The concepts and hints arisen from occupations and posts in the poems of the Teimurid era
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
Ali Kabili
maryam mohammadzadeh
Reza aghayari zahed
1 - PhD Student of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, College of Literature and Humanities, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran.
3 - Department of persian language and literature, Ahar branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar- Iran
Keywords: Teimurid era, Poets, Governmental and Palace jobs, Service jobs, Industrial and business occupations ,
Abstract :
The recognition of business methods of a society is known as one of the different approaches to gain an accurate knowledge of that society and the individual and social lives of the people. Since the Teimurid era has been a vaguely understood era throughout the history in Iran, the present research is going to investigate about the introduction of occupations and professions in the Teimurid’s era through collecting the data using a library study method utilizing a descriptive research method to probe and recognize the existence of different jobs within the Teimurid era looking through different poems composed in that historical period. We have done the current study to recognize which occupations and posts were present in the Teimurid’s era through which Teimur tried to revive the business movement and expanded the different businesses. Then, we have tried to acknowledge the readers about the different posts, vocabularies and expressions related with different jobs mentioned in the poems composed within the Teimurid’s era. We would like to investigate and analyze how these expressions and hints were referred to by the different poets and enlighten the readers about literary works in Persian specifically in the Teimurid’s era. Findings showed that there have been different governmental, industrial, and business occupations and services in that era. Some of these occupations and professions are extinct now and some have been changed into other similar jobs. The poets of this era have utilized many vocabularies and expressions related with different occupations and professions in order to achieve several goals such as literary creativeness, inspiration of artistic thoughts, and the creation of novel concepts.
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