فهرس المقالات K Sharma

  • المقاله

    1 - Crack Interaction Studies Using XFEM Technique
    Journal of Solid Mechanics , العدد 5 , السنة 6 , پاییز 2014
    In this paper, edge crack problems under mechanical loads have been analysed using extended finite element method (XFEM) as it has proved to be a competent method for handling problems with discontinuities. The XFEM provides a versatile technique to model discontinuitie أکثر
    In this paper, edge crack problems under mechanical loads have been analysed using extended finite element method (XFEM) as it has proved to be a competent method for handling problems with discontinuities. The XFEM provides a versatile technique to model discontinuities in the solution domain without re-meshing or conformal mesh. The stress intensity factors (SIF) have been calculated by domain based interaction integral method. The effect of crack orientation and interaction under mechanical loading has been studied. Analytical solutions, which are available for two dimensional displacement fields in linear elastic fracture mechanics, have been used for crack tip enrichment. From the present analysis, it has been observed that there is monotonous decrease in the SIF-1 value with the increase in inclination, while SIF-II values first increases then it also decreases. Next study was performed for first edge crack in the presence of second crack on opposite edge. The results were obtained by changing the distance between the crack tips as well as by changing the orientation of second crack. SIFs values decrease with increase in distances between the crack tips for collinear cracks. In next study, for the first crack in presence of inclined second edge crack and it was found that SIFs increase initially with the increase in inclination and decrease after that. It emphasizes the fact that cracks at larger distances act more or less independently. In next study, with the use of level set method crack growth path is evaluated without remeshing for plate with hole, soft inclusion & hard inclusion under mode-I loading and compare with available published results. تفاصيل المقالة