فهرس المقالات ابراهیم اصغری کلجاهی

  • المقاله

    1 - Using the Results of CPTu to Identify the Subsurface Sediment Layers in Urmia Lake Bridge Site, NW Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 2 , السنة 10 , زمستان 2018
    Specifying the soil types and profiling the subsurface soil layers are the excellent examples of CPTu test potentials. In this research, the capability of CPTu test for specifying subsurface soil layers and classification of the sediments in Urmia Lake is investigated. أکثر
    Specifying the soil types and profiling the subsurface soil layers are the excellent examples of CPTu test potentials. In this research, the capability of CPTu test for specifying subsurface soil layers and classification of the sediments in Urmia Lake is investigated. According to previous studies, the sediments of Urmia Lake are commonly fine grained and soft deposits with organic materials. To evaluate the geotechnical parameters of these sediments in Urmia Lake Bridge site, CPTu test was performed and soils were classified applying the results of this test. The results showed that the sediments are mostly composed of clay and silt. To verify the results of CPTu tests for soil classification, the outcomes were compared with the logs of the boreholes and the results of laboratory tests. Comparisons and analysis of findings showed high consistency between the three groups of results; CPTu, boreholes logs, and laboratory tests. Thus, CPTu test can be used, with sufficient confidence and accuracy, to specify and classify the soft soil in lacustrine environments. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Application of the Q-slope classification system for slope stability assessment of the south flank of the Assalouyeh anticline, South Pars Zone
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 13 , بهار 2017
    Application of empirical rock-slope engineering classifications to the stability assessment of rock slopes is considered a basic rule that is obeyed by most of the geological engineers around the world. Some of these classification methods that are applied for special d أکثر
    Application of empirical rock-slope engineering classifications to the stability assessment of rock slopes is considered a basic rule that is obeyed by most of the geological engineers around the world. Some of these classification methods that are applied for special design and assessment in geo-structures such as: slope stability, mining activities, excavation, road/railway cutting, etc. are effectively used for reinforcement. The Q-slope classification system which is developed to describe is continuous rock-slope conditions is used for engineering judgment regarding slope stability. This work is focused on the Assalouyeh anticline’s south side which is located in the South Pars Zone (SPZ) in southern Iran. According to the results of the study on 55slopes in the SPZ and implementation of the Q-slope system, a major part of the slopes in terms of sustainability possess critical/uncertain conditions (25 cases), 10 slopes are considered as unstable and 20slopes are classified as stable. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Numerical Modeling and Stability Analysis of Shallow Foundations Located Near Slopes (Case Study: Phase 8 Gas Flare Foundations of South Pars Gas Complex)
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 10 , بهار 2014
    Nowadays for many reasons, including geological structures governing on the project site, the foundation near of the rock slope and embankment are constructed. The analysis of this type foundation, the slope effect on found is non-negligible and will be cause changes on أکثر
    Nowadays for many reasons, including geological structures governing on the project site, the foundation near of the rock slope and embankment are constructed. The analysis of this type foundation, the slope effect on found is non-negligible and will be cause changes on failure system. Generally, conditions governing on slope (such as position, body masses, physical and mechanical properties, strength parameters and etc.) and the the foundation conditions (foundation type, material, spacing of the slope, the weight on the foundation, found deviation, Angularity of foundation and etc.) play an important role in the foundation stability analysis. In this study, we attempted to numerical modeling of Phase 8 Gas flare foundation of South Pars Gas Complex is located near slope by the finite difference method (FDM) using Flac2D software. The aim of this study, evaluating and analyzing the probabile failure mechanism. Finally, Gas flare stability based on the results of the modeling is controlled. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Stability analysis of jointed rock slopes using key block method (Case study: Gas Flare site in 6, 7 and 8 phases of South Pars Gas Complex)
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 9 , تابستان 2013
