فهرس المقالات G.Y. Marmaryan

  • المقاله

    1 - Study of Milking Efficiency, Biochemical Milk Composition and Hormonal Blood Parameters of Armenian Goat Breeds for the Second Lactation Period
    Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science , العدد 1 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2013
    The purpose of the given work was to study the dairy efficiency of the delivered, local and crossbreed goats in three different generations (F1, F2 and F3), derived from their crosses, as well as the biochemical composition of milk and some bloodplasma hormones, partici أکثر
    The purpose of the given work was to study the dairy efficiency of the delivered, local and crossbreed goats in three different generations (F1, F2 and F3), derived from their crosses, as well as the biochemical composition of milk and some bloodplasma hormones, participating in the process of lactopoez. For the biochemical tests of milk we have selected casein and serumproteins, iron in lactoferrin and xanthine oxidase activity as one of the enzymes of protein catabolism together with lysozyme activity.Deliveredgoat breeds surpassthe locals inmilk production. Cross-breeds F1, F2, and especially F3 occupy an intermediate position, andthe latter ones even surpass Toggenburg breed, but are inferior to Alpine and Zaane breeds. It is stated a direct correlation between milk production of goat breeds and their crossbreeds and the level of prolactin in blood. It is noted the inverse correlation on the content of insulin. تفاصيل المقالة