Comparison of the Toxic Effects of Pars 2 and Gamlen as Oil Pollution Dispersants on Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Animal Biology
Sima Nikbakht
Mahnaz Sadat Sadeghi
Mozhgn Emtyazjoo
1 - Department of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2022-04-06
Accepted : 2022-05-31
Published : 2023-02-20
Acute toxicity,
Cyprinus carpio,
oil pollution,
Marine Aquatics,
Abstract :
Oil pollution has become one of the main challenges facing marine ecosystems. Oil spills from oil tankers, marine accidents and emissions from oil platforms have always been known as oil pollution in the marine environment. In this research, the toxicity of Pars 2 dispersants, Gamlen, oil and combination of oil with each of these dispersants on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was investigated. These experiments were carried out on common carp (500 ± 37.50 grams) in the same laboratory conditions. The number of deaths in each treatment was counted every 24 hours. The number of casualties was entered in Excel software and the LC50 values of each combination were calculated using Probit specialized software. The obtained values were analyzed by SPSS statistical software. Based on the statistical results, the toxicity level of Gameln dispersant was evaluated to be much higher than that of Pars2 dispersant. Considering the fact that the higher the LC50 value, the less toxic the substance is, it can be concluded that the Pars2 dispersant is more toxic than the Gamlen dispersant. The value of LC50 cannot be the only indicator of the quality of a dispersant. RET calculated for Pars2 dispersant was higher than the amount calculated for Gameln dispersant. According to the obtained information, it seems that the Gamlen dispersant has more efficiency and less toxicity for aquatic animals than the Pars2 dispersant.
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