فهرس المقالات Mozhgan Toulabi

  • المقاله

    1 - Energy-Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimization Sink Movement Control
    International Journal of Smart Electrical Engineering , العدد 4 , السنة 1 , تابستان 2012
    A sensor network is made up of a large number of sensors with limited energy. Sensors collect environmental data then send them to the sink. Energy efficiency and thereby increasing the lifetime of sensor networks is important. Direct transfer of the data from each node أکثر
    A sensor network is made up of a large number of sensors with limited energy. Sensors collect environmental data then send them to the sink. Energy efficiency and thereby increasing the lifetime of sensor networks is important. Direct transfer of the data from each node to the central station will increase energy consumption. Previous research has shown that the organization of nodes in clusters and selection the appropriate cluster head increases the network lifetime. In this study, clustering, determine to cluster heads and the sink movement on the predefined paths has been done with fuzzy method. There are two inputs for the fuzzy model; residual energy of the node and distance from the sink. The output is priority of cluster heads. Sink moves base on the highest priorities on the predefined paths. Then by using genetic algorithm, the number of clusters, shape type and area is optimized. Fitness function is based on network lifetime. تفاصيل المقالة