فهرس المقالات J.E. Okokon

  • المقاله

    1 - Nephroprotective activity of Mammea africana stem bark against paracetamol induced kidney injury
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 2 , السنة 5 , زمستان 2014
    Background & Aim: Mammea africana sabine (Guttiferae) stembark commonly used traditionally to treat various diseases and ailments was evaluated for nephroprotective activity against paracetamol – induced kidney injury in rats to confirm its use in the treatmen أکثر
    Background & Aim: Mammea africana sabine (Guttiferae) stembark commonly used traditionally to treat various diseases and ailments was evaluated for nephroprotective activity against paracetamol – induced kidney injury in rats to confirm its use in the treatment of kidney diseases. Experimental: The nephroprotective effect of the extract was evaluated by the determination of some kidney function parameters such as serum urea and creatinine, electrolyes (K+, Na+, Cl- and HCO-3), antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) and histopathological study of the liver. Results & Discussion: The administration of the stembark extract caused significant dose-dependent reduction of high levels of serum creatinine and urea. The electrolytes levels were not affected. Histology of the kidney sections of extract and silymarin- treated animals showed reductions in the pathological features compared to the paracetamol- treated animals. The chemical pathological changes were consistent with histopathological observations suggesting marked nephroprotective effect of the stembark extract of M. africana Recommended applications/industries: The results show that the stembark extract of Mammea africana has nephroprotective potential which may be due to its antioxidant effect activity. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Antiulcerogenic activity of stem extract and fractions of Homalium Letestui
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 2 , السنة 6 , زمستان 2015
    Background & Aim: Homalium letestui Pellegr (Flacourtiaceae) used traditionally by the Ibibios of Southern Nigeria to treat stomach ulcer, malaria and other inflammatory diseases was evaluated for antiulcer properties. Experimental: The effects of ethanol stem extr أکثر
    Background & Aim: Homalium letestui Pellegr (Flacourtiaceae) used traditionally by the Ibibios of Southern Nigeria to treat stomach ulcer, malaria and other inflammatory diseases was evaluated for antiulcer properties. Experimental: The effects of ethanol stem extract of H. letestui (200 – 600 mg/kg) and fractions (Aqueous and Dichloromethane, 400 mg/kg) on experimentally induced ulcer were studied in rats using ethanol, indomethacin, reserpine and histamine –induced ulcer models. Results & Discussion: The extract (200 – 600 mg/kg) inhibited ethanol, indomethacin, reserpine and histamine –induced ulcer models in a dose dependent fashion. The various degrees of inhibitions were statistically significant (p<0.05, 0.01, 0.001). The effects of the extract/fraction were comparable to that of the standard drugs used in indomethacin and ethanol-induced ulcer models with the dichloromethane fraction having the highest activity. Industrial and practical recommendations: The present study demonstrates that stem extract of Homalium letestui might to be useful for the treatment of ulcer. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Zea mays leaves
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 4 , السنة 7 , بهار 2016
    Background & Aim:Zea mays leaf used traditionally in Ibibio ethno medicine in Southern Nigeria to treat malaria and other inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties were evaluated against experimentally induced inflammation and pains usi أکثر
    Background & Aim:Zea mays leaf used traditionally in Ibibio ethno medicine in Southern Nigeria to treat malaria and other inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties were evaluated against experimentally induced inflammation and pains using standard models. Experimental: The effects of ethanol leaf extract of Zea mays (170 -510 mg/kg) on experimentally induced inflammation and pain were studied in rats using Carrageenin, egg albumin and xylene-induced inflammation as well as acetic acid-induced writhing and thermal induced pain models. The GCMS analysis of the most active fraction was carried out. Results: The extract (170 -520 mg/kg) inhibited inflammation and pains caused by different phlogistic agents used in a dose dependent fashion. The various degrees of inhibitions were statistically significant (p<0.05, 0.01, 0.001), though incomparable to that of the standard drugs used (ASA and indomethacin). The GC-MS revealed the present of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds which may be responsible for the observed activities of the extract. Recommended applications/industries: The present study demonstrates that leaf extract of Zea mays might to be useful for the treatment of inflammation and pains. تفاصيل المقالة

