Evaluation of Agricultural Digital Library Workshops held in AREEO based on Participants point of view during 2008- 2009
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesJavad Bashiri 1 , Abas Gilvari 2 , Tayebeh Shahmirzadi 3
1 - Faculty member of AREEO- Agricultural scientific information and documentation center
2 - Faculty member of AREEO- Agricultural scientific information and documentation center
3 - Faculty member of AREEO- Agricultural scientific information and documentation center
Keywords: Workshops, Workshops Evaluation, Trainers, Agricultural Digital Library, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO),
Abstract :
Purpose: The aim of this research is to investigate the view points of Agricultural digital library workshops' participants, held in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) during 2008 and 2009. Methodology: Descriptive survey has been implemented to conduct the research. 2200 participants in 50 workshops held in AREEO formed the survey population. Research data are gathered through investigation forms and analyzed by SPSS statistical software. Findings: The qualification of 6 trainees whom trained the participants in the workshops were as follows: teacher's dominance on workshops 95%; presenting quality of lectures 87%; ability to response the participant questions 86%; time management 81% and instructive facilitates utilization 77%. Additionally, according to the results updating the workshops curricula, correlation rate of presented workshops lectures to meet the real needs oftrainees, comprehensiveness of the workshops subjects and trainees satisfaction, were 95%, 87% and 85% respectively. Also trainees' have evaluated suitably the holding place and holding time 78% and 88%. Conclusion: Nearly 25% of participants evaluated the necessity of workshops as excellent, 58% good, 12% average and 1% weak. In general, workshops could meet the trainees' satisfaction.
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