicinal value in Iran. The aim of this study is to investigate the phenological stages of F. raddeana as a first step to protect it and later to introduce it. In a natural habitat, in northern Khorasan province, Iran, six zones were selected at a distance of 1000 m from each other, and five plants were selected and coded in each zone. To provide a standardized phenological description of the species, this study used the BBCH scale. In total, from sprouting to winter rest, six main principal stages were described for sprouting, leaf development, inflorescence emergence, flowering, fruit development, fruit maturity, senescence, and beginning of dormancy stages and within them, 15 secondary growth stages were described. Data were collected once a week in the course of the vegetative season and with a 30-day interval during the dormant season for two consecutive years (2015-2017). Additionally, we measured some traits of plant growth. During the first year, sprouting and subsequent leaf development began in late March and the inflorescence emerged in the middle of April. The full bloom occurred in the first half of May and then seed formation (in the late of May). The summer dormancy was triggered in late spring. During the second year of study (2016-2017), the results showed the growing stages start with a delay of 5-8 days compared with the previous year. In addition, the means of studied growth plant traits such as leaf number, plant height, flower stem length, flower number, and flower diameter were significantly higher in the first year than in the second one. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    11 - Assessment of Phenological Stages of Iris ferdowsii, a New Endangered Species Based on BBCH System
    Journal of Rangeland Science , ستأتي المقالات قريبًا
    The basis of many plant studies is the identification of plant species because identifying plant populations in every region is the pivotal pillar of plants conservation. Furthermore, study of the stages of plant growth cycle is one of the ways to determine growth detai أکثر
    The basis of many plant studies is the identification of plant species because identifying plant populations in every region is the pivotal pillar of plants conservation. Furthermore, study of the stages of plant growth cycle is one of the ways to determine growth details of any given plant. The current research aimed to investigate the phenological stages of Iris ferdowsii in the main habitat of the plant based on the BBCH system for the first time (Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt and Chemical Industry). The phenological study of Iris ferdowsii was performed during three consecutive years from 2018 to 2021. After selecting the habitat of this plant species, 10 different points of plant growth with a certain distance from each other were selected to study the different phenological stages of Iris ferdowsii. According to this system, the phenological stages of Iris ferdowsii was divided into 7 main stages and 13 sub-stages including: emergence, growth and development of two leaves, full growth and development of leaves, spathes stage, flowering, flower wilting, seed capsule formation, splitting of the seed capsule, the beginning of summer dormancy, the end of summer dormancy, the fall growth, the beginning of winter quiescence, and the end of winter quiescence. Identifying the new and endangered plant species of Iris ferdowsii, as a wild plant and a new genetic source provides researchers with the proper planning to preserve this species, domesticate and use it properly in breeding programs. We can also study its potentials in various ornamental and medicinal fields. تفاصيل المقالة