A Study on the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy
Subject Areas : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English
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Keywords: English as a Foreign Language, Job Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, University Teachers,
Abstract :
Teachers play a crucial role in developing students’ abilities and help them form their future. The present study aimed to examine the statistical relationship between job satisfaction and self-efficacy of EFL teachers in Iran. The participants of this research included 248 Iranian EFL teachers working in the universities of Tehran and Ardabil provinces. This research used a non-random sampling design. The data collection instruments were two questionnaires, ‘Job Satisfaction Survey’ (JSS) and ‘Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale’ (TSES). The JSS contained 36 items with 9 sub-scales including pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, operating, coworkers, nature of work, and communication. The TSES contained 24 items with three sub-scales, including efficacy in student engagement, efficacy in instructional strategies, and efficacy in classroom management. After data collection, the SPSS software was applied to convert the obtained data into numerical and interpretable data. The data were analyzed on the basis of means, standard deviations, the results of paired samples t-tests and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings represented a significant and positive relationship between EFL teachers’ job satisfaction and self-efficacy. Pedagogical implications of the study have been discussed.
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