فهرس المقالات Harinandan Kumar

  • المقاله

    1 - Influence of rock properties on emission rate of Particulates Matter (Pm) during drilling operation in surface mines
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 1 , السنة 13 , زمستان 2021
    The mining process generates significant amount of dust in the form of particulate matters into the atmosphere. Out of different mining process, opencast mining produces more dust than that of underground mining because of exposure in the ambiance. The mining operations أکثر
    The mining process generates significant amount of dust in the form of particulate matters into the atmosphere. Out of different mining process, opencast mining produces more dust than that of underground mining because of exposure in the ambiance. The mining operations are directly or indirectly involved in the production of dust particles. The activities like drilling operation, Blasting and haul road operations produce fugitive dust and causes significant deterioration of mine atmosphere. This fugitive dust consists of particulate matters (PM), which are more harmful to the human respiratory system. The prevention measures is only possible when the actual prediction of emission of those fugitive dust particles are possible. There is several model that predict the emission of the dust particles, but there is very less model to predict fugitive dust produced from a drilling operation in surface mines. In this paper, study was carried out to develop dust prediction model and to assess the influence of rock properties on dust emission. Based on the results obtained the developed model exhibit close proximity of predicted as well as field measured values with a regression coefficient of 0.75. Thus, the development of the model with effective prediction capability is the novelty of this paper. Decrease in dust emission rate was observed with increased moisture content present in drill cuttings, higher compressive strength, and density. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Study of development cycle of down ramp in underground metal mine
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 5 , السنة 15 , پاییز 2023
    Mine development is the process of constructing a mining facility and supporting infrastructure. In the mining industry, operations are sequential. It means one function cannot start until its preceding operation has been completed. Hence, a delay in any operations resu أکثر
    Mine development is the process of constructing a mining facility and supporting infrastructure. In the mining industry, operations are sequential. It means one function cannot start until its preceding operation has been completed. Hence, a delay in any operations results in an overall delay for the total target. Effective underground mine planning aims at least idle & breakdown time. One such delay examined here is the cycle time for the developments in headings and drives. In this study, Blast-to-blast cycle time was evaluated in terms of productive and unproductive work in Indian underground metal mines. The actual Average Cycle Time for blast-to-blast operations was observed at 37.12 hrs, higher than the expected Cycle Time, i.e., 12.16 hrs. The variation in cycle time leads to the delay. Therefore, a study was carried out to determine the actual cause of delay through real-time analysis of all the operations during the development. The delays were breakdown, manpower idle time, shift problem, poor ventilation, water pressure problem, etc. reduced work time utilization, dewatering, and pump breakdown were observed as significant factors for cycle time delays. Effective measures were suggested to optimize the cycle time by controlling the factors responsible for the delay and improving the development cycle. تفاصيل المقالة