The Common Features of Pir/Sheikh (Old Wise Man) in Asrār al-Tawhid and The Brothers Karamazov
Subject Areas : Mytho
azadeh hodeini
arastoo mirani
mohammadali mir
1 - Ph D. Candidate of Religions and Compartive Mysticism, IAU, Gorgan Branch
2 - The Assistant Professor of Religions and Compartive Mysticism, IAU, Gorgan Branch
3 - The Assistant Professor of Religions and Compartive Mysticism, IAU, Gorgan Branch
Keywords: Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, Abu Said Abul-Khayr, Pir and Sheikh, Old Wise Man, Father Zosima,
Abstract :
Mysticism, as a human phenomenon, is not limited to a specific geographical region or ideology and its presence is seen in almost all cultures. Regarding the intercultural interactions between different cultures, mutual influence in the field of epistemological issues seems obvious. Among Russian writers, Fyodor Dostoevsky, in a part of his novel The Brothers Karamazov, refers to the common mystical culture in Russia. In the novel, he frankly states that he has been influenced by the culture of Eastern mysticism. In the present study, by using library sources and descriptive-analytical method, the common features of Pir/Sheikh (old wise man) in Asrār al-Tawhid of Mohammad ibn Monvvar (the representative of Eastern mysticism) and The Brothers Karamazov (the representative of Western mysticism) have been investigated. The results of the research show that in these two books, the ways of life of Abu Said Abul-Khayr and Father Zosima (as the Pir/Sheikh or old wise men) have been dealt with, and topics such as the absolute obedience to the old wise man, the tendency of the masses to monastery and Sufi monastery, the public popularity of the old wise man, the guiding role of him in solving the problems of all the people, the charismatic acts of him, his connection with the Divine world, and the sanctification of the old wise man have been discussed.
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