The evolution of the global power structure and its impact on the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsمحمد حسین جمشیدی 1 , Sajad Mohseni 2
1 - هیات علمی / دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
2 - IR/T.M.U.
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, World power structure, power redistribution,
Abstract :
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of the power structure from bipolar to monopolitic, the regions became more important as sub-systems; Accordingly, the United States has sought to redistribute power in the regionsthe main question is what are the variables of the continuity of strategic relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia? It is hypothesized that the continuity of the relationship variables can be summarized in: "continuity of relationships based on shared interests and threats," "the scope and nature of military relations," and "economic interdependence". Accordingly, the study attempts to investigate issue based on the causal research and multivariate correlation,and the basis of documentary data, . Finally, the common interests and threats, the type of communication and the movement from economy to security and asymmetric reciprocity, have provided the context for the strategic link between Saudi Arabia and the United States, which underscores the continuation of the strategic relationship between the two countries. Iran is a common threat between the two countries of the Islamic Republic. Since the ability to confront and at least the Saudi Arabia's supremacy on the Islamic Republic is difficult, unilateral deterrence is a strategy adopted by the United States
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