Epic in Abul ghassem Aref Qazvini's Poetry
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesAshraf Mahmud Abadi 1 , Ali Asghar Baba Safari 2
1 - PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Myth, epic, Constitution, Mystic, Keywords : poetry, Qazvini,
Abstract :
Abstract A study in the field of epic literature in the themes and within the bounds of the nation beliefs and its history in various fields is of special importance; so that it unveils the thoughts and the dominant culture of the era. Abul Ghassem Aref Qazvini is among the poets of contemporary literature in Iran whose themes in his political – social context can be viewed clearly. He is one of the first degree poets on the constitutional poetry known in the field of poetry and national and epic songs as the pre-eminent poet of his time. In this study, we try to check out the epic effect with descriptive – analytic methods in lyric themes and respond the question: " what are the features of epic poem the poet uses in the field of resistance?" Aref Qazvini is the most prominent mystic poet of versification in constitutional period, the epic poetry and literature as a poet and composer in plain language and sometimes in implicit one many of which are in defense of the mother land and fighting against colonialism and void divisions . It also criticized the unjust rulers, calling for awakening the Islamic tenets .
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الف) کتابها
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ب) مقالات
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