Presentation of the implementation model of green human resource management policies with emphasis on spiritual leadership in Shahrood University of Medical Sciences
Subject Areas :
Ahmad Beheshti
Ali Farhadi Mahalli
Mojtaba Tabari
alireza maetoofi
1 - PhD student in public administration, Gorgan branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Management, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan,
Keywords: Policy implementation, green human resource management, spiritual leadership, Shahrood University of Medical Sciences,
Abstract :
This article was done with the aim of presenting a model for the implementation of green human resources management policies in Shahrood University of Medical Sciences. The current study is an applied-developmental research in terms of its purpose, and it is a survey-cross-sectional research from the point of view of the data collection method. To achieve the goal of the research, a mixed exploratory research design (qualitative-quantitative) was used. The community of participants in the qualitative section includes professors and managers of Shahrood University of Medical Sciences. Sampling was done by theoretical sampling method and theoretical saturation was achieved with 10 people. The statistical population of the quantitative part also includes managers and experts of Shahrood University of Medical Sciences. The sample size was estimated to be 384 people using Cochran's formula and sampling was done by simple random method. A semi-structured interview and a researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect data. Qualitative analysis of expert interviews was done with thematic analysis method and the final model was validated with partial least squares method. Qualitative data analysis was done with Maxqda software and quantitative part was done with Smart PLS. The research findings showed that spiritual leadership has an effect on the supervisor's ethical laws, spirituality in the work environment, and ethical culture. These factors also affect the green human resources management policy and the mentioned policies in turn affect social responsibility, moral responsibility and legal responsibility.
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