فهرس المقالات Nosrat Safaian

  • المقاله

    1 - Selection of Appropriate Estimation Methods of Range Conditions (Case Study: Kabirkooh Rangelands of Zagros, Iran)
    Journal of Rangeland Science , العدد 2 , السنة 4 , بهار 2014
    The range conditions explain its health as a management tool. Obviously, theimplementation of this important assessment requires the most appropriate study methodfor each region. In order to select the most appropriate methods of range conditions inKabirkooh grasslands أکثر
    The range conditions explain its health as a management tool. Obviously, theimplementation of this important assessment requires the most appropriate study methodfor each region. In order to select the most appropriate methods of range conditions inKabirkooh grasslands of Zagros in Iran, five estimation methods (i.e. six-factor, fourfactor,vegetation and soil combination, value of pasture and climax) were studied in threekey and critical areas. In each area, five stations were selected using the randomizedsystematicmethod. The differences between methods were analyzed using the factorialexperiment by the help of the randomized complete blocks design with five replications.The results showed that there were significant differences (p<0.01) between both rangeconditions’ determination methods and different areas. Regarding Kabirkooh rangelands incurrent circumstances, four-factor method for semi-arid region is more applicable for therange condition determination. Biomass production and range conditions had a closerelationship using Pearson correlation test (p<0.01, r=0.86). تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Assessment of Health Conditions of Mountain Rangeland Ecosystem Using Species Diversity and Richness Indices, Case Study: Central Alborz (Iran)
    Journal of Rangeland Science , العدد 1 , السنة 2 , زمستان 2012
    Based on the importance and role of species diversity and richness as ameasurement of the health of an ecosystem; studying of their components can lead toevaluate the health condition of rangeland. This research was carried out in a part ofhighland mountainous rangeland أکثر
    Based on the importance and role of species diversity and richness as ameasurement of the health of an ecosystem; studying of their components can lead toevaluate the health condition of rangeland. This research was carried out in a part ofhighland mountainous rangeland of Mount Alborz Range in Iran. Diversity and richnesswere assessed as an ecosystem health indicator. The study area was located between 2200to 4200 m altitude in north of Iran. The rangeland vegetation was covered by grass as thedominant species along with forbs and cushion like species. The rangeland was grazed bylivestock as summer rangelands. The samples were collected in reference, key, and criticalareas using transects. The data were analyzed by stepwise regression in that rangelandcondition as dependant variable and vegetation form as independent variables. Plantdiversity and richness indices were calculated by PAST Software. The results showed thatgrass species diversity had the highest correlation with the rangeland condition in key site.The cushiony species and the combination of grass and forbs had high correlations with therangeland condition in both critical and reference sites. The key and critical rangelands hadthe highest and lowest diversity, respectively. The critical zone was in disequilibriumconditions so the rehabilitation of vegetation cover is recommended for the similar regions.It was concluded that Long-term enclosure can decline the species diversity and richness.Moderate grazing is the best tool to use the grazing land without severe reduction inabundance and biomass of species. تفاصيل المقالة