Studying Professor Motahari's point of view regarding reason and faith, with a view on the theory of nature
Subject Areas : Nameh Elahiyat
mohsen hakemi
Enshaallah Rahmati
1 - PhD Student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Department of Philosophy, Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IranFaculty of Literature and Humanities,
2 - Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: The ratio of faith and reason, Master Motahari, maximum rationality, ability of reason to discover reality, nature,
Abstract :
The study of the relationship between reason and faith has always been desired by thinkers of different religions, and the type of reading about the relationship between reason and faith has led to the emergence of different intellectual worlds among the followers of monotheistic religions. In the monotheistic religion of Islam, different thinkers have addressed this important issue and it has extended from faithism to rationalism in the form of Ash'ari, Mu'tazila, Ahl al-Hadith, Akhbarites and Shi'ite systems of thought, and the mystical and philosophical reading and stratum of the ratio of reason and faith.Morteza Motahari as a stylish thinker in the Islamic world, emerging from the Islamic system of thought, although he did not deal with this issue independently, but his focus on defining and dividing and expressing the truth of faith and reason; and the application of these two valleys in the nature of religion; It can be a guide for researchers to explain the relationship between reason and faith.In Motahari's thought, the proof of the ability of reason to discover reality is derived from religious texts through reference to religious texts. He believes that not only faith is not an obstacle to reason, but reason dependent on religious faith helps a lot in understanding beliefs. Motahari is on the side of reason in the conflict between faith and reason. Also, according to Motahari's epistemological system in expressing the theory of nature, by proving and defending this theory, he considers faith as rational and reason as faith.
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