فهرس المقالات Ehsan Hadipour

  • المقاله

    1 - Rhetorical Moves Used in MA Students’ Theses in TEFL and Nursery
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , العدد 4 , السنة 11 , تابستان 2023
    Abstracts in research papers are one of the focal parts of academic research, and they are one of the first things that a reader reads to determine the value of the research. Furthermore, acknowledgments appreciate those who have helped in writing a thesis. The present أکثر
    Abstracts in research papers are one of the focal parts of academic research, and they are one of the first things that a reader reads to determine the value of the research. Furthermore, acknowledgments appreciate those who have helped in writing a thesis. The present study investigated rhetorical moves in the acknowledgment and abstract sections of Iranian English language teaching and nursery students' M.A. theses. In addition, it investigated if there were any significant differences between rhetorical moves observed in the acknowledgment and abstract sections of Iranian TEFL and nursery students' M.A. theses in these two fields. Some of the 80 theses from the two disciplines, 40 each, were investigated. Hyland's (2000) models of the abstract rhetoric structure and acknowledgment structure were adopted to investigate the corpora under study. The results revealed that different steps and moves were used in theses from both disciplines. However, the results of Chi-square tests revealed that the differences between different moves and steps of these acknowledgments and abstracts from the two disciplines were insignificant. The findings have some implications for post-graduate students to be more aware of their addressees and language teachers to teach students about genre-based writing. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Effect of Psychological Factors on EFL Teachers’ Attitude about Technology Use: Perceived ease of use, trialability, and subjective norms in focus <br> DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , العدد 5 , السنة 9 , زمستان 2021
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of psychological factors on teachers` attitudes regarding technology use. To this purpose, such factors as ‘perceived usefulness’, ‘perceived ease of use’, ‘trialability’, &ls أکثر
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of psychological factors on teachers` attitudes regarding technology use. To this purpose, such factors as ‘perceived usefulness’, ‘perceived ease of use’, ‘trialability’, ‘subjective norms’, and ‘attitude’ were investigated. The participants of the study were high school English language teachers in Shiraz, who were selected through stratified sampling as a representative sample of the available population. In order to assess the extent of the effect of each factor, five questionnaires were administered. Then, the elicited data were analyzed by means of path analysis. The obtained results revealed that ‘perceived ease of use’ was affected by ‘subjective norms’, and ‘trialability’ influenced the attitude of teachers about using technology in their teachings. The results also showed that the most influential factor on attitude was ‘trialability’. Furthermore, the results displayed that ‘perceived usefulness’ had a significant effect and subjective norms had an indirect but meaningful effect on the teachers’ attitude. The findings of the study have implications for school administrators and teachers to use them in their planning and instruction and, as a result, boost the learning environment. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Computer-Mediated Vocabulary Learning: Using Dynamic and Nondynamic Glosses for Acquiring L2 Vocational Vocabularies in ESP Classes
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , العدد 5 , السنة 10 , زمستان 2022
    This study focused on the effects dynamic form of text-based vocational vocabulary glosses: Dynamic glosses are a series of incremental mediations intended to support students in identifying correct word definitions. After running a pre-test (TOFEL ibt), 34 ESP learners أکثر
    This study focused on the effects dynamic form of text-based vocational vocabulary glosses: Dynamic glosses are a series of incremental mediations intended to support students in identifying correct word definitions. After running a pre-test (TOFEL ibt), 34 ESP learners in medical university were chosen to participate in the study, 17 students randomly assigned to the treatment group and 17 randomly assigned to the control group. Participants in treatment and control conditions received three short ESP texts with many vocational vocabularies using the computers in the language lab and the Adobe Connect application. As the participants in the dynamic gloss condition faced unknown vocational vocabulary items in the passages, the teacher provided the learners with a set of mediations from the most implicit to the most explicit prompts, and the learners tried to identify the correct meaning of the word. In the non-dynamic gloss condition, the learners were given the L1 definition for the target words. The post-test results indicated that the treatment group meaningfully outperformed the control group. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - Implicit and Explicit Instruction of Reading Strategies and the Application of Metacognitive Strategies by Iranian EFL Freshmen Students
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 4 , السنة 13 , پاییز 2023
    This quantitative research explores the implicit and explicit instruction of reading strategies and its connection through the application of metacognitive strategies by Iranian EFL students. To this purpose, 100 Iranian university freshmen, aged 20-35, studying at the أکثر
    This quantitative research explores the implicit and explicit instruction of reading strategies and its connection through the application of metacognitive strategies by Iranian EFL students. To this purpose, 100 Iranian university freshmen, aged 20-35, studying at the Marwdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, were selected as participants through a convenient sampling method, from a pool of 117 students. Then, the Key English Test (KET) was used to check their homogeneity. The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was also used as a pre-test and post-test to specify the kind and occurrence sequence of learning strategies applied by the participants before and after the treatment. So, the participants were allotted to two experimental groups and received implicit and explicit instruction of reading strategies respectively. The results obtained from statistical data analysis showed that affective strategies were the very frequently-applied strategies, while memory strategies were the least frequently-applied strategies in the explicit group. It was also found that in the implicit group, cognitive strategies were the most frequently-applied strategies, while social strategies were the least frequently-applied strategies. These results have pedagogical implications for EFL teachers to use appropriate approaches in teaching reading strategies, that will ultimately help the students to develop more awareness and competence in reading comprehension. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - The Effectiveness of Reactive and Preemptive Focus on Form VS. Focus on Forms in Teaching Grammar Tenses
    Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English , العدد 30 , السنة 13 , پاییز 2024
    This study was an attempt to compare the effects of focus on forms and the focus on form from one side, and preemptive and reactive focus on form from the other side on EFL Junior High school learners’ grammar acquisition. For this purpose, 60 learners out of a total nu أکثر
    This study was an attempt to compare the effects of focus on forms and the focus on form from one side, and preemptive and reactive focus on form from the other side on EFL Junior High school learners’ grammar acquisition. For this purpose, 60 learners out of a total number of 110 grade eight learners studying at Daneshgah Shiraz High School in Shiraz, Iran were chosen based on their performance on OPT. Independent Samples test was used to check the homogeneity of learners. The 60 learners were divided into three groups, the focus on forms, and each of the two focus on form groups who were taught grammar through preemptive and reactive techniques. All the three groups were given a grammar pre-test. At the end of the study, the participants in all groups were given post-tests. Mann-Whitney U was run to test the null hypotheses. Results of the study showed a significant difference between the effect of the two methods with the focus on form groups outperforming the focus on forms group, and the preemptive group outperforming reactive group as well. The findings of this study have implications for EFL teachers, teacher educators, and material developers. The findings of this research are useful for teacher trainers to incorporate appropriate and practical techniques for the instruction of grammar through focus on form preemptively. They should be trained in terms of the ways through which they can initiate attention to form, mostly by bolding, and asking for highlighting of tenses, and give explanations preemptively based on their experience. تفاصيل المقالة