Explaining of organization loyalty based on human dignity with mediating self-esteem in East- Azerbaijan prisons
Subject Areas : sociology
yousef barzgari
Behnam Talebi
sadeg malekiavarsin
1 - Ph. D. student in educational management Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof. of educational administration, Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (Corresponding Author). E- mail: btalebi1351@iautac.ir
3 - Associate Prof. of Educational Administration, Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Loyalty, Human Dignity, Self- Esteem, Employees,
Abstract :
The present research was conducted with the aim of explaining organizational loyalty based on human dignity with the mediation of self-esteem of East Azerbaijan prisons in 2019.The method of this study is survey descriptive and analysis. The statistical society were all of employees in general prison`s organization who were 330 employees and among them 153 people were selected in ratio classified method through Cochran formula. The data was collected through standardized questionnaires of Olusanya et al (2012), organizational productivity, Foroutani & Bahrani (2017) human dignity taken from Nejadsalim (2007), Rosenberg self-esteem and Seligman et al (1979) casual attributions with approval validity and reliability over 0.7. The results of SPSS software and path analysis showed that, human dignity with the mediation role of self-esteem had significant role on employees` organizational loyalty (p<0.05). Managerial and organizational factors alongside personality characteristics of the employees can effect positively on organizational loyalty.
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