فهرس المقالات Mehrdad Babarabie

  • المقاله

    1 - Investigation of the Impact of Benzyladenine and Several Natural Compounds on the Vase Life and Some Qualitative Traits of Tuberose Cut Flowers
    Journal of Ornamental Plants , العدد 1 , السنة 6 , بهار 1394
    Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) is one of the most important cut flowers with fragrant buds. To prolong vase life of tuberose, proper preservative solution applying is necessary. For this purpose, two types of chemical and natural treatments were used. Applied treatments أکثر
    Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) is one of the most important cut flowers with fragrant buds. To prolong vase life of tuberose, proper preservative solution applying is necessary. For this purpose, two types of chemical and natural treatments were used. Applied treatments were benzyladenine (50, 100, and 150 mg l-1), the extracts of rosemary and Eucalyptus (12, 25 and 50%) and sour orange fruit extract (3, 4, 5 and 6 ml l-1). Sucrose 4% was used in all solutions. Measured characteristics included the vase life, the percentage of opening of the buds, the relative fresh weight, the solution absorption, the total soluble solids, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll. The results showed that the maximum vase life was obtained in benzyladenine treatment of 50 mg l-1 (11.66 days) and the minimum vase life was obtained in the control treatment and rosemary extract of 50% (6.33 days). The highest percentage of buds opening was related to the benzyladenine treatment of 150 mg l-1. The maximum relative fresh weight and solution absorption were obtained in the benzyladenine treatments of 100 and 50 mg l-1, respectively and the maximum amount of total soluble solids was obtained in Eucalyptus extract treatment of 12 %. In addition, the maximum amount of chlorophyll a, b and total was related to the treatment of sour orange fruit extract of 4.5 mg l-1. In general, the results showed that benzyladenine had the maximum vase life but, natural compounds especially the extracts of Eucalyptus and sour orange had the significant effect on the vase life and the other traits of tuberose cut flowers and they can be used as simple, healthy and cheap compounds. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - The Effect of Non-Harmful Compounds Environmentally (Eucalyptus and Rosa damascena essences) on Vase Life and Some Physiological Characteristics of Gerbera Cut Flowers
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , العدد 2 , السنة 6 , تابستان 2016
    In this study, Gerbera (Cv. alain ducasse) cut flowers were treated with essences of Eucalyptus and Rosa damascena at a concentration of 200 mg l-1 and their effects on the vase life of flowers and some qualitative characteristics were evaluated. This research was a com أکثر
    In this study, Gerbera (Cv. alain ducasse) cut flowers were treated with essences of Eucalyptus and Rosa damascena at a concentration of 200 mg l-1 and their effects on the vase life of flowers and some qualitative characteristics were evaluated. This research was a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement. Maximum vase life was obtained for flowers treated with the Eucalyptus essence (10 days) and the lowest vase life was related to the control (7 days). The maximum fresh weight, solution uptake, bent neck reduction were related to the Eucalyptus treatment and the maximum stem diameter was obtained with the R. damascena essence treatment. In addition, the total soluble solids in the treatment with herbal essences were increased compared to the control; however, no significant difference between them was observed. Overall, for increasing the vase life and qualitative characteristics of Gerbera cut flowers, eucalyptus and R. damascena essences can be used in the vase solution. Treatments used in this experiment, as accessible compounds are healthy and non-hazardous for the environment, appropriate to increase the vase life of Gerbera cut flowers. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Investigating the Potential of Increasing of the Vase Life and some Qualitative Traits of Tuberose Cut Flowers by Non-Harmful Compounds Environmentally
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , العدد 4 , السنة 6 , پاییز 2016
    In order to investigate the use of natural and healthy treatments and reduction of the risks of using chemicals at the preservative solutions of cut flowers, Eucalyptus extracts (12,25, 50%), rosemary (12, 25, 50%), sour orange (4.5 ml l-1) combined with 4% sucrose were أکثر
    In order to investigate the use of natural and healthy treatments and reduction of the risks of using chemicals at the preservative solutions of cut flowers, Eucalyptus extracts (12,25, 50%), rosemary (12, 25, 50%), sour orange (4.5 ml l-1) combined with 4% sucrose were used in vase solution of tuberose. This experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement in three replications. Traits of vase life, the percentage of opening buds, total soluble solids, solution uptake, relative fresh weight, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll were evaluated. The maximum and minimum vase life were obtained for the flowers treated with Eucalyptus extract of 50% + sour orange fruit extract (11.33 days) and control group (6.33 days), respectively. The treatment of rosemary extract of 50% + sour orange extract had the highest percentage of the opening buds and relative fresh weight. The highest total soluble solids and solution uptake were related to treatments of Eucalyptus extract of 25% + sour orange extract and Eucalyptus extract of 50% + sour orange extract, respectively. Flowers treated with Eucalyptus extract of 12% + rosemary extract had the maximum chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll. The combination of the extracts of rosemary and Eucalyptus with sour orange fruit extract improves the vase life and some physiological traits of it. Since the environment is faced with serious risks, the use of harmful chemicals to extend the life of horticultural products is not explainable. Thus, the use of natural, safe, inexpensive and available for preservative solutions of the cut flowers is an appropriate way to minimize harm to the environment. تفاصيل المقالة