فهرس المقالات Behzad ghonsooly

  • المقاله

    1 - Appraising the Relationship between Teachers’ Effectiveness and Teachers’ Productivity among Iranian EFL High School Teachers: A Mixed Methods Sequential Explanatory Design
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , العدد 2 , السنة 11 , بهار 2023
    Due to the primary role of teachers as practitioners of educational principles, considering teachers’ effectiveness and productivity are regarded as significant issues in the field of language teaching which has recently received experts’ attention in SLA re أکثر
    Due to the primary role of teachers as practitioners of educational principles, considering teachers’ effectiveness and productivity are regarded as significant issues in the field of language teaching which has recently received experts’ attention in SLA research. In response to this outlook in education, this interdisciplinary explanatory ‎sequential mixed-methods study aimed to address the relationship between EFL teachers’ effectiveness and productivity in the light of a famous model taken from the field of human resource management now applied to the EFL domain. On this premise, out of 100 English teachers, 80 female Iranian EFL high ‎school teachers, selected through convenience sampling from 34 public high schools in Mashhad, ‎Iran, participated in the study and responded to the Teachers’ Effectiveness Questionnaire (Kumar & Mutha, 1974), and Teachers’ Productivity Questionnaire (Hersey & Goldsmith, 1980). A semi-structured interview with 15 female EFL teachers was also undertaken to help triangulate the results. Results from the quantitative phase indicated that teachers’ perceptions of the teachers’ effectiveness were significantly correlated with their productivity. The qualitative findings added to the quantitative findings by explaining several main personal and organizational issues concerning EFL teachers’ perceptions of teachers’ effectiveness and productivity, for example, teachers’ interpersonal relationships, personal needs, motivational factors, subject knowledge, professional development, personal attributes, and administrators’ support. The findings of this investigation may have some implications for stakeholders, policymakers, administrators, and teacher educators to re-plan their professional development programs to meet the real needs of teachers in their particular educational context rather than providing teachers with theory-based programs. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - A Comparative Error Analysis: Iranian Monolingual and Bilingual Male and Female EFL Learners
    Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , العدد 1 , السنة 15 , پاییز 2022
    Error analysis is considered as an invaluable pedagogical tool in teaching English as a foreign/second language (EFL/ESL). Despite abundant research, there are still lacunae in studies investigating the written grammatical errors among monolingual and bilingual male and أکثر
    Error analysis is considered as an invaluable pedagogical tool in teaching English as a foreign/second language (EFL/ESL). Despite abundant research, there are still lacunae in studies investigating the written grammatical errors among monolingual and bilingual male and female Persian and Turkmen EFL learners. To fill the gap, 158 Persian and Turkmen EFL learners from Golestan Province wrote two descriptive scripts that were examined for their most recurrent written grammatical errors. The errors were then analyzed and compared based on the framework of the study. Statistical analyses indicated significant relationships between Persian and Turkmens’ written grammatical errors and their gender. The frequency of monolingual Persians’ errors was significantly lower than that of bilingual Turkmens. These findings might interest EFL teachers, syllabus designers, and materials developers. Moreover, they could be a prerequisite to corrective feedback research while opening doors to further pertinent studies. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Efficacy and Productivity
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 1 , السنة 13 , زمستان 2023
    The present study investigated the association between teachers’ efficacy and productivity among EFL teachers of adolescent students. On this premise, eighty high school English teachers from 34 public high schools in Mashhad were selected out of 100 English teach أکثر
    The present study investigated the association between teachers’ efficacy and productivity among EFL teachers of adolescent students. On this premise, eighty high school English teachers from 34 public high schools in Mashhad were selected out of 100 English teachers through convenience sampling. Data were collected via two instruments, the Teachers’ Efficacy Questionnaire (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk, 2001), and the Teachers’ productivity Questionnaire (Hersey & Goldsmith, 1980). Subsequently, the data analyzed through the Pearson correlation and regression toward the mean analysis. The results of the correlation tests uncovered that there was a critical connection between EFL teachers’ efficacy and productivity. Furthermore, the results of simple regression analyses confirmed that teachers’ efficacy was a noteworthy predictor of their productivity. Thusly, in light of the results of assessing teachers’ perception, policymakers and professionals might have the option to cultivate teachers’ competency by planning and determining their future professional paths and provide a clearer perspective for their professional growth and development. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Contradictions in Writing Anxiety: A Qualitative Case Study of Expansive Learning among Iranian EFL Learners
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 1 , السنة 9 , زمستان 2019
    This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspec- tive. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL أکثر
    This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspec- tive. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL learners and teachers who participated by providing comments, diaries, and documents. The participants were also observed and interviewed follow- ing Mwanza's model as a guide. The obtained data in the whole process was constantly thematized by means of a qualitative software, NVIVO 10. The main themes on writing anxiety were extracted from teachers and learners by applying contradictions as a principle of expansive learning theory. To help learn- ers become transformative agents of anxiety, an intervention process was carried out in the form of an online collaborative writing task. The findings recommend applying contradictions as an initiative point for problem-solving and a driving impellent of activity which may lead to expansive learning. Besides, the dy- namic and developmental process is hoped to help learners expand and transform their writing anxiety. Con- tradictions may also become an initiation for future studies on language learning. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Contradictions in Writing Anxiety: A Qualitative Case Study of Expansive Learning among Iranian EFL Learners
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 2 , السنة 10 , بهار 2020
    This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspective. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL l أکثر
    This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspective. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL learners and teachers who participated by providing comments, diaries, and documents. The participants were also observed and interviewed following Mwanza's model as a guide. The obtained data in the whole process was constantly thematized by means of a qualitative software, NVIVO 10. The main themes on writing anxiety were extracted from teachers and learners by applying contradictions as a principle of expansive learning theory. To help learners become transformative agents of anxiety, an intervention process was carried out in the form of an online collaborative writing task. The findings recommend applying contradictions as an initial point for problem-solving and a driving impellent of activity which may lead to expansive learning. Besides, the dynamic and developmental process is expected to help learners expand and transform their writing anxiety. Contradictions may also become an initiation for future studies on language learning. تفاصيل المقالة