فهرس المقالات Razieh Eslamieh

  • المقاله

    1 - Dialogism amid Heteroglossia of the Translinguistic Process of Relexification: The Subversion of Colonial Cultural and Linguistic Imperialism
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 1 , السنة 10 , زمستان 2020
    Most postcolonial African writers choose English as the language of their literary works for the reason of wider audience reception but come to indigenize it to decolonize the colonial tool, i.e. colonial language. The translinguistic process of relexification means sub أکثر
    Most postcolonial African writers choose English as the language of their literary works for the reason of wider audience reception but come to indigenize it to decolonize the colonial tool, i.e. colonial language. The translinguistic process of relexification means subverting colonial cultural imperialism and colonial linguistic imposition through the dialogic interaction opened in the wake of using colonial language to represent the voices of the dispossessed amid a heteroglotic milieu. Relexification is the linguistic reflec- tion of polyglotic multilingual postcolonial milieu. Studying relexification in Chinua Achebe‟s rural nov- el, Things Fall Apart, the present paper intends to delineate that while colonial literary discourse is mostly monologic as it voices mainly the colonizer, postcolonial literary discourse is the dialogic bringing to- gether of voices and forces from both sides. The synchronic study of relexification can reveal that the hy- bridization strategy triumphs on three axes of linguistic transposition, rhythmic transposition, and folklor- ic transposition. The paper is limited to linguistic transposition. First through the theoretical saturation method, samples of lexical borrowing, cushioning, and code-mixing were spotted in the corpus. Next the samples were thematically analyzed to derive implications of relexificatin in textual context. Discourse analysis revealed broader dialogic and subversive implications of relexification in postcolonial polyglot discourse. Implementing literary relexification in his novels, Achebe extends the frontiers of English by creating a new English literary form. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Adequacy and Acceptability of the English Translation of Scientific Implications: Eclectic Model of Shifting to Quran Translations of Arberry, Irving, Yusuf Ali, and Saffarzadeh
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 5 , السنة 11 , پاییز 2021
    There are verses in the Holy Quran with implicit scientific overtones, the improper translation of which may not reveal the scientific I’jaz of the Quran. This research focuses on the English translation of the scientific implications to find any relation between أکثر
    There are verses in the Holy Quran with implicit scientific overtones, the improper translation of which may not reveal the scientific I’jaz of the Quran. This research focuses on the English translation of the scientific implications to find any relation between acceptable/adequate and explanatory/non-explanatory translations. To this end, first, the verses with a scientific impact were selected by consulting four commentaries. Second, four English translations of the Quran by Arberry, Irving, Yusuf Ali, and Saffarzadeh were chosen and theoretically analyzed in terms of Toury’s initial norm of acceptability/adequacy, an eclectic model of shifting built on Chesterman and Zahedi’s models. Third, the translations were comparatively and semantically analyzed to assess if the scientific implication had been transferred. The results show that Saffarzadeh, Yusuf Ali, and Irving’s translations use more shifts; henceforth, their translations are near to acceptability. Saffarzadeh, Yusuf Ali, and Irving have referred to the scientific implications in more cases than Arberry whose translation is near the adequacy pole. Acceptable translations conveying the implicit meaning more frequently are more explanatory and a more proper translation for translating the scientific implication. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - The Intersemiotic Study of Translation from Page to Stage: The Farsi Translation of Macbeth for Stage Adaptation from the Perspective of Peirceʼs Model
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 2 , السنة 9 , بهار 2019
    Intersemiotic translation, which can happen in the process of the translation of drama for theatre, can turn more complicated when the verbal sign system of drama has already undergone interlingual translation. The purpose of this study is to find the intersemiotic chan أکثر
    Intersemiotic translation, which can happen in the process of the translation of drama for theatre, can turn more complicated when the verbal sign system of drama has already undergone interlingual translation. The purpose of this study is to find the intersemiotic changes of translation from page to stage and to show the changes of indexical, iconic, and symbolic signs in the process of intersemiotic translation of the already interlingually translated verbal signs. In this regard, Shakespeareʼs Macbeth (1606) and its theatrical performance directed by Reza Servati (2010) were selected as the corpus and Peirceʼs model was chosen as the theoretical framework. The findings of this research demonstrate that all levels of iconical, indexical, and symbolic signs are applicable to the semiotic analysis of the performance. However, there should be a cautious generalization regarding the transfer of iconic signs. The theoretical model of this study can be used to study verbal sign variations of other literary works and other literary genres once they are intersemiotically translated to and adapted for other sign systems such as audio (like music), visual (like painting), and audio-visual (like film). تفاصيل المقالة