فهرس المقالات Kehinde Ogunleye

  • المقاله

    1 - Adoption Intensity Determinants for Improved Sweet Potato Varieties among Farmers in Nigeria
    International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development , العدد 4 , السنة 9 , تابستان 2019
    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the stable tuber crops consumed by many households in Nigeria. It can be found in different varieties and exist in many colours of skin and flesh. The production of this important crop is still very low, thereby compromising food أکثر
    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the stable tuber crops consumed by many households in Nigeria. It can be found in different varieties and exist in many colours of skin and flesh. The production of this important crop is still very low, thereby compromising food security. Sweet potato is one of the target commodity crops under the Nigerian Agriculture Sector Investment Opportunities. However, improved sweet potato production has not been widely adopted among farmers Oyo state hence, the need to investigate factors affecting the adoption of improved sweet potato varieties among farmers in Oyo state. Data were collected from 350 farmers randomly selected from two agricultural zones in the state. The data collected were presented using descriptive statistics and analysed using Tobit regression model. Results showed that farm size, age, years of formal education, early maturing, high yield potential, market availability, resistant to pests and diseases and availability of vines significantly influenced the adoption of improved sweet potato varieties. Availability of vines of improved varieties, high yield potential, early maturity, resistant to pests and diseases and market availability were the technology-specific attributes that influenced both the adoption of improved sweet potato varieties and its use intensity. The study, therefore suggests that attribute preferences of farmers need to be integrated into the development of improved sweet potato varieties by the researchers to enhance its adoption and use intensity. تفاصيل المقالة