Clarifying the relationship between cultural development and values (a case study of citizens living in Shiraz)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsbijan jani 1 , Majid Reza Karimi 2 , کرامت اله راسخ 3
1 - islamic azad university of jahrom
2 - Humanities Department, Sociology Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch
3 - دانشیار جامعه شناسی دانشگاه آزاد واحد جهرم
Keywords: cultural development, value, development, culture, fetalism, ethnocenterism.,
Abstract :
The inability of classical theories of development, such as "dependency theory" and "modernization theory", cultural development and its impact on development became of special importance. Cultural development faces obstacles. Determinism and ethnocentrism are among the major obstacles that stand against cultural development, the categories that are the subject of this research. Determinism and ethnocentrism were measured as independent variables and cultural development as a dependent variable. The purpose of investigating the effect of these obstacles on cultural development is to emphasize the change of the structure of values in the families of Shiraz city. This research was carried out using a survey method.The sample was 384 citizens living in Shiraz, whose number was calculated using Cochran's formula, and a questionnaire was distributed among the families of the statistical population from cluster sampling. The findings showed that the two variables of ethnocentrism and fatalism have a definite effect on the determination of social values, and there is a significant relationship at the level of 99% and above, and the hypotheses are confirmed. Also, the findings show that the tendency towards ethnocentrism and fatalism have an influence on democracy, globalization and scientism and are an obstacle in the way of cultural development.
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