فهرس المقالات Mehdi Khoshkharam

  • المقاله

    1 - Influence of Green Manuring From Different Cover Crops and Farm Yard Manures on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Forage Corn in Low Input Farming
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , العدد 2 , السنة 12 , بهار 2017
    Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian 1*, Ali Soleymani2, Mehdi Khoshkharam3 1- Assistant ProfessorSenior Researcher- Faculty of Agriculture- Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran 2- Associate ProfessorFaculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, أکثر
    Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian 1*, Ali Soleymani2, Mehdi Khoshkharam3 1- Assistant ProfessorSenior Researcher- Faculty of Agriculture- Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran 2- Associate ProfessorFaculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran 3- InstructorGreen house manager and senior researcher * Corresponding author email: hesamshahrajabian@gmail.com Received: 5 March 2017 Accepted: 12 May 20017 Abstract An appropriate sustainable agricultural technology system is an important technical support of the promotion of sustainable agricultural development. Properly management of residues can warrant the improvement of sustainability in crop productivity. The research was conducted in 2011 at Experimental Field of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran. A strip layout randomized complete block design with three replications was used. The experiment was related to the effects of green manures of barley, rye, triticale and clover ,two levels of farm yard manure, namely, 30 and 60 t/ha and one treatment of chemical fertilizer as a control treatment were arranged in main strip and decomposition time of manures in two levels, one and four weeks after returning. Cover crop had significant influence on stem diameter, ear height, final plant height, leaf and stem fresh weights, stem and ear dry weights, fresh forage yield, nitrate leaf and protein content. Moreover, fresh forage yield, biological yield, of leaf nitrate, nitrate of stem, protein and ash were influenced by different managements. The highest plant height, leaf, stem fresh weight, ear and, stem and ear dry weight were related barley green manure treatment. The maximum stem diameter, plant height, ear fresh weight, leaf, stem and ear dry weights were obtained in the treatment of four weeks fo residue retention. The highest biological yield and fiber percentage of forage corn were observed in the treatment of residue retention for four weeks and crop residue incorporation, respectveily. Besides, there were no signfiicant differences for these both experimental characteristics between mentioned above treatments and residue burning. The highest fresh forage yield, protein and ash percentages were achieved in residue burning treatment. In conclusion, it seems that residue burning accompained with usage of triticale as a green manure was the best choice to achieve high quality, but for obtaining the highest fresh forage yield and biological yield of forage corn, triticale plantation can be replaced by barley. Keywords: Cover crops, Manure, Geen manure, Forage corn. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - The Most Important Pharmaceutical Benefits of Sulforaphane, a Sulfur-Rich Compound in Cruciferous
    Research On Crop Ecophysiology , العدد 2 , السنة 14 , بهار 2019
    The Most Important Pharmaceutical Benefits of Sulforaphane, a Sulfur-Rich Compound in Cruciferous Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian1,2, Wenli Sun1, and Qi Cheng1,2* 1-Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 2-Col أکثر
    The Most Important Pharmaceutical Benefits of Sulforaphane, a Sulfur-Rich Compound in Cruciferous Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian1,2, Wenli Sun1, and Qi Cheng1,2* 1-Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 2-College of Life Sciences, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei, 071000, China; Global Alliance of HeBAU-CLS&HeQiS for BioAl-Manufacturing, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China. *Corresponding author E-mail: chengqi@caas.cn; hesamshahrajabian@gmail.com Received: 10 March 2019 Accepted: 20 June 2019 Abstract Natural products have played a key role in drug discovery and development in modern days. Sulforaphane can be found in a wide variety of cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese broccoli, broccoli sprouts, broccoli raab, Kohlrabi, collards, kohlrabi, mustard, turnip, kale and radish. The most important health benefits of sulforaphane is its effects again breast cancer, lung cancer cells, human liver cancer cells, gastric cancer cell lines, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cells cancer, treatment of cancer cell senescence, anti-inflammatory properties, antineoplastic agent, reduction of placental and endothelial oxidative stress, potential in mixed granulocyte asthma, treatment of various neurological disorders, protection again skeletal muscle disease, anti-allergic and its impact against oxidative stress. Keywords: Natural Compounds, Sulforaphane, Health Benefits, Cancer. تفاصيل المقالة