Studying the legal principles of land ownership and possession in armed forces
Subject Areas :
vahid ebadi
احمد یوسف زاده
1 - PhD student, Department of Law, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran (Corresponding Author)
Keywords: ownership, acquisition, possession, lands, armed forces,
Abstract :
The armed forces of the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of the most important authorities exerting sovereignty, has a special place in the legal system, in such a way that several principles have been assigned to this important institution in the constitution. Since the armed forces are considered a part of the government in the general sense, the acquisition of land is one of the current activities and programs of these forces and government agencies. These activities are performed for fulfillment of the goals and implementing public and development plans. Despite the fact that the property under the possession of the armed forces has the same mechanism as other property belonging to the government, in a broad look and by examining the laws and regulations related to the property under the possession of the armed forces, the complexity of their legal activities and differences between the rules governing the lands and properties of these forces and other properties of public entities are represented. Due to the sensitivity of the activities of the armed forces and the different functioning of other executive bodies in order to perform the assigned missions, their required lands, which are generally nationalized and state lands, are used with coordination by the relevant institutions...
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