Developmental Quotient, Anxiety and Depression in Urban and Rural Students
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Maede Ranjbar
Susan Rahimzadeh
1 - MA in Clinical Psychology Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch
2 - PhD
Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch
Keywords: Depression, anxiety, developmental quotient, urban, rural,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to compare intellectual development quotient, symptoms of anxiety and depression in urban and rural elementary school students in Babol. 90 urban students (47 girls and 43 boys) and 90 rural students (47 girls and 43 boys) from the first to the sixth grade of elementary school were selected by available (voluntary) method and draw a person test (Royer, 1984, quoted by the dadsetan, 1395) were drawn. The results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that intellectual development quotient (F = 0.051 and P <0.05) did not differ between the two groups of urban and rural elementary school students, but the symptoms of anxiety (F = 7.974 and 0.01). P <0) and depression (F = 12.295 and P <0.001) are more in rural students than urban students. And residence status is able to explain 4% of the variance of anxiety and 6% of the variance of depression is the difference between the two groups. In the end, emphasis was placed on educational and training changes along with socio-economic changes.
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