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    4 - Antidiabetic and hypolipidaemic activities of Solenostemon monostachyus
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 4 , السنة 6 , بهار 2015
    Background & Aim: Solenostemon monostachyus has remain invincible in Ibibio ethnomedicine for the management of numerous ailment including diabetes mellitus. Many of these ethnomedicinal claims are yet to be pharmacologically verified. The purpose of this study ther أکثر
    Background & Aim: Solenostemon monostachyus has remain invincible in Ibibio ethnomedicine for the management of numerous ailment including diabetes mellitus. Many of these ethnomedicinal claims are yet to be pharmacologically verified. The purpose of this study therefore was to subject the extract/fractions of Solenostemon monostachyus used in folkloric management of diabetes to scientific assay. Experimental: The crude extract and fractions of S. monostachyus (75 -225 mg/kg) were evaluated for antidiabetic activity in alloxan – induced diabetic rats. The antidiabetic activity during acute and prolong studies were investigated. Glibenclamide, 10 mg/kg, was used as positive control. The Blood Glucose Level (BGL) was measured by using a glucometer and the various lipids level were estimated using Randox diagnostic kits. Results & Discussion: Treatment of alloxan diabetic rats with the extract/fractions caused a significant (P<0.001) reductions in BGL of the diabetic rats both in acute and prolong treatment (2 weeks). The activities of extract and fractions were comparable to that of glibenclamide in prolonged study. S. monostachyus treatment showed considerable lowering of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and an increase in HDL cholesterol in the treated diabetic group. Industrial and practical recommendations: These results suggest that the extract of S. monostachyus possesses antidiabetic and hypolipidaemic effect on alloxan-induced diabetic rats which can be exploited in the management of diabetes. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Antimalarial activities of Breynia Nivosa
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 1 , السنة 5 , پاییز 2015
    Background & Aim: Antiplasmodial activity of leaf extract of Breynia nivosawas evaluated to ascertain the folkloric claim of its antimalarial activity. Experimental: The crude leaf extract (75 – 225 mg/kg), of Breynia nivosawas investigated for antiplasmodial أکثر
    Background & Aim: Antiplasmodial activity of leaf extract of Breynia nivosawas evaluated to ascertain the folkloric claim of its antimalarial activity. Experimental: The crude leaf extract (75 – 225 mg/kg), of Breynia nivosawas investigated for antiplasmodial activity against chloroquine sensitive Plasmodium berghei infections in mice. The antiplasmodial activity during early and established infections as well as prophylactic were investigated. Artesunate 5 mg/kg and pyrimethamine 1.2 mg/kg were used as positive controls. Thin films made from tail blood of each mouse were used to assess the level of parasitaemia of the mice. Results & Discussion: The extract dose-dependently reduced parasitaemia induced by chloroquine sensitive Plasmodium berghei infection in prophylactic, suppressive and curative models in mice. These reductions were statistically significant (p<0.001). They also improved the mean survival time (MST) from 11 to 27 days relative to control control (p Industrial and practical recommendations: The plant, Breynia nivosa, possesses antimalarial property which can be exploited in the treatment of malaria. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    6 - Anti-inflammatory activity of leaf extract of Solanum anomalum
    journal of Medicinal Herbs (journal of herbal drugs) , العدد 1 , السنة 7 , پاییز 2017
    Background & Aim: Solanum anomalum Thonn. ex Schumach. (familySolanaceae) is a shrub growing up to 2 metres tall. The edible fruits are gathered from the wild and consumed locally and the leaves are used locally in the treatment of various diseases. Evaluation of an أکثر
    Background & Aim: Solanum anomalum Thonn. ex Schumach. (familySolanaceae) is a shrub growing up to 2 metres tall. The edible fruits are gathered from the wild and consumed locally and the leaves are used locally in the treatment of various diseases. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of leaf extract of Solanum anomalum was carried out to ascertain its uses in traditional medicine. Experimental: The crude leaf extract (70 – 210 mg/kg) of Solanum anomalum was investigated for anti-inflammatory activity using various experimental models; carragenin, egg albumin and xylene induced oedema. Results: The extract (70 -210 mg/kg) caused a significant (p Recommended applications/industries: The plant, Breynia nivosa, possesses antiinflammatory property which can be exploited in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. تفاصيل المقالة