Identification of effective factors on green marketing using the grounded theory method in the hotel industry
Subject Areas : Marketing
Majid Alizadeh
Sina Nematizadeh
Hasan Esmaeilpour
1 - Business Management Dep, Central Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran
2 - Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Green marketing, environment, Climate changes, Grounded Theory Approach, MAXQDA Software, green hotel,
Abstract :
Green marketing has paid the attention of organizations due to the increase in environmental concerns and the pressure of interested parties for an attractive strategy.The aim of this research is to identify the factors affecting green marketing in the hotel industry.The research method is qualitative.The statistical population of the research was 10 university and hotel experts.Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews and literature review.Data analysis was done based on the grounded theory approach, which includes open, axial and selective coding. The validity of the questionnaire was measured and confirmed by experts and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha.Convergent validity of AVE is adequate for all research constructs.Finally,by communicating between the categories, the research paradigm model was presented,including 18 factors affecting green marketing and 69 concepts.The value of the Kappa coefficient is equal to 0.696, which indicates the validity of the agreement level of the model.The factor of green product (green hotel) was determined as the main phenomenon.The results of the research show the effect of green product,behavioral response of customers,ecological literacy,trust and green marketing mix on corporate image,motivation and improvement of hotel performance.Also,the category of trust was identified as an intervening factor and the most important factor affecting green marketing.
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