    Stability analysis and calculation of safety factor of slopes especially jointed rock slopes, the most important noticeable issue for stability analysis of slopes. Numerical modeling of soil and rock slope stability analysis most widely used in engineering geology. In t أکثر
    Stability analysis and calculation of safety factor of slopes especially jointed rock slopes, the most important noticeable issue for stability analysis of slopes. Numerical modeling of soil and rock slope stability analysis most widely used in engineering geology. In this study, for analyze the complex slope used geotechnical modeling. Geotechnical modeling was separated into two parts, the first intended for geometrical modeling and the second for two-dimensional mechanical modeling. This model based on the proposed algorithm developed in MATHEMATICA software. Modeling on the complex slope in the Gas Flare site has been implemented. Due to the location of the Gas Flare site in Assalouyeh anticline, slopes are in Mishan and Aghajari marl formations. Because of the STR - 01 slope complicated conditions and discontinuity system, for stability analysis have been selected. The main body of this slope is divided into two distinct parts with different mechanical properties. The STR - 01-1 Section due to the high fragmentation, discontinuity system and low spacing, in pseudo-soil conditions can be found on site. In this section, the overall structure of the body is still preserved, but the rock body is so badly crushed. For this reason, the rock mass as soil condition is considered and analysed. The STR - 01-2 section as a STR - 01-1 section is not crushed. Then for the STR -01-2 section, structural analysis under jointed rock mass condition. The proposed algorithm used for this analysis, is based on the appropriate assumptions and the ability to accurately. Finally for geotechnical model control, results of the proposed method with the results of Basic key group method and numerical modeling with distinct element method by UDEC and for pseudo-soil conditions with finite difference method by Flac/slope are calculated and compared. The results of the proposed method are in good agreement with the results of the numerical methods. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Estimating of seismicity parameters in Golab 2 conveyance water tunnel with preliminary Gutenberg - Richter Method
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 10 , پاییز 2014
    Generally, one of the most problematic tunnel drilled, are water transfer tunnels. These tunnels in terms of risk such as a particularly important constructs is considered and Calculation of strength parapmeters on seismic movements of earth must be done carefully and b أکثر
    Generally, one of the most problematic tunnel drilled, are water transfer tunnels. These tunnels in terms of risk such as a particularly important constructs is considered and Calculation of strength parapmeters on seismic movements of earth must be done carefully and based on designed criteria. Due to the high sensitivity of the transfer of water in underground, study of engineering geology, seismicity tunnel, tunnel safety and stability control is critical and essential. In this study, try to study of seismotectonic and seismicity of Golab 2 water transfer tunnel located at Koron plain in Isfahan province. The aim of this study was to identify the faults, structural trends and estimation of seismicity parameter using Gothenburg - Richter primary method for 150 Km area of around the tunnel entrance by moment magnitude (Mw). تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - شناسایی سموم آلی کلردار در نمونه‌های آب رودخانه به روش میکرواستخراج مایع- مایع پخشی در ستون باریک همراه با کروماتوگرافی گازی یونش شعله
    پژوهش های کاربردی در شیمی , العدد 5 , السنة 9 , زمستان 1394
    در این مقاله از روش ساده و کارآمد میکرواستخراج مایع- مایع پخشی برای استخراج و پیش تغلیظ همزمان سموم آلی کلردار (OCPS) در نمونه آب رودخانه با دستگاه کروماتوگرافی یونش شعله استفاده شده است. اثر عامل‌های مؤثر بر میکرواستخراج مانند نوع و حجم حلال‌های پخشی و استخراجی و حجم ن أکثر
    در این مقاله از روش ساده و کارآمد میکرواستخراج مایع- مایع پخشی برای استخراج و پیش تغلیظ همزمان سموم آلی کلردار (OCPS) در نمونه آب رودخانه با دستگاه کروماتوگرافی یونش شعله استفاده شده است. اثر عامل‌های مؤثر بر میکرواستخراج مانند نوع و حجم حلال‌های پخشی و استخراجی و حجم نمونه آب موردبررسی قرارگرفته و بهینه شده است. مخلوطی از استون به‌عنوان حلال پخشی و هگزان نرمال و تولوئن (1:1) به‌عنوان حلال استخراجی، به محلول آب داخل لوله تزریق و با تشکیل محلول ابری، سموم به فاز آلی انتقال یافته و به بالای ستون رسیدند. درنهایت پس از استخراج و پاک‌سازی 1 میکرو لیتر از نمونه به‌دست ‌آمده به دستگاه کروماتوگرافی گازی با شناساگر یونش شعله تزریق شده و با استفاده از منحنی درجه‌بندی محلول‌های استاندارد، تعیین مقدار شدند. بازیابی نسبی در گستره 89/8 تا 98/6 درصد محاسبه شده است. حد تشخیص و حد تعیین مقدار روش به ترتیب در گستره 0/8 تا 1/5 و 3 تا 4/1 میکروگرم بر لیتر به دست آمد. نتایج نشان داد که روش میکرو استخراج مایع- مایع پخشی همراه با GC-FID روشی با عملکرد ساده، سرعت زیاد، و درصد بازیابی بالاست. تفاصيل المقالة