فهرس المقالات Gouranga C Nayak المقاله 1 - Proof of factorization of χcJdocumentclass[12pt]{minimal} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{wasysym} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{amssymb} usepackage{amsbsy} usepackage{mathrsfs} usepackage{upgreek} setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt} egin{document}$$chi _{ ext{cJ}}$$end{document} production in non-equilibrium QCD at RHIC and LHC in color singlet mechanism 10.1007/s40094-017-0267-7 Gouranga C Nayak Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics , العدد 1 , السنة 0 , پاییز 2017