فهرس المقالات S. Sarkar

  • المقاله

    1 - Genotype × environment interaction, rhizome yield stability and selection for region specific stable genotypes in turmeric (<i>Curcuma longa</i> L.)
    Trends in Phytochemical Research , العدد 2 , السنة 1 , بهار 2017
    The present investigation was carried out to determine the stability over years among seventeen genetic stocks of turmeric assembled from different places in India for high and stable rhizomes yield. The differences among genetic stocks, years and g × e interactio أکثر
    The present investigation was carried out to determine the stability over years among seventeen genetic stocks of turmeric assembled from different places in India for high and stable rhizomes yield. The differences among genetic stocks, years and g × e interactions were highly significant for rhizome yield. The stable genetic stocks were selected on the basis of stability parameters, high mean, regression coefficient (bi) around unity and mean square deviations from regression (s2di) near zero. The environmental indices for rhizome yield also indicated clear effects over the year’s i.e. 1.85 in year I followed by 9.95 in years II; -6.31 in year III and -5.29 in the year IV. The largest AMMI1 gain of the grand mean occurs over years for picking stable genotypes/clones. Further partitioning of genotypes on the basis of AMMI and Eberhart and Russell, (1966) model, the clones/genotypes T-8, T-12 and T-13 were highly stable; T-11 and T-14 adapted to the average stable in low yielding environment/year and T-9 ant T-17 genotypes/clones with below average stable suitable for high yielding environment were recommended for commercialization. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Quantification of β-carotene, aucubin content, their associations and contribution to other economic traits in <i>Plantago</i> germplasm
    Trends in Phytochemical Research , العدد 4 , السنة 1 , پاییز 2017
    Plant secondary metabolites have innumerable benefits in regard to human health. From the available 106 divergent lines of five Plantago species, a screening program was conducted to explore putative lines having best resources of aucubin and β-carotene. HPLC resul أکثر
    Plant secondary metabolites have innumerable benefits in regard to human health. From the available 106 divergent lines of five Plantago species, a screening program was conducted to explore putative lines having best resources of aucubin and β-carotene. HPLC results indicated that seeds of selection LP3 of P. ovata contained highest (9.53%) and P. arenaria contained least (7.79%) β-carotene. Investigation was also conducted to assess the genetic variability, correlations and character contribution of β-carotene and aucubin content with other traits towards seed yield in a set of ten selected accessions in relation to seven traits in Plantago species. Results indicated that none of the accessions of any other species apart from P. lanceolata contained aucubin. PL-61 accession was detected to have maximum concentration (0.23%) of aucubin while the lowest (0.02%) was detected in PL-66. This opened the possibilities for nutritional value addition of β-carotene in seeds of isabgol. تفاصيل المقالة