Comparative Study of Quality of Life Indicators of Nomads in Summer Quarters and Winter Quarters of Tribe Bakhtiari (Case Study: Nomads of Lali County)
Subject Areas : Rural and nomadic studies
Zahra Soltani
Majid Goodarzi
Sadegh Soleimani Babadi
1 - Assistant Professor of Geography & Rural Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - M.A inGeography & Rural Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Quality of Life, Nomads, Summer Quarters, Winter Quarters, Lali County,
Abstract :
Introduction: Today, improving the quality of life is a central planning goal in every country. So, first of all, an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the status quo of the quality of life should be done. It can be done only based on a systematic approach.
Research Aim: This research aims to investigate the indicators of the quality of life of the nomads of Lali County in Yaylak and Kishlak.
Methodology: This applied study employed a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population consisted of the nomads of Lali County. The sample size, calculated using Cochran's formula, included 322 individuals. The research theoretical data was collected using the library technique through existing books and articles, and the field data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, mode, median) and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test) were employed to analyze the data.
Studied Area: The research covers the Yaylak and Kishlak nomadic areas of Lali County.
Results: The results of the one-sample t-test show that the average value obtained from the economic index in Kiskhlak and Yaylak regions is 1.88 and 1.49, respectively; the social indicator in Kishlak is 2.43, and in Yaylak is 2.16; physical indicator in Kiskhlak is 1.99 and in Yaylak is 2.20; environmental indicator in Kishlak is 2.07 and in Yaylak is 1.98, which are lower than the hypothetical mean value 3. It indicates that the mentioned indicators did not have a positive effect on the quality of life of the Bakhtiari nomads of Lali County.
Conclusion: Nomadic life is one of the oldest lifestyles in different regions of the world and Iran; its continuity throughout history has experienced various ups and downs under the influence of economic, social, natural, and primarily political issues to the extent that sometimes the developments of this society have brought a turning point in the developments of Iran. Accordingly, presenting plans and programs regarding nomads requires deep scientific research and studies to provide appropriate strategies that cause minor damage.
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