Investigating the Dimensions of Social Capital in Organizations (Case Study: Organizations in Varamin City)
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
Akram Ardestani Jubeh
Habib Sabouri Khosroshahi
mansoor sharifi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Social Sciences, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
2 - Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Tehran East Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran
Keywords: Social Capital, Participation, Trust, Collaboration, Organization ,
Abstract :
This study delves into the dimensions of social capital and its prevalence within organizations. Utilizing theories in the field of social capital, such as those proposed by Bourdieu, Putnam, Coleman, and Fukuyama, the research explicates and elucidates the issue. The research methodology employed a quantitative survey approach, targeting a statistical population consisting of employees in education, hospitals, and municipalities. A sample size of 384 individuals was selected from the total statistical population. The measurement tool in this study was a standardized questionnaire with acceptable reliability and validity. Descriptive findings indicate that the threefold dimensions of social capital (trust, collaboration, and participation) have been notably high to very high. In the inferential statistics section of the research, a t-test was conducted. Based on this, to assess whether the average social capital in organizations in the city of Varamin significantly differs from 3 (the acceptable mean for sample organizations) or not, a one-sample t-test was performed. The findings indicated that the mean score for overall social capital was 4.23, social trust was 3.93, cooperation was 3.77, and the mean score for overall social participation was 4.72. Considering the significance level of the test, which was equal to sig=0.000, the test results showed that the mean scores of the examined variables in the sample organizations were significantly higher than the acceptable mean, demonstrating a statistically significant difference among them.
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