Evaluation the Effect of Heat Treatment on Solidification Structure Segregation and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 625 in the Additive Manufacturing Process by DLMD Method
Subject Areas :
mohammad gavahian jahromi
Reza Shoja Razavi
hamed Naderi
fareed kermani
1 - Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran.
2 - Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malekashtar University of Technology, Tehran, 16788-15611,
3 - Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran.
4 - Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran.
Keywords: IN625 , Additive manufacturing, DLMD method, Segregation, Homogenization,
Abstract :
Direct metal laser deposition is using for rebuilding and manufacturing parts. In this method, it is imperative to check the melting and solidification conditions. In this research the effect of the primary process parameters on the microstructure has been investigated. Distance of the dendritic arms, and the segregation of alloy elements, to determine the mechanical properties of IN625. According to the examination of the scanning electron microscope image, by moving from the interface to the top of the cladding. The solidification structure changed from columnar dendritic to coaxial dendritic with decreased G/R ratio. From the interface to the sample’s surface, the cooling rate increased, and the spread between the dendritic arms decreased. By moving away from the interface, the distance of the dendritic arm increases. By changing the laser power from 250 to 450 watts, the G/R ratio decreased from 1252.08 to 970.34 . It was conducting heat treatment led to the uniformity of alloy elements in the background phase. Also, with heat treatment, tensile strength, and elongation increased and yield strength decreased.
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