Analysis of incentives for issuers of securities in the Iranian capital market; Designing new securities approach
Subject Areas : Financial engineering
1 - PhD in Financial Management, Imam Sadiq University
Keywords: TOPSIS, Capital Market, Issuer, incentive, Debt Security, Equity Security, Hybrid Security,
Abstract :
Issuer's purpose of issuing securities - debt and capital securities – is financing and it will be given each issue of securities; But issuers have different motivations to choose between these two securities, they choose one of these securities based on their circumstances. Issuers in different markets have incentives and needs for issuing their securities. These incentives and needs should be in other markets. Expert-based method is chosen in order to validation and exploring various incentives. Expert's interview and approving method has been done in two ways: Expert's confirmation at the first phase is done by snowball method; And secondly to rank the motivations and also their indirect confirmation is used of TOPSIS method. A total of 17 extracted motivates from the literature, 3 motivates has not been confirmed. The most important motivational factor for the issuers in the country's capital market is using permanent source of financing