فهرس المقالات Aishwarya Gupta

  • المقاله

    1 - An Improved Junction-Based Directional Routing Protocol (IJDRP) for VANETs
    Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology , العدد 4 , السنة 6 , تابستان 2020
    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) is a novel technology that has recently emerged and due to its swift changing topology and high mobility nature, it has become problematic to design an efficient routing protocol in VANETs’ amongst both moving and stationary unit أکثر
    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) is a novel technology that has recently emerged and due to its swift changing topology and high mobility nature, it has become problematic to design an efficient routing protocol in VANETs’ amongst both moving and stationary units. Also, the existing routing algorithms are not very effective to satisfy all requirements of VANETs. This paper explores the need of a reliable routing and proposes an approach that makes use of an extended restricted greedy forwarding mechanism to select the next forwarding vehicle on basis of its average relative velocity and neighborhood density with its own neighboring vehicles. We also use static PCR junction node which forwards the packet to correct road segment vehicle based upon the relative information. The objective of this paper is to increase route reliability by increasing throughput with considerable end to end delay. Simulation results show that the proposed approach IJDRP outperforms existing GPCR and E-GyTAR. تفاصيل المقالة