فهرس المقالات سعید سنماری

  • المقاله

    1 - Earliest Campanian - latest Maastrichtian sequence stratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera, Fars province, Zagros, Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 4 , السنة 12 , تابستان 2020
    The Gurpi, Tarbur and Sachun formations have been investigated in the studied section in the Fars Province, in order to determine their sequence stratigraphy. On the basis of done studies on the cores of borehole, four main microfacies have been recognized in four strat أکثر
    The Gurpi, Tarbur and Sachun formations have been investigated in the studied section in the Fars Province, in order to determine their sequence stratigraphy. On the basis of done studies on the cores of borehole, four main microfacies have been recognized in four stratigraphic sequence deposited during the Campanian to Maastrichtian. The lowermost sequence, was deposited in the early Campanian-early late Campanian which include wackestone to packestone texture with Globotruncanita elevata Zoneand Globotruncana ventricosa Zonethatrepresentative of the deep marine and outer ramp. The intermediate and uppermost sequences (sequences two, three and four) display well developed deposits formed in the end of the Campanian (Radotruncana calcarata Zoneand Globotruncanella havanensis Zone), formed during the Maastrichtian (Globotruncana aegyptiaca Zoneand Gansserina gansseri Zone) and the end of the Maastrichtian (Omphalocyclus macroporus - loftusia sp assemblage Zone) on pelagic, hemipelagic, outer and middle ramp. On the basis of the sequence stratigraphic chart, the transgression of the upper Cretaceous sea started since the early Campanian and continued gradually until the early Maastrichtian. Then, until the end of Maastrichtian, the area has been emerged. The sequence stratigraphic architecture of Campanian/ Maastrichtian Gurpi, Tarbur and Sachun formations model is in a good agreement with global sea level changes. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Depositional environment and microfacies analysis: An example of the Asmari Formation in West Zagros Basin, Lorestan province (Iran)
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 2 , السنة 13 , بهار 2021
    The carbonate sequence of the Asmari Formation is the most important oil reservoir formed in the Zagros Basin, southwestern Iran. In order to interpret the sedimentary environment, the Makhmal-Kuh and Kaka-Reza sections in the Lorestan province were investigated. These أکثر
    The carbonate sequence of the Asmari Formation is the most important oil reservoir formed in the Zagros Basin, southwestern Iran. In order to interpret the sedimentary environment, the Makhmal-Kuh and Kaka-Reza sections in the Lorestan province were investigated. These sections were compared with some other outcrops in the Zagros Basin. Twenty one genera and species were identified in the Makhmal-Kuh section, and 20 genera and species in the Kaka-Reza section. Among foraminifera, Miogypsina sp ., Amphistegina sp., Elphidium sp., Operculina sp., Nephrolepidina sp., Eulepidina sp., Heterostegina sp., Nummulites fichtelli, Nummulites vascus and Nummulites intermedius are the most important species. Based on the identification of co-occurrence taxa, two assemblage zones are introduced in the Makhmal-Kuh section, and one faunal assemblage zone in the Kaka-Reza section. Petrographic analysis also led to the recognition of twelve microfacies types in the Makhmal-Kuh section and five microfacial types in the Kaka-Reza section. Based on these microfacial types, three sub-environments were determined in the Makhmal-Kuh section and two settings in the Kaka-Reza section: Outer ramp, in the aphotic zone, dominated by planktic foraminifera, bryozoan, and echinoids; the mid ramp, in the oligophotic zone, characterized with benthic foraminifera and planktic foraminifera; the shallower waters of the mesophotic-euphotic zone dominated by benthic foraminifera and coralline red algae in the inner ramp. Therefore, the depositional sub-environments along with biotic assemblages represent warm waters of tropical regions under photic variable conditions in a homoclinal ramp. Based on the distribution of co-occurrence fossils, the Asmari Formation is dated as Rupelian to the Aquitanian. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - First report of the SardinellaSardinites (Heckel, 1850) in the Kond formation in the Saran area, Central Alborz in Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , العدد 5 , السنة 15 , پاییز 2023
    Investigating the fossil-bearing horizons of the Kond Formation in the Saran area resulted in the identification of Sardinellasardinites (Heckel 1850) belonging to the family of Clupeidae Bonaparte (1831) for the first time the east of Tehran province. Furthermore, bios أکثر
    Investigating the fossil-bearing horizons of the Kond Formation in the Saran area resulted in the identification of Sardinellasardinites (Heckel 1850) belonging to the family of Clupeidae Bonaparte (1831) for the first time the east of Tehran province. Furthermore, biostratigraphic analyses based on the presence of benthic and planktonic foraminifera in this area demonstrate that the sedimentary sequence including strata of conglomerate, tuff, shale, gypsum, limestone, and marl with a thickness of 376 m in the Saran area belongs to the Priabonian, which is discontinuously located on Middle Eocene green tuffaceousshales. In the present study, 18 species belonging to 9 genera from the benthic foraminifera were identified. In the late Middle Eocene, the performance of the orogenic Pyrenean phase led to the rising of the sedimentary strata and subsequent retreat of the sea and then the sea re-advanced during the Priabonian stage. The presence of a conglomerate at the base of the formation reveals the next activity of the tectonic phase. In this study, the rock unit of the Lower Red Formation belonging to the Oligo-Miocene is located on the deposits of the Kond Formation. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - تطابق چینه شناختی زیستی نانوپلانکتون های آهکی و فرامینیفرهای پلانکتون سازند گورپی در غرب شیراز
    journal of Geotechnical Geology , العدد 1 , السنة 6 , بهار 2010
    نانوفسیل های آهکی و فرامینیفر های پلانکتون دارای محدودهی چینه شناختی کوتاه و گسترش جغرافیایی وسیع هستند، لذا از این دو گروه فسیلی می توان جهت تقسیمات زیست چینهای و تطابق استفاده کرد. بدین سبب و به علت عدم انجام اینگونه مطالعات تطابقی، نانوفسیل های آهکی سازند گورپی در نو أکثر
    نانوفسیل های آهکی و فرامینیفر های پلانکتون دارای محدودهی چینه شناختی کوتاه و گسترش جغرافیایی وسیع هستند، لذا از این دو گروه فسیلی می توان جهت تقسیمات زیست چینهای و تطابق استفاده کرد. بدین سبب و به علت عدم انجام اینگونه مطالعات تطابقی، نانوفسیل های آهکی سازند گورپی در نواحی غرب شیراز تحت مطالعه قرار گرفت. این سازند از شیل و به طور جزیی از آهک مارنی تشکیل شده است. در نتیجهی این مطالعه و براساس نانوپلانکتونهای آهکی و فرامینیفرهای پلانکتون به دست آمده، سن سانتونین آغازی تا ماستریشتین پسین برای این سازند پیشنهاد می گردد که با زون های CC14-CC26 از زون بندی سیسینگ (Sissingh,1977) و بایوزون های Dicarinella concavata - Dicarinella asymetrica zone تا بایوزون Abathomphalus mayaroensis zone? از زون بندی جیمز و وایند (James & Wynd, 1965) همخوانی دارد. تفاصيل المقالة